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Streaming Data on AWS: Amazon Kinesis Data Streams or Amazon MSK?

Given similar functionality, what differences make one AWS-managed streaming service a better choice over the other?

Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon MSK can often be used interchangeably in streaming data workflows
Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon MSK can often be used interchangeably in streaming data workflows

Data streaming has emerged as a powerful tool in the last few years thanks to its ability to quickly and efficiently process large volumes of data, provide real-time insights, and scale and adapt to meet changing needs. As IoT, social media, and mobile devices continue to generate vast amounts of data, it has become imperative to have platforms that can handle the real-time ingestion, processing, and analysis of this data.

Key Differentiators

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) are two managed streaming services offered by AWS. While both platforms offer similar features, choosing the right service largely depends on your specific use cases and business requirements.

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams

  1. Simplicity: Kinesis Data Streams is generally considered a less complicated service than Amazon MSK, which requires you to manage more of the underlying infrastructure. This can make setting up and managing your streaming data pipeline easier, especially if you have limited experience with Apache Kafka. Amazon MSK Serverless, which went GA in April 2022, is a cluster type for Amazon MSK that allows you to run Apache Kafka without managing and scaling cluster capacity. Unlike Amazon MSK provisioned, Amazon MSK Serverless greatly reduces the effort required to use Amazon MSK, making ‘Simplicity’ less of a Kinesis differentiator.
  2. Integration with AWS services: Kinesis Data Streams integrates well with other AWS services, such as AWS Lambda, Amazon S3, and Amazon OpenSearch. This can make building end-to-end data processing pipelines easier using these services.
  3. Low latency: Kinesis Data Streams is designed to deliver low-latency processing of streaming data, which can be important for applications that require near real-time processing.
  4. Predictable pricing: Kinesis Data Streams is generally considered to have a more predictable pricing model than Amazon MSK, based on instance sizes and hourly usage. With Kinesis Data Streams, you pay for the data you process, making estimating and managing fees easier (additional fees may apply).
Example Architecture #1: Ingestion of features into SageMaker Feature Store using Amazon Kinesis
Example Architecture #1: Ingestion of features into SageMaker Feature Store using Amazon Kinesis

Amazon MSK

  1. Compatibility with Apache Kafka: Amazon MSK may be a better choice if you have an existing Apache Kafka deployment or are already familiar with Kafka. Amazon MSK is a fully managed version of Apache Kafka, which you can use with existing Kafka applications and tools.
  2. Customization: With Amazon MSK, you have more control over the underlying cluster infrastructure, configuration, deployment, and version of Kafka, which means you can customize the cluster to meet your needs. This can be important if you have specialized requirements or want to optimize performance (e.g., high-volume financial trading, real-time gaming).
  3. Larger ecosystem: Apache Kafka has a large ecosystem of tools and integrations compared to Kinesis Data Streams. This can provide flexibility and choice when building and managing your streaming data pipeline. Some common tools include MirrorMaker, Kafka Connect, LinkedIn’s Cruise Control, kcat (fka kafkacat), Lenses, Confluent Schema Registry, and Appicurio Registry.
  4. Preference for Open Source: You may prefer the flexibility, transparency, pace of innovation, and interoperability of employing open source software (OSS) over proprietary software and services for your streaming solution.
Example Architecture #2: Event-driven microservices using Amazon MSK
Example Architecture #2: Event-driven microservices using Amazon MSK

Ultimately, the choice between Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon MSK will depend on your specific needs and priorities. Kinesis Data Streams might be better if you prioritize simplicity, integration with other AWS services, and low latency. If you have an existing Kafka deployment, require more customization, or need access to a larger ecosystem of tools and integrations, Amazon MSK might be a better fit. In my opinion, the newer Amazon MSK Serverless option lessens several traditional differentiators between the two services.

Scaling Capabilities

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon MSK are designed to be scalable streaming services that can handle large volumes of data. However, there are some differences in their scaling capabilities.

