Posts Tagged Web Development

Retrieving and Displaying Data with AngularJS and the MEAN Stack: Part II

Explore various methods of retrieving and displaying data using AngularJS and the MEAN Stack.

Mobile View on Android Smartphone

Mobile View on Android Smartphone


In this two-part post, we are exploring methods of retrieving and displaying data using AngularJS and the MEAN Stack. The post’s corresponding GitHub project, ‘meanstack-data-samples‘, is based on William Lepinski’s ‘generator-meanstack‘, which is in turn is based on Yeoman’s ‘generator-angular‘. As a bonus, since both projects are based on ‘generator-angular’, all the code generators work. Generators can save a lot of time and aggravation when building AngularJS components.

In part one of this post, we installed and configured the ‘meanstack-data-samples’ project from GitHub. In part two, we will we will look at five examples of retrieving and displaying data using AngularJS:

  • Function within AngularJS Controller returns array of strings.
  • AngularJS Service returns an array of simple object literals to the controller.
  • AngularJS Factory returns the contents of JSON file to the controller.
  • AngularJS Factory returns the contents of JSON file to the controller using a resource object
    (In GitHub project, but not discussed in this post).
  • AngularJS Factory returns a collection of documents from MongoDB Database to the controller.
  • AngularJS Factory returns results from Google’s RESTful Web Search API to the controller.

Project Structure

For brevity, I have tried to limit the number of files in the project. There are two main views, both driven by a single controller. The primary files, specific to data retrieval and display, are as follows:

  • Default site file (./)
    • index.html – loads all CSS and JavaScript files, and views
  • App and Routes (./app/scripts/)
    • app.js – instantiates app and defines routes (route/view/controller relationship)
  • Views (./app/views/)
    • data-bootstrap.html – uses Twitter Bootstrap
    • data-no-bootstrap.html – basically the same page, without Twitter Bootstrap
  • Controllers (./app/scripts/controllers/)
    • DataController.js (DataController) – single controller used by both views
  • Services and Factories (./app/scripts/services/)
    • meanService.js (meanService) – service returns array of object literals to DataController
    • jsonFactory.js (jsonFactory) – factory returns contents of JSON file
    • jsonFactoryResource.js (jsonFactoryResource) – factory returns contents of JSON file using resource object (new)
    • mongoFactory.js (mongoFactory) – factory returns MongoDB collection of documents
    • googleFactory.js (googleFactory) – factory call Google Web Search API
  • Models (./app/models/)
    • Components.js – mongoose constructor for the Component schema definition
  • Routes (./app/)
    • routes.js – mongoose RESTful routes
  • Data (./app/data/)
    • otherStuff.json – static JSON file loaded by jsonFactory
  • Environment Configuration (./config/environments/)
    • index.js – defines all environment configurations
    • test.js – Configuration specific to the current ‘test’ environment
  • Unit Tests (./test/spec/…)
    • Various files – all controller and services/factories unit test files are in here…
Project in JetBrains WebStorm 8.0

Project in JetBrains WebStorm 8.0

There are many more files, critical to the project’s functionality, include app.js, Gruntfile.js, bower.json, package.json, server.js, karma.conf.js, and so forth. You should understand each of these file’s purposes.

Function Returns Array

In the first example, we have the yeomanStuff() method, a member of the $scope object, within the DataController.  The yeomanStuff() method return an array object containing three strings. In JavaScript, a method is a function associated with an object.

$scope.yeomanStuff = function () {
  return [
'yeomanStuff' Method of the '$scope' Object

‘yeomanStuff’ Method of the ‘$scope’ Object

The yeomanStuff() method is called from within the view by Angular’s ng-repeat directive. The directive, ng-repeat, allows us to loop through the array of strings and add them to an unordered list. We will use ng-repeat for all the examples in this post.

<ul class="list-group">
  <li class="list-group-item"
	  ng-repeat="stuff in yeomanStuff()">


Although this first example is easy to implement, it is somewhat impractical. Generally, you would not embed static data into your code. This limits your ability to change the data, independent of a application’s code. In addition, the function is tightly coupled to the controller, limiting its reuse.

