Posts Tagged Amazon Web Services

Streaming Data on AWS: Amazon Kinesis Data Streams or Amazon MSK?

Given similar functionality, what differences make one AWS-managed streaming service a better choice over the other?

Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon MSK can often be used interchangeably in streaming data workflows
Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon MSK can often be used interchangeably in streaming data workflows

Data streaming has emerged as a powerful tool in the last few years thanks to its ability to quickly and efficiently process large volumes of data, provide real-time insights, and scale and adapt to meet changing needs. As IoT, social media, and mobile devices continue to generate vast amounts of data, it has become imperative to have platforms that can handle the real-time ingestion, processing, and analysis of this data.

Key Differentiators

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) are two managed streaming services offered by AWS. While both platforms offer similar features, choosing the right service largely depends on your specific use cases and business requirements.

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams

  1. Simplicity: Kinesis Data Streams is generally considered a less complicated service than Amazon MSK, which requires you to manage more of the underlying infrastructure. This can make setting up and managing your streaming data pipeline easier, especially if you have limited experience with Apache Kafka. Amazon MSK Serverless, which went GA in April 2022, is a cluster type for Amazon MSK that allows you to run Apache Kafka without managing and scaling cluster capacity. Unlike Amazon MSK provisioned, Amazon MSK Serverless greatly reduces the effort required to use Amazon MSK, making ‘Simplicity’ less of a Kinesis differentiator.
  2. Integration with AWS services: Kinesis Data Streams integrates well with other AWS services, such as AWS Lambda, Amazon S3, and Amazon OpenSearch. This can make building end-to-end data processing pipelines easier using these services.
  3. Low latency: Kinesis Data Streams is designed to deliver low-latency processing of streaming data, which can be important for applications that require near real-time processing.
  4. Predictable pricing: Kinesis Data Streams is generally considered to have a more predictable pricing model than Amazon MSK, based on instance sizes and hourly usage. With Kinesis Data Streams, you pay for the data you process, making estimating and managing fees easier (additional fees may apply).
Example Architecture #1: Ingestion of features into SageMaker Feature Store using Amazon Kinesis
Example Architecture #1: Ingestion of features into SageMaker Feature Store using Amazon Kinesis

Amazon MSK

  1. Compatibility with Apache Kafka: Amazon MSK may be a better choice if you have an existing Apache Kafka deployment or are already familiar with Kafka. Amazon MSK is a fully managed version of Apache Kafka, which you can use with existing Kafka applications and tools.
  2. Customization: With Amazon MSK, you have more control over the underlying cluster infrastructure, configuration, deployment, and version of Kafka, which means you can customize the cluster to meet your needs. This can be important if you have specialized requirements or want to optimize performance (e.g., high-volume financial trading, real-time gaming).
  3. Larger ecosystem: Apache Kafka has a large ecosystem of tools and integrations compared to Kinesis Data Streams. This can provide flexibility and choice when building and managing your streaming data pipeline. Some common tools include MirrorMaker, Kafka Connect, LinkedIn’s Cruise Control, kcat (fka kafkacat), Lenses, Confluent Schema Registry, and Appicurio Registry.
  4. Preference for Open Source: You may prefer the flexibility, transparency, pace of innovation, and interoperability of employing open source software (OSS) over proprietary software and services for your streaming solution.
Example Architecture #2: Event-driven microservices using Amazon MSK
Example Architecture #2: Event-driven microservices using Amazon MSK

Ultimately, the choice between Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon MSK will depend on your specific needs and priorities. Kinesis Data Streams might be better if you prioritize simplicity, integration with other AWS services, and low latency. If you have an existing Kafka deployment, require more customization, or need access to a larger ecosystem of tools and integrations, Amazon MSK might be a better fit. In my opinion, the newer Amazon MSK Serverless option lessens several traditional differentiators between the two services.

Scaling Capabilities

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon MSK are designed to be scalable streaming services that can handle large volumes of data. However, there are some differences in their scaling capabilities.