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams

  1. Scalability: Kinesis Data Streams has two capacity modes, on-demand and provisioned. With the on-demand mode, Kinesis Data Streams automatically manages the shards to provide the necessary throughput based on the amount of data you process. This means the service can automatically adjust the number of shards based on the incoming data volume, allowing you to handle increased traffic without manually adjusting the infrastructure.
  2. Limitations: Per the documentation, there is no upper quota on the number of streams with the provisioned mode you can have in an account. A shard can ingest up to 1 MB of data per second (including partition keys) or 1,000 records per second for writes. The maximum size of the data payload of a record before base64-encoding is up to 1 MB. GetRecords can retrieve up to 10 MB of data per call from a single shard and up to 10,000 records per call. Each call to GetRecords is counted as one read transaction. Each shard can support up to five read transactions per second. Each read transaction can provide up to 10,000 records with an upper quota of 10 MB per transaction. Each shard can support a maximum total data read rate of 2 MB per second via GetRecords. If a call to GetRecords returns 10 MB, subsequent calls made within the next 5 seconds throw an exception.
  3. Cost: Kinesis Data Streams has two capacity modes — on-demand and provisioned — with different pricing models. With on-demand capacity mode, you pay per GB of data written and read from your data streams. You do not need to specify how much read and write throughput you expect your application to perform. With provisioned capacity mode, you select the number of shards necessary for your application based on its write and read request rate. There are additional fees PUT Payload Units, enhanced fan-out, extended data retention, and retrieval of long-term retention data.

Amazon MSK

  1. Scalability: Amazon MSK is designed to be highly scalable and can handle millions of messages per second. With Amazon MSK provisioned, you can scale your Kafka cluster by adding or removing instances (brokers) and storage as needed. Amazon MSK can automatically rebalance partitions across instances. Alternately, Amazon MSK Serverless automatically provisions and scales capacity while managing the partitions in your topic, so you can stream data without thinking about right-sizing or scaling clusters.
  2. Flexibility: With Amazon MSK, you have more control over the underlying infrastructure, which means you can customize the deployment to meet your needs. This can be important if you have specialized requirements or want to optimize performance.
  3. Amazon MSK also offers multiple authentication methods. You can use IAM to authenticate clients and to allow or deny Apache Kafka actions. Alternatively, with Amazon MSK provisioned, you can use TLS or SASL/SCRAM to authenticate clients and Apache Kafka ACLs to allow or deny actions.
  4. Cost: Scaling up or down with Amazon MSK can impact the cost based on instance sizes and hourly usage. Therefore, adding more instances can increase the overall cost of the service. Pricing models for Amazon MSK and Amazon MSK Serverless vary.

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon MSK are highly scalable services. Kinesis Data Streams can scale automatically based on the amount of data you process. At the same time, Amazon MSK allows you to scale your Kafka cluster by adding or removing instances and adding storage as needed. However, adding more shards with Kinesis can lead to a more manual process that can take some time to propagate and impact cost, while scaling up or down with Amazon MSK is based on instance sizes and hourly usage. Ultimately, the choice between the two will depend on your specific use case and requirements.


Throughput can be measured in the maximum MB/s of data and the maximum number of records per second. The maximum throughput of both Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon MSK are not hard limits. Depending on the service, you can exceed these limits by adding more resources, including shards or brokers. Total maximum system throughput is affected by the maximum throughput of both upstream and downstream producing and consuming components.

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams

The maximum throughput of Kinesis Data Streams depends on the number of shards and the size of the data being processed. Each shard in a Kinesis stream can handle up to 1 MB/s of data input and up to 2 MB/s of data output, or up to 1,000 records per second for writes and up to 10,000 records per second for reads. When a consumer uses enhanced fan-out, it gets its own 2 MB/s allotment of read throughput, allowing multiple consumers to read data from the same stream in parallel without contending for read throughput with other consumers.

The maximum throughput of a Kinesis stream is determined by the number of shards you have multiplied by the maximum throughput per shard. For example, if you have a stream with 10 shards, the maximum throughput of the stream would be 10 MB/s for data input and 20 MB/s for data output, or up to 10,000 records per second for writes and up to 100,000 records per second for reads.

The maximum throughput is not a hard limit, and you can exceed these limits by adding more shards to your stream. However, adding more shards can impact the cost of the service, and you should consider the optimal shard count for your use case to ensure efficient and cost-effective processing of your data.

Amazon MSK

As discussed in the Amazon MSK best practices documentation, the maximum throughput of Amazon MSK depends on the number of brokers and the instance type of those brokers. Amazon MSK allows you to scale the number of instances in a Kafka cluster up or down based on your needs.