Service Returns Array

In the second example, we also use data embedded in our code. However, this time we have improved the architecture slightly by moving the data to an Angular Service. The meanService contains the getMeanStuff() function, which returns an array containing four object literals. Using a service, we can call the getMeanStuff() function from anywhere in our project.

  .service('meanService', function () {
    this.getMeanStuff = function () {
      return ([
          component: 'MongoDB',
          url: ''
          component: 'Express',
          url: ''
          component: 'AngularJS',
          url: ''
          component: 'Node.js',
          url: ''

Within the DataController, we assign the array object, returned from the meanService.getMeanStuff() function, to the meanStuff object property of the  $scope object.

$scope.meanStuff = {};
try {
  $scope.meanStuff = meanService.getMeanStuff();
} catch (error) {
'meanStuff' Property of the '$scope' Object

‘meanStuff’ Property of the ‘$scope’ Object

The meanStuff object property is accessed from within the view, using ng-repeat. Each object in the array contains two properties, component and url. We display the property values on the page using Angular’s double curly brace expression notation (i.e. ‘{{stuff.component}}‘).

<ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked">
  <li ng-repeat="stuff in meanStuff">


Promises, Promises…

The remaining methods implement an asynchronous (non-blocking) programming model, using the $http and $q services of Angular’s ng module. The services implements the asynchronous Promise and Deferred APIs. According to Chris Webb, in his excellent two-part post, Promise & Deferred objects in JavaScript: Theory and Semantics, a promise represents a value that is not yet known and a deferred represents work that is not yet finished. I strongly recommend reading Chris’ post, before continuing. I also highly recommend watching RED Ape EDU’s YouTube video, Deferred and Promise objects in Angular js. This video really clarified the promise and deferred concepts for me.

Factory Loads JSON File

In the third example, we will read data from a JSON file (‘./app/data/otherStuff.json‘) using an AngularJS Factory. The differences between a service and a factory can be confusing, and are beyond the scope of this post. Here is two great links on the differences, one on Angular’s site and one on StackOverflow.

  "components": [
      "component": "jQuery",
      "url": ""
      "component": "Jade",
      "url": ""
      "component": "JSHint",
      "url": ""
      "component": "Karma",
      "url": ""

The jsonFactory contains the getOtherStuff() function. This function uses $http.get() to read the JSON file and returns a promise of the response object. According to Angular’s site, “since the returned value of calling the $http function is a promise, you can also use the then method to register callbacks, and these callbacks will receive a single argument – an object representing the response. A response status code between 200 and 299 is considered a success status and will result in the success callback being called. ” As I mentioned, a complete explanation of the deferreds and promises, is too complex for this short post.

  .factory('jsonFactory', function ($q, $http) {
    return {
      getOtherStuff: function () {
        var deferred = $q.defer(),
          httpPromise = $http.get('data/otherStuff.json');

        httpPromise.then(function (response) {
        }, function (error) {

        return deferred.promise;

The response object contains the data property. Angular defines the response object’s data property as a string or object, containing the response body transformed with the transform functions. One of the properties of the data property is the components array containing the seven objects. Within the DataController, if the promise is resolved successfully, the callback function assigns the contents of the components array to the otherStuff property of the $scope object.

$scope.otherStuff = {};
  .then(function (response) {
    $scope.otherStuff =;
  }, function (error) {
'otherStuff' Property of the '$scope' Object

‘otherStuff’ Property of the ‘$scope’ Object

The otherStuff property is accessed from the view, using ng-repeat, which displays individual values, exactly like the previous methods.

<ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked">
  <li ng-repeat="stuff in otherStuff">
    <a href="{{stuff.url}}"


This method of reading a JSON file is often used for configuration files. Static configuration data is stored in a JSON file, external to the actual code. This way, the configuration can be modified without requiring the main code to be recompiled and deployed. It is a technique used by the components within this very project. Take for example the bower.json files and the package.json files. Both contain configuration data, stored as JSON, used by Bower and npm to perform package management.

Factory Retrieves Data from MongoDB

In the fourth example, we will read data from a MongoDB database. There are a few more moving parts in this example than in the previous examples. Below are the documents in the components collection of the meanstack-test MongoDB database, which we will retrieve and display with this method.  The meanstack-test database is defined in the test.js environments file (discussed in part one).