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams

  1. Scalability: Kinesis Data Streams has two capacity modes, on-demand and provisioned. With the on-demand mode, Kinesis Data Streams automatically manages the shards to provide the necessary throughput based on the amount of data you process. This means the service can automatically adjust the number of shards based on the incoming data volume, allowing you to handle increased traffic without manually adjusting the infrastructure.
  2. Limitations: Per the documentation, there is no upper quota on the number of streams with the provisioned mode you can have in an account. A shard can ingest up to 1 MB of data per second (including partition keys) or 1,000 records per second for writes. The maximum size of the data payload of a record before base64-encoding is up to 1 MB. GetRecords can retrieve up to 10 MB of data per call from a single shard and up to 10,000 records per call. Each call to GetRecords is counted as one read transaction. Each shard can support up to five read transactions per second. Each read transaction can provide up to 10,000 records with an upper quota of 10 MB per transaction. Each shard can support a maximum total data read rate of 2 MB per second via GetRecords. If a call to GetRecords returns 10 MB, subsequent calls made within the next 5 seconds throw an exception.
  3. Cost: Kinesis Data Streams has two capacity modes — on-demand and provisioned — with different pricing models. With on-demand capacity mode, you pay per GB of data written and read from your data streams. You do not need to specify how much read and write throughput you expect your application to perform. With provisioned capacity mode, you select the number of shards necessary for your application based on its write and read request rate. There are additional fees PUT Payload Units, enhanced fan-out, extended data retention, and retrieval of long-term retention data.

Amazon MSK

  1. Scalability: Amazon MSK is designed to be highly scalable and can handle millions of messages per second. With Amazon MSK provisioned, you can scale your Kafka cluster by adding or removing instances (brokers) and storage as needed. Amazon MSK can automatically rebalance partitions across instances. Alternately, Amazon MSK Serverless automatically provisions and scales capacity while managing the partitions in your topic, so you can stream data without thinking about right-sizing or scaling clusters.
  2. Flexibility: With Amazon MSK, you have more control over the underlying infrastructure, which means you can customize the deployment to meet your needs. This can be important if you have specialized requirements or want to optimize performance.
  3. Amazon MSK also offers multiple authentication methods. You can use IAM to authenticate clients and to allow or deny Apache Kafka actions. Alternatively, with Amazon MSK provisioned, you can use TLS or SASL/SCRAM to authenticate clients and Apache Kafka ACLs to allow or deny actions.
  4. Cost: Scaling up or down with Amazon MSK can impact the cost based on instance sizes and hourly usage. Therefore, adding more instances can increase the overall cost of the service. Pricing models for Amazon MSK and Amazon MSK Serverless vary.

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon MSK are highly scalable services. Kinesis Data Streams can scale automatically based on the amount of data you process. At the same time, Amazon MSK allows you to scale your Kafka cluster by adding or removing instances and adding storage as needed. However, adding more shards with Kinesis can lead to a more manual process that can take some time to propagate and impact cost, while scaling up or down with Amazon MSK is based on instance sizes and hourly usage. Ultimately, the choice between the two will depend on your specific use case and requirements.


Throughput can be measured in the maximum MB/s of data and the maximum number of records per second. The maximum throughput of both Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon MSK are not hard limits. Depending on the service, you can exceed these limits by adding more resources, including shards or brokers. Total maximum system throughput is affected by the maximum throughput of both upstream and downstream producing and consuming components.

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams

The maximum throughput of Kinesis Data Streams depends on the number of shards and the size of the data being processed. Each shard in a Kinesis stream can handle up to 1 MB/s of data input and up to 2 MB/s of data output, or up to 1,000 records per second for writes and up to 10,000 records per second for reads. When a consumer uses enhanced fan-out, it gets its own 2 MB/s allotment of read throughput, allowing multiple consumers to read data from the same stream in parallel without contending for read throughput with other consumers.

The maximum throughput of a Kinesis stream is determined by the number of shards you have multiplied by the maximum throughput per shard. For example, if you have a stream with 10 shards, the maximum throughput of the stream would be 10 MB/s for data input and 20 MB/s for data output, or up to 10,000 records per second for writes and up to 100,000 records per second for reads.

The maximum throughput is not a hard limit, and you can exceed these limits by adding more shards to your stream. However, adding more shards can impact the cost of the service, and you should consider the optimal shard count for your use case to ensure efficient and cost-effective processing of your data.

Amazon MSK

As discussed in the Amazon MSK best practices documentation, the maximum throughput of Amazon MSK depends on the number of brokers and the instance type of those brokers. Amazon MSK allows you to scale the number of instances in a Kafka cluster up or down based on your needs.