The maximum throughput of an Amazon MSK cluster depends on the number of brokers and the performance characteristics of the instance types you are using. Each broker in an Amazon MSK cluster can handle tens of thousands of messages per second, depending on the instance type and configuration. The actual throughput you can achieve will depend on your specific use case and the message size. The AWS blog post, Best practices for right-sizing your Apache Kafka clusters to optimize performance and cost, is an excellent reference.

The maximum throughput is not a hard limit, and you can exceed these limits by adding more brokers or upgrading to more powerful instances. However, adding more instances or upgrading to more powerful instances can impact the service’s cost. Therefore, consider your use case’s optimal instance count and type to ensure efficient and cost-effective data processing.

Writing Messages

Compatibility with multiple producers and consumers is essential when choosing a streaming technology. There are multiple ways to write messages to Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon MSK.

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams

  1. AWS SDK: Use the AWS SDK for your preferred programming language.
  2. Kinesis Producer Library (KPL): KPL is a high-performance library that allows you to write data to Kinesis Data Streams at a high rate. KPL handles all heavy lifting, including batching, retrying failed records, and load balancing across shards.
  3. Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose: Kinesis Data Firehose is a fully managed service that can ingest and transform streaming data in real-time. It can be used to write data to Kinesis Data Streams, as well as to other AWS services such as S3, Redshift, and Elasticsearch.
  4. Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics: Kinesis Data Analytics is a fully managed service that allows you to process and analyze streaming data in real-time. It can read data from Kinesis Data Streams, perform real-time analytics and transformations, and write the results to another Kinesis stream or an external data store.
  5. Kinesis Agent: Kinesis Agent is a standalone Java application that collects and sends data to Kinesis Data Streams. It can monitor log files or other data sources and automatically send data to Kinesis Data Streams as it is generated.
  6. Third-party libraries and tools: There are many third-party libraries and tools available for writing data to Kinesis Data Streams, including Apache Kafka Connect, Apache Storm, and Fluentd. These tools can integrate Kinesis Data Streams with existing data processing pipelines or build custom streaming applications.
Example Architecture #3: Example of using Kinesis Producer Library to write messages to Kinesis Data Streams
Example Architecture #3: Example of using Kinesis Producer Library to write messages to Kinesis Data Streams

Amazon MSK

  1. Kafka command line tools: The Kafka command line tools (e.g., can be used to write messages to a Kafka topic in an Amazon MSK cluster. These tools are part of the Kafka distribution and are pre-installed on the Amazon MSK broker nodes.
  2. Kafka client libraries: You can use Kafka client libraries in your preferred programming language (e.g., Java, Python, C#) to write messages to an Amazon MSK cluster. These libraries provide a more flexible and customizable way to produce messages to Kafka topics.
  3. AWS SDKs: You can use AWS SDKs (e.g., AWS SDK for Java, AWS SDK for Python) to interact with Amazon MSK and write messages to Kafka topics. These SDKs provide a higher-level abstraction over the Kafka client libraries, making integrating Amazon MSK into your AWS infrastructure easier.
  4. Third-party libraries and tools: There are many third-party tools and frameworks, including Apache NiFi, Apache Camel, and Apache Beam. They provide Kafka connectors and producers, which can be used to write messages to Kafka topics in Amazon MSK. These tools can simplify the process of writing messages and provide additional features such as data transformation and routing.

Schema Registry

You can use AWS Glue Schema Registry with Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon MSK. AWS Glue Schema Registry is a fully managed service that provides a central schema repository for organizing, validating, and tracking the evolution of your data schemas. It enables you to store, manage, and discover schemas for your data in a single, centralized location.

With AWS Glue Schema Registry, you can define and register schemas for your data in the registry. You can then use these schemas to validate the data being ingested into your streaming applications, ensuring that the data conforms to the expected structure and format.

Both Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon MSK support the use of AWS Glue Schema Registry through the use of Apache Avro schemas. Avro is a compact, fast, binary data format that can improve the performance of your streaming applications. You can configure your streaming applications to use the registry to validate incoming data, ensuring that it conforms to the schema before processing.

Using AWS Glue Schema Registry can help ensure the consistency and quality of your data across your streaming applications and provide a centralized location for managing and tracking schema changes. Amazon MSK is also compatible with popular alternative schema registries, such as Confluent Schema Registry and RedHat’s open-source Apicurio Registry.