'meanstack-test' Database's 'components' Collection Documents

‘meanstack-test’ Database’s ‘components’ Collection Documents

To connect to the MongoDB, we will use Mongoose. According to their website, “Mongoose provides a straight-forward, schema-based solution to modeling your application data and includes built-in type casting, validation, query building, business logic hooks and more, out of the box.” But wait, MongoDB is schemaless? It is. However, Mongoose provides a schema-based API for us to work within. Again, according to Mongoose’s website, “Everything in Mongoose starts with a Schema. Each schema maps to a MongoDB collection and defines the shape of the documents within that collection.

In our example, we create the componentSchema schema, and pass it to the Component model (the ‘M’ in MVC). The componentSchema maps to the database’s components collection.

var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;

var componentSchema = new Schema({
  component: String,
  url: String

module.exports = mongoose.model('Component', componentSchema);

The routes.js file associates routes (Request URIs) and HTTP methods to Mongoose actions. These actions are usually CRUD operations. In our simple example, we have a single route, ‘/api/components‘, associated with an HTTP GET method. When an HTTP GET request is made to the ‘/api/components‘ request URI, Mongoose calls the Model.find() function, ‘Component.find()‘, with a callback function parameter. The Component.find() function returns all documents in the components collection.

var Component = require('./models/component');

module.exports = function (app) {
  app.get('/api/components', function (req, res) {
    Component.find(function (err, components) {
      if (err)


You can test these routes, directly. Below, is the results of calling the ‘/api/components‘ route in Chrome.

Response from MongoDB Using Mongoose

Response from MongoDB Using Mongoose

The mongoFactory contains the getMongoStuff() function. This function uses $http.get() to call  the ‘/api/components‘ route. The route is resolved by the routes.js file, which in turn executes the Component.find() command. The promise of an array of objects is returned by the getMongoStuff() function. Each object represents a document in the components collection.

  .factory('mongoFactory', function ($q, $http) {
    return {
      getMongoStuff: function () {
        var deferred = $q.defer(),
          httpPromise = $http.get('/api/components');

        httpPromise.success(function (components) {
          .error(function (error) {
            console.error('Error: ' + error);

        return deferred.promise;

Within the DataController, if the promise is resolved successfully, the callback function assigns the array of objects, representing the documents in the collection, to the mongoStuff property of the $scope object.

$scope.mongoStuff = {};
  .then(function (components) {
    $scope.mongoStuff = components;
  }, function (error) {
'mongoStuff' Property of the '$scope' Object

‘mongoStuff’ Property of the ‘$scope’ Object

The mongoStuff property is accessed from the view, using ng-repeat, which displays individual values using Angular expressions, exactly like the previous methods.

<ul class="list-group">
  <li class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="stuff in mongoStuff">
    <div class="text-muted">{{stuff.description}}</div>


Factory Calls Google Search

Post Update: the Google Web Search API is no longer available as of September 29, 2014. The post’s example post will no longer return a resultset. Please migrate to the Google Custom Search API ( Please read ‘Calling Third-Party HTTP-based RESTful APIs from the MEAN Stack‘ post for more information on using Google’s Custom Search API.

In the last example, we will call the Google Web Search API from an AngularJS Factory. The Google Web Search API exposes a simple RESTful interface. According to Google, “in all cases, the method supported is GET and the response format is a JSON encoded result set with embedded status codes.” Google describes this method of using RESTful access to the API, as “for Flash developers, and those developers that have a need to access the Web Search API from other Non-JavaScript environment.” However, we will access it in our JavaScript-based MEAN stack application, due to the API’s ease of implementation.

Note according to Google’s site, “the Google Web Search API has been officially deprecated…it will continue to work…but the number of requests…will be limited. Therefore, we encourage you to move to Custom Search, which provides an alternative solution.Google Search, or more specifically, the Custom Search JSON/Atom API, is a newer API, but the Web Search API is easier to demonstrate in this brief post than Custom Search JSON/Atom API, which requires the use of an API key.

The googleFactory contains the getSearchResults() function. This function uses $http.jsonp() to call the Google Web Search API RESTful interface and return the promise of the JSONP-formatted (‘JSON with padding’) response. JSONP provides cross-domain access to a JSON payload, by wrapping the payload in a JavaScript function call (callback).