The maximum throughput of an Amazon MSK cluster depends on the number of brokers and the performance characteristics of the instance types you are using. Each broker in an Amazon MSK cluster can handle tens of thousands of messages per second, depending on the instance type and configuration. The actual throughput you can achieve will depend on your specific use case and the message size. The AWS blog post, Best practices for right-sizing your Apache Kafka clusters to optimize performance and cost, is an excellent reference.

The maximum throughput is not a hard limit, and you can exceed these limits by adding more brokers or upgrading to more powerful instances. However, adding more instances or upgrading to more powerful instances can impact the service’s cost. Therefore, consider your use case’s optimal instance count and type to ensure efficient and cost-effective data processing.

Writing Messages

Compatibility with multiple producers and consumers is essential when choosing a streaming technology. There are multiple ways to write messages to Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon MSK.

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams

  1. AWS SDK: Use the AWS SDK for your preferred programming language.
  2. Kinesis Producer Library (KPL): KPL is a high-performance library that allows you to write data to Kinesis Data Streams at a high rate. KPL handles all heavy lifting, including batching, retrying failed records, and load balancing across shards.
  3. Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose: Kinesis Data Firehose is a fully managed service that can ingest and transform streaming data in real-time. It can be used to write data to Kinesis Data Streams, as well as to other AWS services such as S3, Redshift, and Elasticsearch.
  4. Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics: Kinesis Data Analytics is a fully managed service that allows you to process and analyze streaming data in real-time. It can read data from Kinesis Data Streams, perform real-time analytics and transformations, and write the results to another Kinesis stream or an external data store.
  5. Kinesis Agent: Kinesis Agent is a standalone Java application that collects and sends data to Kinesis Data Streams. It can monitor log files or other data sources and automatically send data to Kinesis Data Streams as it is generated.
  6. Third-party libraries and tools: There are many third-party libraries and tools available for writing data to Kinesis Data Streams, including Apache Kafka Connect, Apache Storm, and Fluentd. These tools can integrate Kinesis Data Streams with existing data processing pipelines or build custom streaming applications.
Example Architecture #3: Example of using Kinesis Producer Library to write messages to Kinesis Data Streams
Example Architecture #3: Example of using Kinesis Producer Library to write messages to Kinesis Data Streams

Amazon MSK

  1. Kafka command line tools: The Kafka command line tools (e.g., can be used to write messages to a Kafka topic in an Amazon MSK cluster. These tools are part of the Kafka distribution and are pre-installed on the Amazon MSK broker nodes.
  2. Kafka client libraries: You can use Kafka client libraries in your preferred programming language (e.g., Java, Python, C#) to write messages to an Amazon MSK cluster. These libraries provide a more flexible and customizable way to produce messages to Kafka topics.
  3. AWS SDKs: You can use AWS SDKs (e.g., AWS SDK for Java, AWS SDK for Python) to interact with Amazon MSK and write messages to Kafka topics. These SDKs provide a higher-level abstraction over the Kafka client libraries, making integrating Amazon MSK into your AWS infrastructure easier.
  4. Third-party libraries and tools: There are many third-party tools and frameworks, including Apache NiFi, Apache Camel, and Apache Beam. They provide Kafka connectors and producers, which can be used to write messages to Kafka topics in Amazon MSK. These tools can simplify the process of writing messages and provide additional features such as data transformation and routing.

Schema Registry

You can use AWS Glue Schema Registry with Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon MSK. AWS Glue Schema Registry is a fully managed service that provides a central schema repository for organizing, validating, and tracking the evolution of your data schemas. It enables you to store, manage, and discover schemas for your data in a single, centralized location.

With AWS Glue Schema Registry, you can define and register schemas for your data in the registry. You can then use these schemas to validate the data being ingested into your streaming applications, ensuring that the data conforms to the expected structure and format.

Both Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon MSK support the use of AWS Glue Schema Registry through the use of Apache Avro schemas. Avro is a compact, fast, binary data format that can improve the performance of your streaming applications. You can configure your streaming applications to use the registry to validate incoming data, ensuring that it conforms to the schema before processing.