Example Architecture #4: Change Data Capture (CDC) using Amazon MSK and Glue Schema Registry
Example Architecture #4: Change Data Capture (CDC) using Amazon MSK and Glue Schema Registry

Stream Processing

According to TechTarget, Stream processing is a data management technique that involves ingesting a continuous data stream to quickly analyze, filter, transform, or enhance the data in real-time. Several leading stream processing tools are available, compatible with Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon MSK. Each tool with its own strengths and use cases. Some of the more popular tools include:

  1. Apache Flink: Apache Flink is a distributed stream processing framework that provides fast, scalable, and fault-tolerant data processing for real-time and batch data streams. It supports a variety of data sources and sinks and provides a powerful stream processing API and SQL interface. In addition, Amazon offers its managed version of Apache Flink, Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics (KDA), which is compatible with both Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon MSK.
  2. Apache Spark Structured Streaming: Apache Spark Structured Streaming is a stream processing framework that allows developers to build real-time stream processing applications using the familiar Spark API. It provides high-level APIs for processing data streams and supports integration with various data sources and sinks. Apache Spark is compatible with both Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon MSK. Spark Streaming is available as a managed service on AWS via AWS Glue Studio and Amazon EMR.
  3. Apache NiFi: Apache NiFi is an open-source data integration and processing tool that provides a web-based UI for building data pipelines. It supports batch and stream processing and offers a variety of processors for data ingestion, transformation, and delivery. Apache NiFi is compatible with both Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon MSK.
  4. Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose (KDA): Kinesis Data Firehose is a fully managed service that can ingest and transform streaming data in real time. It can be used to write data to Kinesis Data Streams, as well as to other AWS services such as S3, Redshift, and Elasticsearch. Kinesis Data Firehose is compatible with Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon MSK.
  5. Apache Kafka Streams (aka KStream): Apache Kafka Streams is a lightweight stream processing library that allows developers to build scalable and fault-tolerant real-time applications and microservices. KStreams integrates seamlessly with Amazon MSK and provides a high-level DSL for stream processing.
  6. ksqlDB: ksqlDB is a database for building stream processing applications on top of Apache Kafka. It is distributed, scalable, reliable, and real-time. ksqlDB combines the power of real-time stream processing with the approachable feel of a relational database through a familiar, lightweight SQL syntax. ksqlDB is compatible with Amazon MSK.

Several stream-processing tools are detailed in my recent two-part blog post, Exploring Popular Open-source Stream Processing Technologies.


Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) are managed streaming services. While they offer similar functionality, some differences might make one a better choice, depending on your use cases and experience. Ensure you understand your streaming requirements and each service’s capabilities before making a final architectural decision.

🔔 To keep up with future content, follow Gary Stafford on LinkedIn.

This blog represents my viewpoints and not those of my employer, Amazon Web Services (AWS). All product names, logos, and brands are the property of their respective owners.

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Unlocking the Potential of Generative AI for Synthetic Data Generation

Explore the capabilities and applications of generative AI to create realistic synthetic data for software development, analytics, and machine learning

Licensed image: Yurchanka Siarhei/Shutterstock
Licensed image: Yurchanka Siarhei/Shutterstock


Generative AI refers to a class of artificial intelligence algorithms capable of generating new data similar to a given dataset. These algorithms learn the underlying patterns and relationships in the data and use this knowledge to create new data consistent with the original dataset. Generative AI is a rapidly evolving field that has the potential to revolutionize the way we generate and use data.

Generative AI can generate synthetic data based on patterns and relationships learned from actual data. This ability to generate synthetic data has numerous applications, from creating realistic virtual environments for training and simulation to generating new data for machine learning models. In this article, we will explore the capabilities of generative AI and its potential to generate synthetic data, both directly and indirectly, for software development, data analytics, and machine learning.

Common Forms of Synthetic Data

According to AltexSoft, in their article Synthetic Data for Machine Learning: its Nature, Types, and Ways of Generation, common forms of synthetic data include:

  1. Tabular data: This type of synthetic data is often used to generate datasets that resemble real-world data in terms of structure and statistical properties.
  2. Time series data: This type of synthetic data generates datasets that resemble real-world time series data. It is commonly used when real-world time series data is unavailable or too expensive.
  3. Image and video data: This synthetic data is used to generate realistic images and videos for training machine learning models or simulations.
  4. Text data: This synthetic data generates realistic text for natural language processing tasks or for generating training data for machine learning models.
  5. Sound data: This synthetic data generates realistic sound for training machine learning models or simulations.