  .factory('googleFactory', function ($q, $http) {
    return {
      getSearchResults: function () {
        var deferred = $q.defer(),
          host = '',
          args = {
            'version': '1.0',
            'searchTerm': 'mean%20stack',
            'results': '8',
            'callback': 'JSON_CALLBACK'
          params = ('?v=' + args.version + '&q=' + args.searchTerm + '&rsz=' +
            args.results + '&callback=' + args.callback),
          httpPromise = $http.jsonp(host + params);

        httpPromise.then(function (response) {
        }, function (error) {

        return deferred.promise;

The getSearchResults() function uses the HTTP GET method to make an HTTP request the following RESTful URI:

Using Google Chrome’s Developer tools, we can preview the Google Web Search JSONP-format HTTP response (abridged). Note the callback function that wraps the JSON payload.

Google Web Search Results in Chrome Browser

Google Web Search Results in Chrome Browser

Within the DataController, if the promise is resolved successfully, our callback function returns the response object. The response object contains a lot of information. We are able to limit that amount of information sent to the view by only assigning the actual search results, an array of eight objects contained in the response object, to the googleStuff property of the $scope object.

$scope.googleStuff = {};
  .then(function (response) {
    $scope.googleStuff =;
  }, function (error) {

Below is the full response returned by the The googleFactory. Note the path to the data we are interested in: ‘‘.

Google Search Response Object

Google Search Response Object

Below is the filtered results assigned to the googleStuff property:

'googleStuff' Property of the '$scope' Object

‘googleStuff’ Property of the ‘$scope’ Object

The googleStuff property is accessed from the view, using ng-repeat, which displays individual values using Angular expressions, exactly like the previous methods.

<ul class="list-group">
  <li class="list-group-item"
      ng-repeat="stuff in googleStuff">
    <a href="{{unescapedUrl.url}}"

    <div class="text-muted">{{stuff.titleNoFormatting}}</div>



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Retrieving and Displaying Data with AngularJS and the MEAN Stack: Part I

Explore various methods of retrieving and displaying data using AngularJS and the MEAN Stack.

Mobile View of Application on Android Smartphone

Mobile View of Application on Android Smartphone


In the following two-part post, we will explore several methods of retrieving and displaying data using AngularJS and the MEAN Stack. The post’s corresponding GitHub project, ‘meanstack-data-samples‘, is based on William Lepinski’s ‘generator-meanstack‘, which is in turn is based on Yeoman’s ‘generator-angular‘. As a bonus, since both projects are based on ‘generator-angular’, all the code generators work. Generators can save a lot of time and aggravation when building AngularJS components.

In part one of this post, we will install and configure the ‘meanstack-data-samples’ project from GitHub, which corresponds to this post. In part two, we will we will look at several methods for retrieving and displaying data using AngularJS:

  • Function within AngularJS Controller returns array of strings.
  • AngularJS Service returns an array of simple object literals to the controller.
  • AngularJS Factory returns the contents of JSON file to the controller.
  • AngularJS Factory returns the contents of JSON file to the controller using a resource object
    (In GitHub project, but not discussed in this post).
  • AngularJS Factory returns a collection of documents from MongoDB Database to the controller.
  • AngularJS Factory returns results from Google’s RESTful Web Search API to the controller.


If you need help setting up your development machine to work with the MEAN stack, refer to my last post, Installing and Configuring the MEAN Stack, Yeoman, and Associated Tooling on Windows. You will need to install all the MEAN and Yeoman components.

For this post, I am using JetBrains’ new WebStorm 8RC to build and demonstrate the project. There are several good IDE’s for building modern web applications; WebStorm is one of the current favorites of developers.

Complexity of Modern Web Applications

Building modern web applications using the MEAN stack or comparable technologies is complex. The ‘meanstack-data-samples’ project, and the projects it is based on, ‘generator-meanstack’ and ‘generator-angular’, have dozens of moving parts. In this simple project, we have MongoDBExpressJSAngularJS, Node.js, yoGrunt, BowerGitjQueryTwitter BootstrapKarmaJSHint, jQueryMongoose, and hundreds of other components, all working together. There are almost fifty Node packages and hundreds of their dependencies loaded by npm, in addition to another dozen loaded by Bower.