Using AWS Glue Schema Registry can help ensure the consistency and quality of your data across your streaming applications and provide a centralized location for managing and tracking schema changes. Amazon MSK is also compatible with popular alternative schema registries, such as Confluent Schema Registry and RedHat’s open-source Apicurio Registry.

Example Architecture #4: Change Data Capture (CDC) using Amazon MSK and Glue Schema Registry
Example Architecture #4: Change Data Capture (CDC) using Amazon MSK and Glue Schema Registry

Stream Processing

According to TechTarget, Stream processing is a data management technique that involves ingesting a continuous data stream to quickly analyze, filter, transform, or enhance the data in real-time. Several leading stream processing tools are available, compatible with Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon MSK. Each tool with its own strengths and use cases. Some of the more popular tools include:

  1. Apache Flink: Apache Flink is a distributed stream processing framework that provides fast, scalable, and fault-tolerant data processing for real-time and batch data streams. It supports a variety of data sources and sinks and provides a powerful stream processing API and SQL interface. In addition, Amazon offers its managed version of Apache Flink, Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics (KDA), which is compatible with both Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon MSK.
  2. Apache Spark Structured Streaming: Apache Spark Structured Streaming is a stream processing framework that allows developers to build real-time stream processing applications using the familiar Spark API. It provides high-level APIs for processing data streams and supports integration with various data sources and sinks. Apache Spark is compatible with both Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon MSK. Spark Streaming is available as a managed service on AWS via AWS Glue Studio and Amazon EMR.
  3. Apache NiFi: Apache NiFi is an open-source data integration and processing tool that provides a web-based UI for building data pipelines. It supports batch and stream processing and offers a variety of processors for data ingestion, transformation, and delivery. Apache NiFi is compatible with both Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon MSK.
  4. Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose (KDA): Kinesis Data Firehose is a fully managed service that can ingest and transform streaming data in real time. It can be used to write data to Kinesis Data Streams, as well as to other AWS services such as S3, Redshift, and Elasticsearch. Kinesis Data Firehose is compatible with Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon MSK.
  5. Apache Kafka Streams (aka KStream): Apache Kafka Streams is a lightweight stream processing library that allows developers to build scalable and fault-tolerant real-time applications and microservices. KStreams integrates seamlessly with Amazon MSK and provides a high-level DSL for stream processing.
  6. ksqlDB: ksqlDB is a database for building stream processing applications on top of Apache Kafka. It is distributed, scalable, reliable, and real-time. ksqlDB combines the power of real-time stream processing with the approachable feel of a relational database through a familiar, lightweight SQL syntax. ksqlDB is compatible with Amazon MSK.

Several stream-processing tools are detailed in my recent two-part blog post, Exploring Popular Open-source Stream Processing Technologies.


Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) are managed streaming services. While they offer similar functionality, some differences might make one a better choice, depending on your use cases and experience. Ensure you understand your streaming requirements and each service’s capabilities before making a final architectural decision.

🔔 To keep up with future content, follow Gary Stafford on LinkedIn.

This blog represents my viewpoints and not those of my employer, Amazon Web Services (AWS). All product names, logos, and brands are the property of their respective owners.

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Ten Ways to Leverage Generative AI for Development on AWS

Explore ten ways you can use Generative AI coding tools to accelerate development and increase your productivity on AWS

Licensed image: PopTika/
Licensed image: PopTika/

Generative AI coding tools are a new class of software development tools that leverage machine learning algorithms to assist developers in writing code. These tools use AI models trained on vast amounts of code to offer suggestions for completing code snippets, writing functions, and even entire blocks of code.

Quote generated by OpenAI ChatGPT


Combining the latest Generative AI coding tools with a feature-rich and extensible IDE and your coding skills will accelerate development and increase your productivity. In this post, we will look at ten examples of how you can use Generative AI coding tools on AWS:

  1. Application Development: Code, unit tests, and documentation
  2. Infrastructure as Code (IaC): AWS CloudFormation, AWS CDK, Terraform, and Ansible
  3. AWS Lambda: Serverless, event-driven functions
  4. IAM Policies: AWS IAM policies and Amazon S3 bucket policies
  5. Structured Query Language (SQL): Amazon RDS, Amazon Redshift, Amazon Athena, and Amazon EMR
  6. Big Data: Apache Spark and Flink on Amazon EMR, AWS Glue, and Kinesis Data Analytics
  7. Configuration and Properties files: Amazon MSK, Amazon EMR, and Amazon OpenSearch
  8. Apache Airflow DAGs: Amazon MWAA
  9. Containerization: Kubernetes resources, Helm Charts, Dockerfiles for Amazon EKS
  10. Utility Scripts: PowerShell, Bash, Shell, and Python

Choosing a Generative AI Coding Tool

In my recent post, Accelerating Development with Generative AI-Powered Coding Tools, I reviewed six popular tools: ChatGPT, Copilot, CodeWhisperer, Tabnine, Bing, and ChatSonic.

