Amazon QuickSight Identity Federation with Auth0: Managing QuickSight users with a third-party enterprise identity provider (IdP)


As a Solutions Architect working with Analytics customers, I am often asked about integrating Amazon QuickSight with Active Directory or single sign-on with third-party identity providers for user management.

Amazon QuickSight

Amazon QuickSight, according to AWS, is a scalable, serverless, embeddable, machine learning-powered business intelligence (BI) service built for the cloud. QuickSight lets you easily create and publish interactive BI dashboards that include machine learning-powered insights. QuickSight dashboards can be accessed from any device and seamlessly embedded into your applications, portals, and websites.


Auth0 is an easy-to-implement, adaptable authentication and authorization platform. Auth0’s identity and management platform, according to Auth0, provides greater control, superior security, and ease of use. Single Sign-On (SSO), whether through enterprise federation, social log-in, or username and password authentication, according to Auth0, allows users to simply log in once and use all applications they have been granted access to.

Identity Federation

According to AWS, Amazon QuickSight supports identity federation in both Standard and Enterprise editions. With federated identities, you manage users with your enterprise identity provider (IdP) and use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to authenticate users when they sign in to Amazon QuickSight. You can use a third-party identity provider that supports Security Assertion Markup Language 2.0 (SAML 2.0) to provide a simple onboarding flow for your QuickSight users. Such identity providers include Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS), Okta, Ping Identity, Duo, Azure AD, and Auth0.

With identity federation, your users get one-click access to their Amazon QuickSight applications using their existing identity credentials. You also have the security benefit of identity authentication by your identity provider. You can control which users have access to Amazon QuickSight using your existing identity provider. Authenticated users can log directly into QuickSight, bypassing the AWS Management Console.

Initiating Sign-On from Amazon QuickSight

In this post’s scenario, a user initiates the sign-on process from the Amazon QuickSight application portal without being signed on to Auth0, the identity provider. The user has an existing federated account managed by Auth0. The user may or may not already have an account on QuickSight. QuickSight sends an authentication request to the IdP, Auth0. After the user is successfully authenticated, QuickSight opens.

For this post, we will assume that you have signed up for the Enterprise Edition of Amazon QuickSight and chosen Use Role Based Federation (SSO) as opposed to Use Active Directory. The Use Role Based Federation (SSO) option will allow us to configure a third-party IdP for identity authentication.

Auth0 Users and Roles

In Auth0’s User Management interface, create three users and their associated roles representing three QuickSight personas: Admin, Author, and Reader. For demonstration purposes, I chose to name the three users based on their QuickSight personas: QuickSightAdmin1, QuickSightAuthor1, and QuickSightReader1.

Next, create three roles: QuickSight-Admin-Role, QuickSight-Author-Role, and QuickSight-Reader-Role. Role names are arbitrary as long as they are identical to the equivalent IAM roles in AWS (created later in the post).

Associate each user with their corresponding role, one user per role. For example, associate the QuickSightDemoAdmin1 user with the QuickSight-Admin-Role role.

Auth0 Application

Next, in Auth0’s Application interface, create a new Regular Web Application. Name the new application, Amazon QuickSight.

On the new application’s Addons tab, enable the SAML2 Web App option.

On the SAML2 Web App Addon’s Settings tab, set the Application Callback URL value to Change the JSON blob value for Settings to the following:

"audience": "urn:amazon:webservices"

The final configuration should match the example shown below.

Switch to the Usage tab. Download the Identity Provider Metadata XML file and note the Identity Provider Login URL value. You will need the metadata file and the URL to configure QuickSight later in the post.

Next, on the Connections tab of the new Amazon QuickSight application, ensure only Username-Password-Authentication is enabled.

Lastly, on the Settings tab, in the Application URIs configuration section, ensure the Allowed Callback URLs value is also set to

Auth Pipeline Rule

Next, in Auth0’s Auth Pipeline Rules interface, create a new Empty rule.

Name the new rule: Change QuickSight SAML configuration.

For the Script field value, use the following JavaScript code snippet.

function changeSamlConfiguration(user, context, callback) {
if (context.clientID !== '<your_web_client_id>')
return callback(null, user, context);
const assignedRoles = (context.authorization || {}).roles;
const accountId = '<your_aws_account_id>';
const provider = 'saml-provider/Auth0';
user.awsRole = 'arn:aws:iam::' + accountId + ':role/' + assignedRoles[0] +
',arn:aws:iam::' + accountId + ':' + provider;
user.quickSightUser =*/, '');
context.samlConfiguration.mappings = {
'': 'awsRole',
'': 'quickSightUser',
callback(null, user, context);

Replace the <your_web_client_id> placeholder with the Client ID of the Amazon QuickSight regular web application you created previously. The Client ID is listed in the Application interface, alongside the application’s name. Also, replace the <your_aws_account_id> placeholder with your twelve digital AWS account Id.

This rule will be used to modify the SAML assertion, as shown in the SAML assertion snippet example below, returned by Auth0 as part of the authentication process. The rule will inject the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role, to which the Auth0 user should be associated: QuickSight-Admin-Role, QuickSight-Author-Role, or QuickSight-Reader-Role. Note that the rule assumes one role per user. Additional logic would be required if the user is assigned to multiple roles.

AWS IAM Identity Provider

Back in the AWS Management Console, add an AWS IAM Identity Provider for Auth0. From the IAM console’s Identity providers interface, click Add provider. For Provider type choose SAML. Name the provider, Auth0. Click Choose file in the Metadata document section. Select the metadata document you downloaded earlier from Auth0. Click Add provider to finish.