Installing, configuring, and managing all the parts of a modern web application requires a basic working knowledge of these technologies. Understanding how Bower and npm install and manage packages, how Grunt builds, tests, and serves the application with ExpressJS, how Yo scaffolds applications, how Karma and Jasmine run unit tests, or how Mongoose and MongoDB work together, are all essential. This brief post will primarily focus on retrieving and displaying data, not necessarily how the components all work, or work together.

Installing and Configuring the Project

Environment Variables

To start, we need to create (3) environment variables. The NODE_ENV environment variable is used to determine the environment our application is operating within. The NODE_ENV variable determines which configuration file in the project is read by the application when it starts. The configuration files contain variables, specific to that environment. There are (4) configuration files included in the project. They are ‘development’, ‘test’, ‘production’, and ‘travis’ ( The NODE_ENV variable is referenced extensively throughout the project. If the NODE_ENV variable is not set, the application will default to ‘development‘.

For this post, set the NODE_ENV variable to ‘test‘. The value, ‘test‘, corresponds to the ‘test‘ configuration file (‘meanstack-data-samples\config\environments\test.js‘), shown below.

// set up =====================================
var express          = require('express');
var bodyParser       = require('body-parser');
var errorHandler     = require('errorhandler');
var favicon          = require('serve-favicon');
var logger           = require('morgan');
var cookieParser     = require('cookie-parser');
var methodOverride   = require('method-override');
var session          = require('express-session');
var path             = require('path');
var env              = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development';

module.exports = function (app) {
    if ('test' == env) {
        console.log('environment = test');
        app.use(function staticsPlaceholder(req, res, next) {
            return next();
        app.set('db', 'mongodb://localhost/meanstack-test');
        app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 3000);
        app.set('views', path.join(, '/app'));
        app.engine('html', require('ejs').renderFile);
        app.set('view engine', 'html');
        app.use(cookieParser('your secret here'));

        app.use(function middlewarePlaceholder(req, res, next) {
            return next();


The second environment variable is PORT. The application starts on the port indicated by the PORT variable, for example, ‘localhost:3000’. If the the PORT variable is not set, the application will default to port ‘3000‘, as specified in the each of the environment configuration files and the ‘Gruntfile.js’ Grunt configuration file.

Lastly, the CHROME_BIN environment variable is used Karma, the test runner for JavaScript, to determine the correct path to browser’s binary file. Details of this variable are discussed in detail on Karma’s site. In my case, the value for the CHROME_BIN is ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe'. This variable is only necessary if you will be configuring Karma to use Chrome to run the tests. The browser can be changes to any browser, including PhantomJS. See the discussion at the end of this post regarding browser choice for Karma.

You can easily set all the environment variables on Windows from a command prompt, with the following commands. Remember to exit and re-open your interactive shell or command prompt window after adding the variables so they can be used.

REM cofirm the path to Chrome, change value if necessary
setx /m NODE_ENV "test"
setx /m PORT "3000"
setx /m CHROME_BIN "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"

Install and Configure the Project

To install and configure the project, we start by cloning the ‘meanstack-data-samples‘ project from GitHub. We then use npm and bower to install the project’s dependencies. Once installed, we create and populate the Mongo database. We then use Grunt and Karma to unit test the project. Finally, we will use Grunt to start the Express Server and run the application. This is all accomplished with only a few individual commands. Please note, the ‘npm install’ command could take several minutes to complete, depending on your network speed; the project has many direct and indirect Node.js dependencies.