For this post, we will use GitHub Copilot, powered by OpenAI Codex, a new AI system created by OpenAI. Copilot suggests code and entire functions in real-time, right from your IDE. Copilot is trained in all languages that appear in GitHub’s public repositories. GitHub points out that the quality of suggestions you receive may depend on the volume and diversity of training data for that language. Similar tools in this category are limited in the number of languages they support compared to Copilot.

GitHub Copilot, your AI pair programmer

Copilot is currently available as an extension for Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio, Neovim, and JetBrains suite of IDEs. The GitHub Copilot extension for Visual Studio Code (VS Code) already has 4.8 million downloads, and the GitHub Copilot Nightly extension, used for this post, has almost 280,000 downloads. I am also using the GitHub Copilot Labs extension in this post.

GitHub Copilot Nightly VS Code extensions used in this post

Ten Ways to Leverage Generative AI

Take a look at ten examples of how you can use Generative AI coding tools to increase your development productivity on AWS. All the code samples in this post can be found on GitHub.

1. Application Development

According to GitHub, trained on billions of lines of code, GitHub Copilot turns natural language prompts into coding suggestions across dozens of languages. These features make Copilot ideal for developing applications, writing unit tests, and authoring documentation. You can use GitHub Copilot to assist with writing software applications in nearly any popular language, including Go.

Code generation of a Go application using GitHub Copilot

The final application, which uses the AWS SDK for Go to create an Amazon DynamoDB table, shown below, was formatted using the Go extension by Google and optimized using the ‘Readable,’ ‘Make Robust,’ and ‘Fix Bug’ GitHub Code Brushes.

The final Go application ran in the VS Code terminal

Generating Unit Tests

Using JavaScript and TypeScript, you can take advantage of TestPilot to generate unit tests based on your existing code and documentation. TestPilot, part of GitHub Copilot Labs, uses GitHub Copilot’s AI technology.

Generating unit tests with GitHub TestPilot, part of Copilot

2. Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Widespread Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools include Pulumi, AWS CloudFormation, Azure ARM Templates, Google Deployment Manager, AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK), Microsoft Bicep, and Ansible. Many IaC tools, except AWS CDK, use JSON- or YAML-based domain-specific languages (DSLs).

AWS CloudFormation
AWS CloudFormation is an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) service that allows you to easily model, provision, and manage AWS and third-party resources. The CloudFormation template is a JSON or YAML formatted text file. You can use GitHub Copilot to assist with writing IaC, including AWS CloudFormation in either JSON or YAML.

Code generation of an AWS CloudFormation template using GitHub Copilot

You can use the YAML Language Support by Red Hat extension to write YAML in VS Code.

Final YAML-based AWS CloudFormation template using GitHub Copilot

VS Code has native JSON support with JSON Schema Store, which includes AWS CloudFormation. VS Code uses the CloudFormation schema for IntelliSense and flag schema errors in templates.

Final JSON-based AWS CloudFormation template using GitHub Copilot

HashiCorp Terraform

In addition to AWS CloudFormation, HashiCorp Terraform is an extremely popular IaC tool. According to HashiCorp, Terraform lets you define resources and infrastructure in human-readable, declarative configuration files and manages your infrastructure’s lifecycle. Using Terraform has several advantages over manually managing your infrastructure.

Terraform plugins called providers let Terraform interact with cloud platforms and other services via their application programming interfaces (APIs). You can use the AWS Provider to interact with the many resources supported by AWS.