The resulting Auth0 IAM Identity provider should be similar to the below example.

AWS IAM Policies and Roles

Next, create three AWS IAM roles that correspond to the three QuickSight personas of Administrator, Author, and Reader. These three roles also correspond to the three Auth0 roles we created previously. The Auth0 user will pass the Auth0 role name in the SAML document. The Auth0 role name will correspond to the IAM role. The IAM role defines the permissions the Auth0 user will have for QuickSight. We can associate many Auth0 users to one Auth0 Role and correspondingly with one IAM role.

First, create three IAM policies: QuickSight-Admin-Policy, QuickSight-Author-Policy, and QuickSight-Reader-Policy. These policies will each be associated with a corresponding IAM role. Create the policy, QuickSight-Admin-Policy. Replace the <your_aws_account_id> placeholder with your twelve digital AWS account Id.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "quicksight:CreateAdmin",
"Resource": "arn:aws:quicksight::<your_aws_account_id>:user/${aws:userid}"

Then, QuickSight-Author-Policy.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "quicksight:CreateUser",
"Resource": "arn:aws:quicksight::<your_aws_account_id>:user/${aws:userid}"

Finally, QuickSight-Reader-Policy.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "quicksight:CreateReader",
"Resource": "arn:aws:quicksight::<your_aws_account_id>:user/${aws:userid}"

Next, create the three corresponding IAM roles and associate the corresponding IAM policy: QuickSight-Admin-Role (QuickSight-Admin-Policy), QuickSight-Author-Role (QuickSight-Author-Policy), and QuickSight-Reader-Role (QuickSight-Reader-Policy).

The role’s Trust relationships establishes a trust relationship between the role and the Auth0 IAM Identity provider, as shown below.

For each of the three roles, click on Edit trust relationship and modify the access control policy document as shown below. Replace the <your_aws_account_id> placeholder with your twelve digital AWS account Id.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Federated": "arn:aws:iam::<your_aws_account_id>:saml-provider/Auth0"
"Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithSAML",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"saml:aud": ""

The role’s access control policy document also includes a Condition policy element. According to AWS IAM documentation, for security reasons, AWS should be included as an audience in the SAML assertion your IdP sends to AWS. For the value of the Audience element, specify either or urn:amazon:webservices.

We can inspect the SAML assertion returned from Auth0 by decoding the form data in the response payload from Base64 format to XML. Below, we see the SAML assertion using Chrome’s Developer Tools to inspect network activity.

Note that the AWS IAM documentation states that the SAML AudienceRestriction value in the SAML assertion from the IdP does not map to the saml:aud context key that you can test in an IAM policy. Instead, the saml:aud context key comes from the SAML recipient attribute because it is the SAML equivalent to the OIDC audience field, for example, by These are shown in the SAML assertion XML snippet, below.

QuickSight IdP Configuration

The last step in integrating QuickSight and Auth0 is to configure QuickSight with Auth0’s specific IdP information. From the QuickSight Management interface, select Single sign-on (SSO). Switch the Status to ON.

Add the IdP URL value. As a reminder, this value came from the Auth0 Amazon QuickSight application’s SAML2 Web App Addon’s Usage tab, the Identity Provider Login URL value (see below). Make sure to copy the actual link associated with the URL shown.

Lastly, for the IdP redirect URL parameter value, use RelayState. Select Save to save the IdP configuration.

Testing Identity Federation

The easiest way to test the integration is to open a new Incognito window and point your browser to You should be prompted for your QuickSight account name. You created your account name when you signed up for QuickSight (e.g., acme-corp-sales).

Once you have entered your QuickSight account name, you should be redirected to Auth0 and presented with the Amazon QuickSight application’s log-in screen. Enter any of the three Auth0 user’s email addresses and passwords.

If the Auth0 log-in is successful, you will be redirected back and into the QuickSight application portal. If this is the first time the user has logged into QuickSight, you will be prompted for the user’s email address. Use the same email address the user is associated with in Auth0. In this scenario, the user will be self-registered with QuickSight and associated with the default namespace.

Your QuickSight experience and available features will vary, depending on the IAM role associated with the user, either Reader, Author, or Admin.

Close the Incognito browser window to end the current user session. Open a new Incognito browser window and repeat the process with the two remaining users, ensuring each can log-in successfully. Also, ensure the user’s experience in QuickSight matches the associated role, either Reader, Author, or Admin.

User Management

As a QuickSight Admin, log back into QuickSight and open the Manage users interface. All three Auth0 users should be registered with QuickSight, as shown in the example below. The users should be associated with the correct IAM role (column 1, below, left of the forward slash): QuickSight-Admin-Role, QuickSight-Author-Role, and QuickSight-Reader-Role. Users should also be associated with the correct QuickSight role (column 3, below): Reader, Author, or Admin.

Users can have custom permissions applied using the Manage permissions option.


In this post, we learned about how Amazon QuickSight supports identity federation. We learned how to manage users with a third-party enterprise identity provider (IdP), Auth0, and use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to authenticate users when they sign in to Amazon QuickSight.


This blog represents my own viewpoints and not of my employer, Amazon Web Services. All product names, logos, and brands are the property of their respective owners.

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  1. #1 by Jason Lehrhoff on June 23, 2022 - 6:54 am

    I have just configured this and the SSO piece works flawlessly, but the users end up having NO permissions in Quicksight even though they are set to the Admin/Author or Reader roles. I have determined that it is because the associated IAM role/policy only has permission quicksight:CreateAdmin, CreateAuthor or CreateReader. I have tested this by adding quicksight* to the admin role policy which works but there seems to be no easy “Author” or Reader” policies one can attach to those roles.

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