# install meanstack-data-samples project
git clone
cd meanstack-data-samples
npm install
bower install
mongoimport --db meanstack-$NODE_ENV --collection components components.json --drop # Unix
# mongoimport --db meanstack-%NODE_ENV% --collection components components.json --drop # Windows
grunt test
grunt server

If everything was installed correctly, running the ‘grunt test’ command should result in output similar to below:

Results of Running 'grunt test' with Chrome

Results of Running ‘grunt test’ with Chrome

If everything was installed correctly, running the ‘grunt server’ command should result in output similar to below:

Results of Running 'grunt server' to Start Application

Results of Running ‘grunt server’ to Start Application

Running the ‘grunt server’ command should start the application and open your browser to the default view, as shown below:

Displaying the Application's Google Search Results on Desktop Browser

Displaying the Application’s Google Search Results on Desktop Browser

Karma’s Browser Choice for Unit Tests

The GitHub project is currently configured to use Chrome for running Karma’s unit tests in the ‘development’ and ‘test’ environments. For the ‘travis’ environment, it uses PhantomJS. If you do not have Chrome installed on your machine, the ‘grunt test’ task will fail during the ‘karma:unit’ task portion. To change Karma’s browser preference, simply change the ‘testBrowser’ variable in the ‘./karma.conf.js’ file, as shown below.

// Karma configuration
module.exports = function (config) {
// Determines Karma's browser choice based on environment
var testBrowser = 'Chrome'; // Default browser
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'travis') {
testBrowser = 'PhantomJS'; // Must use for headless CI (Travis-CI)
console.log("Karma browser: " + testBrowser);
// Start these browsers, currently available:
// Chrome, ChromeCanary, Firefox, Opera,
// Safari (only Mac), PhantomJS, IE (only Windows)
browsers: [testBrowser],

I recommend installing and using  PhantomJS headless WebKit, locally. Since PhantomJS is headless, Karma runs the unit tests without having to open and close browser windows. To run this project on continuous integration servers, like Jenkins or Travis-CI, you must PhantomJS. If you decide to use PhantomJS on Windows, don’t forget add the PhantomJS executable directory path to your ‘PATH’ environment variable to, after downloading and installing the application.


Code Generator

As I mentioned at the start of this post, this project was based on William Lepinski’s ‘generator-meanstack‘, which is in turn is based on Yeoman’s ‘generator-angular‘. Optionally, to install the ‘generator-meanstack’ npm package, globally, on our system use the following command The  ‘generator-meanstack’ code generator will allow us to generate additional AngularJS components automatically, within the project, if we choose. The ‘generator-meanstack’ is not required for this post.

npm install -g generator-meanstack


Part II

In part two of this post, we will explore each methods of retrieving and displaying data using AngularJS, in detail.


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Installing and Configuring the MEAN Stack, Yeoman, and Associated Tooling on Windows

Configure your Windows environment for developing modern web applications using the popular MEAN Stack and Yeoman suite of utilities.

MEAN Stack Using the Project, Running on Windows

MEAN Stack Using the Project Running on Windows


It’s an exciting time to be involved in web development. There are dozens of popular open-source JavaScript frameworks, libraries, code-generators, and associated tools, exploding on to the development scene. It is now possible to use a variety of popular technology mashups to provide a complete, full-stack JavaScript application platform.

MEAN Stack

One of the JavaScript mashups gaining a lot of traction recently is the MEAN Stack. If you’re reading this post, you probably already know MEAN is an acronym for four leading technologies: MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and Node.js. The MEAN stack provides an end-to-end JavaScript application solution. MEAN provides a NoSQL document database (Mongo), a server-side solution for JavaScript (Node/Express), and a magic client-side MV* framework (Angular).

Depending in which MEAN stack generator or pre-build project you start with, in addition to the main four technologies, you will pull down several other smaller libraries and frameworks.  These most commonly include jQuery, Twitter Bootstrap, Karma (test runner), Jade (template engine), JSHint, Underscore.js (utility-belt library), Mongoose (MongoDB object modeling tool), Passport (authentication), RequireJS (file and module loader), BreezeJS (data entity management), and so forth.

Common Tooling

If you are involved in these modern web development trends, then you are aware there is also a fairly common set of tools used by a majority of these developers, including source control, IDE, OS, and other helper-utilities. For SCM/VCS, Git is the clear winner. For an IDE, WebStormSublime Text, and Kompozer, are heavy favorites. The platform of choice for most developers most often appears to be either Mac or Linux. It’s far less common to see a demonstration of these technologies, or tutorials built on the Microsoft Windows platform.


Another area of commonality is help-utilities, used to make the development, building, dependency management, and deployment of modern JavaScript applications, easier. Two popular ones are Brunch and YeomanYeoman is also an acronym for a set of popular tools: yo, Grunt, and Bower. The first, yo, is best described as a scaffolding tool. Grunt is the build tool. Bower is a tool for client-side package and dependency management. We will install Yeoman, along with the MEAN Stack,  in this post.