Synthetic Tabular Data Types

Synthetic tabular data refers to artificially generated datasets that resemble real-world tabular data in terms of structure and statistical properties. Tabular data is organized into rows and columns, like tables or spreadsheets. Some specific types of synthetic tabular data include:

  1. Financial data: Synthetic datasets that resemble real-world financial data such as bank transactions, stock prices, or credit card information.
  2. Customer data: Synthetic datasets that resemble real-world customer data, such as purchase history, demographic information, or customer behavior.
  3. Medical data: Synthetic datasets that resemble real-world medical data, such as patient records, medical test results, or treatment history.
  4. Sensor data: Synthetic datasets that resemble real-world sensor data such as temperature readings, humidity levels, or air quality measurements.
  5. Sales data: Synthetic datasets that resemble real-world sales data, such as sales transactions, product information, or customer behavior.
  6. Inventory data: Synthetic datasets that resemble real-world inventory data, such as stock levels, product information, or supplier information.
  7. Marketing data: Synthetic datasets that resemble real-world marketing data, such as campaign performance, customer behavior, or market trends.
  8. Human resources data: Synthetic datasets that resemble real-world human resources data, such as employee records, performance evaluations, or salary information.

Challenges with Creating Synthetic Data

According to sources including Towards Data Science, enov8, and J.P. Morgan, there are several challenges in creating synthetic data, including:

  1. Technical difficulty: Properly modeling complex real-world behaviors such as synthetic data is challenging, given available technologies.
  2. Biased behavior: The flexible nature of synthetic data makes it prone to potentially biased results.
  3. Privacy concerns: Care must be taken to ensure synthetic data does not reveal sensitive information.
  4. Quality of the data model: If the quality of the data model is not high, wrong conclusions can be reached.
  5. Time and effort: Synthetic data generation requires time and effort.

Difficult Patterns and Behaviors to Model

Many patterns and behaviors can be challenging to model in synthetic data, for example:

  1. Rare events: If certain events rarely occur in the real world, generating synthetic data that accurately reflects their distribution can be difficult.
  2. Complex relationships: Synthetic data generators may struggle to capture complex relationships between variables, such as non-linear interactions, feedback loops, or conditional dependencies.
  3. Contextual variability: Contextual factors, such as time, location, or individual differences, can have a significant impact on the distribution of data. Modeling this variability accurately can be challenging.
  4. Outliers and anomalies: Synthetic data generators may be unable to generate outliers or anomalies that are realistic and representative of the real world.
  5. Dynamic data: If the data is dynamic and changes over time, it can be challenging to generate synthetic data that captures these changes accurately.
  6. Unobserved variables: Sometimes, variables may be necessary for understanding the data distribution but are not directly observable. These variables can be challenging to model in synthetic data.
  7. Data bias: If the real-world data is biased in some way, such as over-representation of certain groups or under-representation of others, it can be challenging to generate synthetic data that is unbiased and representative of the population.
  8. Time-dependent patterns: If the data exhibits time-dependent patterns, such as seasonality or trends, it can be challenging to generate synthetic data that accurately reflects them.
  9. Spatial patterns: If the data has a spatial component, such as location data or images, it can be challenging to generate synthetic data that captures the spatial patterns realistically.
  10. Data sparsity: If the data is sparse or incomplete, it can be difficult to generate synthetic data that accurately reflects the distribution of the entire dataset.
  11. Human behavior: If the data involves human behavior, such as in social science or behavioral economics, it can be challenging to model the complex and nuanced behaviors of individuals and groups.
  12. Sensitive or confidential information: In some cases, the data may contain sensitive or confidential information that cannot be shared, making it challenging to generate synthetic data that preserves privacy while accurately reflecting the underlying distribution.

Overall, many patterns can be challenging to model accurately in synthetic data. It often requires careful consideration of the specific data characteristics and the synthetic data generation techniques’ limitations.