Code generation of a HashiCorp Terraform file using GitHub Copilot

3. AWS Lambda

Lambda, according to AWS, is a serverless, event-driven compute service that lets you run code for virtually any application or backend service without provisioning or managing servers. You can trigger Lambda from over 200 AWS services and software as a service (SaaS) applications and only pay for what you use. AWS Lambda natively supports Java, Go, PowerShell, Node.js, C#, Python, and Ruby. AWS Lambda also provides a Runtime API allowing you to use additional programming languages to author your functions.

You can use GitHub Copilot to assist with writing AWS Lambda functions in any of the natively supported languages. You can further optimize the resulting Lambda code with GitHub’s Code Brushes.

Code generation of a Python-based AWS Lambda using GitHub Copilot

The final Python-based AWS Lambda, below, was formatted using the Black Formatter and Flake8 extensions and optimized using the ‘Readable,’ ‘Debug,’ ‘Make Robust,’ and ‘Fix Bug’ GitHub Code Brushes.

Final AWS Python-based Lambda using GitHub Copilot and optimized with Code Brushes

You can easily convert the Python-based AWS Lambda to Java using GitHub Copilot Lab’s ability to translate code between languages. Install the GitHub Copilot Labs extension for VS Code to try out language translation.

Final AWS Java-based Lambda using GitHub Copilot converted from Python by Copilot

4. IAM Policies

AWS Identity and Access Management (AWS IAM) is a web service that helps you securely control access to AWS resources. According to AWS, you manage access in AWS by creating policies and attaching them to IAM identities (users, groups of users, or roles) or AWS resources. A policy is an object in AWS that defines its permissions when associated with an identity or resource. IAM policies are stored on AWS as JSON documents. You can use GitHub Copilot to assist in writing IAM Policies.

Code generation of an AWS IAM Policy using GitHub Copilot

The final AWS IAM Policy, below, was formatted using VS Code’s built-in JSON support.

Final AWS IAM Policy using GitHub Copilot

5. Structured Query Language (SQL)

SQL has many use cases on AWS, including Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) for MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Oracle, and SQL Server databases. SQL is also used with Amazon Aurora, Amazon Redshift, Amazon Athena, Apache Presto, Trino (PrestoSQL), and Apache Hive on Amazon EMR.

You can use IDEs like VS Code with its SQL dialect-specific language support and formatted extensions. You can further optimize the resulting SQL statements with GitHub’s Code Brushes.

Code generation of a PostgreSQL script using GitHub Copilot

The final PostgreSQL script, below, was formatted using the Sql Formatter extension and optimized using the ‘Readable’ and ‘Fix Bug’ GitHub Code Brushes.

PostgreSQL script generated with GitHub Copilot and optimized with Code Brushes

6. Big Data

Big Data, according to AWS, can be described in terms of data management challenges that — due to increasing volume, velocity, and variety of data — cannot be solved with traditional databases. AWS offers managed versions of Apache Spark, Apache Flink, Apache Zepplin, and Jupyter Notebooks on Amazon EMR, AWS Glue, and Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics (KDA).

Apache Spark
According to their website, Apache Spark is a multi-language engine for executing data engineering, data science, and machine learning on single-node machines or clusters. Spark jobs can be written in various languages, including Python (PySpark), SQL, Scala, Java, and R. Apache Spark is available on a growing number of AWS services, including Amazon EMR and AWS Glue.

Code generation of a Python-based Apache Spark job using GitHub Copilot

The final Python-based Apache Spark job, below, was formatted using the Black Formatter extension and optimized using the ‘Readable,’ ‘Document,’ ‘Make Robust,’ and ‘Fix Bug’ GitHub Code Brushes.

Final Python-based Apache Spark job using GitHub Copilot

7. Configuration and Properties Files

According to TechTarget, a configuration file (aka config) defines the parameters, options, settings, and preferences applied to operating systems, infrastructure devices, and applications. There are many examples of configuration and properties files on AWS, including Amazon MSK Connect (Kafka Connect Source/Sink Connectors), Amazon OpenSearch (Filebeat, Logstash), and Amazon EMR (Apache Log4j, Hive, and Spark).

Kafka Connect
Kafka Connect is a tool for scalably and reliably streaming data between Apache Kafka and other systems. It makes it simple to quickly define connectors that move large collections of data into and out of Kafka. AWS offers a fully-managed version of Kafka Connect: Amazon MSK Connect. You can use GitHub Copilot to write Kafka Connect Source and Sink Connectors with Kafka Connect and Amazon MSK Connect.