There is no reason Windows cannot serve as your development and hosting platform for modern web development, without specifically using Microsoft’s .NET stack. In fact, with minimal set-up, you would barely know you were using Windows as opposed to Linux or Mac. In this post, I will demonstrate how to configure your Windows machine for developing these modern web applications using the MEAN Stack and Yeoman.

Here is a list of the components we will discuss:



The use of Git for source control is obvious. Git is the overwhelming choice of modern developers. Git has been integrated into most major IDEs and hosting platforms. There are hooks into Git available for most leading development tools. However, there are more benefits to using Git than just SCM. Being a Linux/Mac user, I prefer to use a Unix-like shell on Windows, versus the native Windows Command Prompt. For this reason, I use Git for Windows, available from msysGit. This package includes Git SCM, Git Bash, and Git GUI. I use the Git Bash interactive shell almost exclusively for my daily interactions requiring a command prompt. I will be using the Git Bash interactive shell for this post. OpenHatch has great post and training materials available on using Git Bash with Windows.

Using Git Bash on Windows for a Unix-like Experience

Using Git Bash on Windows for a Unix-like Experience

Git for Windows provides a downloadable Windows executable file for installation. Follow the installation file’s instructions.

Git Installation Process

To test your installation of Git for Windows, call the Git binary with the ‘–version’ flag. This flag can be used to test all the components we are installing in this post. If the command returns a value, then it’s a good indication that the component is installed properly and can be called from the command prompt:

gstafford: ~/Documents/git_repos $ git --version
git version 1.9.0.msysgit.0

You can also verify Git using the ‘where’ and ‘which’ commands. The ‘where’ command will display the location of files that match the search pattern and are in the paths specified by the PATH environment variable. The ‘which’ command tells you which file gets executed when you run a command. These commands will work for most components we will install:

gstafford: ~/Documents/git_repos $ where git
C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\git.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\cmd\git.cmd
C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\cmd\git.exe

gstafford: ~/Documents/git_repos $ which git


The reasons for Git are obvious, but why Ruby? Yeoman, specifically yo, requires Ruby. Installing Ruby on Windows is easy. Ruby recommends using RubyInstaller for Windows. RubyInstaller downloads an executable file, making install easy. I am using Ruby 1.9.3. I had previously installed the latest 2.0.0, but had to roll-back after some 64-bit compatibility issues with other applications.

Ruby Installation Process

To test the Ruby installation, use the ‘–version’ flag again:

gstafford: ~/Documents/git_repos $ ruby --version
ruby 1.9.3p484 (2013-11-22) [i386-mingw32]


Optionally, you might also to install RubyGems. RubyGems allow you to add functionality to the Ruby platform, in the form of ‘Gems’. A common Gem used with the MEAN stack is Compass, the Sass-based stylesheet framework creation and maintenance of CSS. According to their website, Ruby 1.9 and newer ships with RubyGems built-in but you may need to upgrade for bug fixes or new features.

On Windows, installation of RubyGems is as simple as downloading the .zip file from the RubyGems download site. To install, RubyGems, unzip the downloaded file. From the root of the unzipped directory, run the following Ruby command:

ruby setup.rb

To confirm your installation:

gstafford: ~/Documents/git_repos $ gem --version

If you already have RubyGems installed, it’s recommended you update RubyGems before continuing. Use the first command, with the ‘–system’ flag, will update to the latest RubyGems. Use the second command, without the tag, if you want to update each of your individually installed Ruby Gems:

gem update --system
gem update


MongoDB provides a great set of installation and configuration instructions for Windows users. To install MongoDB, download the MongoDB package. Create a ‘mongodb’ folder. Mongo recommends at the root of your system drive. Unzip the MongoDB package to ‘c:\mongodb’ folder. That’s really it, there is no installer file.

Next, make a default Data Directory location, use the following two commands:

mkdir c://data && mkdir c://data/db

Unlike most other components, to call Mongo from the command prompt, I had to manually add the path to the Mongo binaries to my PATH environment variable. You can get access to your Windows environment variables using the Windows and Pause keys. Add the path ‘c:\mongodb\bin’ to end of the PATH environment variable value.

Adding Mongo to the PATH Environment Variable

Adding Mongo to the PATH Environment Variable

To test the MongoDB installation, and that the PATH variable is set correctly, close any current interactive shells or command prompt windows. Open a new shell and use the same ‘–version’ flag for Mongo’s three core components:

gstafford: ~/Documents/git_repos
$ mongo --version; mongod --version; mongos --version
MongoDB shell version: 2.4.9

db version v2.4.9
Sun Mar 09 16:26:48.730 git version: 52fe0d21959e32a5bdbecdc62057db386e4e029c

MongoS version 2.4.9 starting: pid=15436 port=27017 64-bit 
host=localhost (--help for usage)
git version: 52fe0d21959e32a5bdbecdc62057db386e4e029c
build sys info: windows sys.getwindowsversion(major=6, minor=1, build=7601, 
platform=2, service_pack='Service Pack 1') 

To start MongoDB, use the ‘mongod’ or ‘start mongod’ commands. Adding ‘start’ opens a new command prompt window, versus tying up your current shell. If you are not using the default MongoDB Data Directory (‘c://data/db’) you created in the previous step, use the ‘–dbpath’ flag, for example ‘start mongod –dbpath ‘c://alternate/path’.

MongoDB Running on Windows

MongoDB Running on Windows


MongoDB Default Data Directory Containing New Databases

MongoDB Default Data Directory Containing New MEAN Database


To install Node.js, download and run the Node’s .msi installer for Windows. Along with Node.js, you will get npm (Node Package Manager). You will use npm to install all your server-side components, such as Express, yo, Grunt, and Bower.

Node Installation Process

gstafford: ~/Documents/git_repos 
$ node --version && npm --version


To install Express, the web application framework for node, use npm:

npm install -g express

The ‘-g’ flag (or, ‘–global’ flag) should be used. According to Stack Overflow, ‘if you’re installing something that you want to use in your shell, on the command line or something, install it globally, so that its binaries end up in your PATH environment variable:

gstafford: ~/Documents/git_repos $ express --version

Yeoman – yo, Grunt, and Bower

You will also use npm to install yoGrunt, and Bower. Actually, we will use npm to install the Grunt Command Line Interface (CLI). The Grunt task runner will be installed in your MEAN stack project, locally, later. Read these instructions on the Grunt website for a better explanation. Use the same basic command as with Express:

npm install -g yo grunt-cli bower

To test the installs, run the same command as before:

gstafford: ~/Documents/git_repos 
$ yo --version; grunt --version; bower --version
grunt-cli v0.1.13

If you already had Yeoman installed, confirm you have the latest versions with the ‘npm update’ command:

gstafford: ~/Documents/git_repos/gen-angular-sample 
$ npm update -g yo grunt-cli bower
npm http GET
npm http GET
npm http GET
npm http 304
npm http 304
npm http 200

All of the npm installs, including Express, are installed and called from a common location on Windows:

gstafford: ~/Documents/git_repos/gen-angular-sample 
$ where express yo grunt bower

gstafford: ~/Documents/git_repos 
$ which express; which yo; which grunt; which bower

Use the command, ‘npm list –global | less’ (or, ‘npm ls -g | less’) to view all npm packages installed globally, in a tree-view. After you have generated your project (see below), check the project-specific server-side packages with the ‘npm ls’ command from within the project’s root directory. For the client-side packages, use the ‘bower ls’ command from within the project’s root directory.

If your in a hurry, or have more Windows boxes to configure you can use one npm command for all four components, above:

npm install -g express yo grunt-cli bower

MEAN Boilerplate Generators and Projects

That’s it, you’ve installed most of the core components you need to get started with the MEAN stack on Windows. Next, you will want to download one of the many MEAN boilerplate projects, or use a MEAN code generator with npm and yo. I recommend trying one or all of the following projects. They are each slightly different architecturally, but fairly stable:

Yeoman Running MEAN Generator

Yeoman Running MEAN Generator


MEAN Stack Using James Cryer's 'generator-mean'

MEAN Stack Using James Cryer’s ‘generator-mean’


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