Code generation of a Kafka Connect Source Connector using GitHub Copilot

The final Kafka Connect Source Connector, below, was formatted using VS Code’s built-in JSON support. It incorporates the Debezium connector for MySQL, Avro file format, schema registry, and message transformation. Debezium is a popular open source distributed platform for performing change data capture (CDC) with Kafka Connect.

Final Kafka Connect Source Connector using GitHub Copilot

8. Apache Airflow DAGs

Apache Airflow is an open-source platform for developing, scheduling, and monitoring batch-oriented workflows. Airflow’s extensible Python framework enables you to build workflows connecting with virtually any technology. DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) is the core concept of Airflow, collecting Tasks together, organized with dependencies and relationships to say how they should run.

Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (Amazon MWAA) is a managed orchestration service for Apache Airflow. You can use GitHub Copilot to assist in writing DAGs for Apache Airflow, to be used with Amazon MWAA.

Code generation of an Airflow DAG using GitHub Copilot

The final Python-based Apache Spark job, below, was formatted using the Black Formatter extension. Unfortunately, based on my testing, code optimization with GitHub’s Code Brushes is impossible with Airflow DAGs.

Final Airflow DAG using GitHub Copilot

9. Containerization

According to Check Point Software, Containerization is a type of virtualization in which all the components of an application are bundled into a single container image and can be run in isolated user space on the same shared operating system. Containers are lightweight, portable, and highly conducive to automation. AWS describes containerization as a software deployment process that bundles an application’s code with all the files and libraries it needs to run on any infrastructure.

AWS has several container services, including Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR), and AWS Fargate. Several code-based resources can benefit from a Generative AI coding tool like GitHub Copilot, including Dockerfiles, Kubernetes resources, Helm Charts, Weaveworks Flux, and ArgoCD configuration.


Kubernetes objects are represented in the Kubernetes API and expressed in YAML format. Below is a Kubernetes Deployment resource file, which creates a ReplicaSet to bring up multiple replicas of nginx Pods.

Code generation of Kubernetes resources using GitHub Copilot

The final Kubernetes resource file below contains Deployment and Service resources. In addition to GitHub Copilot, you can use Microsoft’s Kubernetes extension for VS Code to use IntelliSense and flag schema errors in the file.

Final Kubernetes resource file using GitHub Copilot

10. Utility Scripts

According to Bing AI — Search, utility scripts are small, simple snippets of code written as independent code files designed to perform a particular task. Utility scripts are commonly written in Bash, Shell, Python, Ruby, PowerShell, and PHP.

AWS utility scripts leverage the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) for Bash and Shell and AWS SDK for other programming languages. SDKs take the complexity out of coding by providing language-specific APIs for AWS services. For example, Boto3, AWS’s Python SDK, easily integrates your Python application, library, or script with AWS services, including Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, Amazon DynamoDB, and more.

Code generation of Python-based utility script using GitHub Copilot

An example of a Python script to calculate the total size of an Amazon S3 bucket, below, was inspired by 100daysofdevops/N-days-of-automation, a fantastic set of open source AWS-oriented automation scripts.

Final Python-based utility script using GitHub Copilot


In this post, you learned ten ways to leverage Generative AI coding tools like GitHub Copilot for development on AWS. You saw how combining the latest generation of Generative AI coding tools, a mature and extensible IDE, and your coding experience will accelerate development, increase productivity, and reduce cost.

🔔 To keep up with future content, follow Gary Stafford on LinkedIn.

This blog represents my viewpoints and not those of my employer, Amazon Web Services (AWS). All product names, logos, and brands are the property of their respective owners.

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Brief Introduction to Observability on AWS

Explore the wide variety of Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability options on AWS

Licensed image: ArtemisDiana/
Licensed image: ArtemisDiana/

APM and Observability

Observability is “the extent to which the internal states of a system can be inferred from externally available data” (Gartner). The three pillars of observability data are metricslogs, and tracesApplication Performance Monitoring (APM), a term commonly associated with observability, is “software that enables the observation and analysis of application health, performance, and user experience” (Gartner).

Additional features often associated with APM and observability products and services include the following (in alphabetical order):

  • Advanced Threat Protection (ATP)
  • Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
  • Incident Detection Response (IDR)
  • Infrastructure Performance Monitoring (IPM)
  • Network Device Monitoring (NDM)
  • Network Performance Monitoring (NPM)
  • OpenTelemetry (OTel)
  • Operational (or Operations) Intelligence Platform
  • Predictive Monitoring (predictive analytics / predictive modeling)
  • Real User Monitoring (RUM)
  • Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
  • Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR)
  • Synthetic Monitoring (directed monitoring / synthetic testing)
  • Threat Visibility and Risk Scoring
  • Unified Security and Observability Platform
  • User Behavior Analytics (UBA)

Not all features are offered by all vendors. Most vendors tend to specialize in one or more areas. Determining which features are essential to your organization before choosing a solution is vital.


Given the growing volume and real-time nature of observability telemetry, many vendors have started incorporating AI and ML into their products and services to improve correlation, anomaly detection, and mitigation capabilities. Understand how these features can reduce operational burden, enhance insights, and simplify complexity.

Decision Factors

APM and observability tooling choices often come down to a “Build vs. Buy” decision for organizations. In the Cloud, this usually means integrating several individual purpose-built products and services, self-managed open-source projects, or investing in an end-to-end APM or unified observability platform. Other decision factors include the need for solutions to support:

  • Hybrid cloud environments (on-premises/Cloud)
  • Multi-cloud environments (Public Cloud, SaaS, Supercloud)
  • Specialized workloads (e.g., Mainframes, HPC, VMware, SAP, SAS)
  • Compliant workloads (e.g., PCI DSS, PII, GDPR, FedRAMP)
  • Edge Computing and IoT/IIoT
  • AI, ML, and Data Analytics monitoring (AIOps, MLOps, DataOps)
  • SaaS observability (SaaS providers who offer monitoring to their end-users as part of their service offering)
  • Custom log formats and protocols

Finally, the 5 V’s of big data: Velocity, Volume, Value, Variety, and Veracity, also influence the choice of APM and observability tooling. The real-time nature of the observability data, the sheer volume of the data, the source and type of data, and the sensitivity of the data, will all guide tooling choices based on features and cost.

Organizations can choose fully-managed native AWS services, AWS Partner products and services, often SaaS, self-managed open-source observability tooling, or a combination of options. Many AWS and Partner products and services are commercial versions of popular open-source software (COSS).

AWS Options

Data Collection, Processing, and Forwarding

  • AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT): Open-source APIs, libraries, and agents to collect distributed traces and metrics for application monitoring. ADOT is an open-source distribution of OpenTelemetry, a “high-quality, ubiquitous, and portable telemetry [solution] to enable effective observability.
  • AWS for Fluent Bit: Fluent Bit image with plugins for both CloudWatch Logs and Kinesis Data Firehose. Fluent Bit is an open-source, “super fast, lightweight, and highly scalable logging and metrics processor and forwarder.

Security-focused Monitoring

  • AWS CloudTrail: Helps enable operational and risk auditing, governance, and compliance in your AWS environment. CloudTrail records events, including actions taken in the AWS Management Console, AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), AWS SDKs, and APIs.

Partner Options

According to the 2022 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ — APM & Observability Report, leading vendors commonly used by AWS customers include the following (in alphabetical order):

Open Source Options

There are countless open-source observability projects to choose from, including the following (in alphabetical order):

  • Elastic: Elastic Stack: Elasticsearch, Kibana, Beats, and Logstash
  • Fluentd: Data collector for unified logging layer
  • Grafana: Platform for monitoring and observability
  • Jaeger: End-to-end distributed tracing
  • Kiali: Configure, visualize, validate, and troubleshoot Istio Service Mesh
  • Loki: Like Prometheus, but for logs
  • OpenSearch: Scalable, flexible, and extensible software suite for search, analytics, and observability applications
  • OpenTelemetry (OTel): Collection of tools, APIs, and SDKs used to instrument, generate, collect, and export telemetry data
  • Prometheus: Monitoring system and time series database
  • Zabbix: Single pane of glass view of your whole IT infrastructure stack

🔔 To keep up with future content, follow Gary Stafford on LinkedIn.

This blog represents my viewpoints and not those of my employer, Amazon Web Services (AWS). All product names, logos, and brands are the property of their respective owners.

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