Easily Modeled Patterns and Behaviors

There are many simple and well-understood patterns that can be easily modeled in synthetic data, for example:

  1. Randomness: If the data is purely random, it can be easily generated using a random number generator or other simple techniques.
  2. Gaussian distribution: If the data follows a Gaussian or normal distribution, it can be generated using a Gaussian random number generator.
  3. Uniform distribution: If the data follows a uniform distribution, it can be easily generated using a uniform random number generator.
  4. Linear relationships: If the data follows a linear relationship between variables, it can be modeled using simple linear regression techniques.
  5. Categorical variables: If the data consists of categorical variables, such as gender or occupation, it can be generated using a categorical distribution.
  6. Text data: If the data consists of text, it can be generated using natural language processing techniques, such as language models or text generation algorithms.
  7. Time series: If the data consists of time series data, such as stock prices or weather data, it can be generated using time series models, such as Autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) or Long short-term memory (LSTM).
  8. Seasonality: If the data exhibits seasonal patterns, such as higher sales data during holiday periods, it can be generated using seasonal time series models.
  9. Proportions and percentages: If the data consists of proportions or percentages, such as product sales distribution across different regions, it can be generated using beta or Dirichlet distributions.
  10. Multivariate normal distribution: If the data follows a multivariate normal distribution, it can be generated using a multivariate Gaussian random number generator.
  11. Networks: If the data consists of network or graph data, such as social networks or transportation networks, it can be generated using network models, such as Erdos-Renyi or Barabasi-Albert models.
  12. Binary data: If the data consists of binary data, such as whether a customer churned, it can be generated using a Bernoulli distribution.
  13. Geospatial data: If it involves geospatial data, such as the location of points of interest, it can be easily using geospatial models, such as point processes or spatial point patterns.
  14. Customer behaviors: If the data involves customer behaviors, such as browsing or purchase histories, it can be generated using customer journey models, such as Markov models.

In general, simple and well-understood patterns can be easily modeled using synthetic data techniques. In contrast, more complex and nuanced patterns may require more sophisticated modeling techniques and a deeper understanding of the underlying data characteristics.

Creating Synthetic Data with Generative AI

We can use many popular generative AI-powered tools to create synthetic data for testing applications, constructing analytics pipelines, and building machine learning models. Tools include OpenAI ChatGPT, Microsoft’s all-new Bing Chat, ChatSonic, Tabnine, GitHub Copilot, and Amazon CodeWhisperer. For more information on these tools, check out my recent blog post:

Accelerating Development with Generative AI-Powered Coding Tools
Explore six popular generative AI-powered tools, including ChatGPT, Copilot, CodeWhisperer, Tabnine, Bing, and…

Let’s start with a simple example of generating synthetic sales data. Suppose we have created a new sales forecasting application for coffee shops that we need to test using synthetic data. We might start by prompting a generative AI tool like OpenAI’s ChatGPT for some data:

Create a CSV file with 25 random sales records for a coffee shop.
Each record should include the following fields:
- id (incrementing integer starting at 1)
- date (random date between 1/1/2022 and 12/31/2022)
- time (random time between 6:00am and 9:00pm in 1-minute increments)
- product_id (incrementing integer starting at 1)
- product
- calories
- price in USD
- type (drink or food)
- quantity (random integer between 1 and 3)
- amount (price * quantity)
- payment type (cash, credit, debit, or gift card)

The content and structure of a prompt can vary, and this can strongly influence ChatGPT’s response. Based on the above prompt, the results were accurate but not very useful for testing our application in this format. ChatGPT cannot create a physical CSV file. Furthermore, ChatGPT’s response length is limited; only about twenty records were returned. According to ChatGPT, in general, ChatGPT can generate responses of up to 2,048 tokens, the maximum output length allowed by the GPT-3 model.


Instead of outputting the actual synthetic data, we could ask ChatGPT to write a program that can, in turn, generate the synthetic data. This option is certainly more scalable. Let’s prompt ChatGPT to write a Python program to generate synthetic sales data with the same characteristics as before:

Create a Python3 program to generate 100 sales of common items 
sold in a coffee shop. The data should be written to a CSV file
and include a header row. Each record should include the following fields:
- id (incrementing integer starting at 1)
- date (random date between 1/1/2022 and 12/31/2022)
- time (random time between 6:00am and 9:00pm in 1-minute increments)
- product_id (incrementing integer starting at 1)
- product
- calories
- price in USD
- type (drink or food)
- quantity (random integer between 1 and 3)
- amount (price * quantity)
- payment type (cash, credit, debit, or gift card)

Using a single concise prompt, ChatGPT generated a complete Python program, including code comments, to generate synthetic sales data. Unfortunately, given ChatGPT’s response size limitation, the coffee shop menu was limited to just six items. Reprompting for more items would result in the truncation of the output and, thus, the program, making it unrunnable. Instead, we could use an additional prompt to generate a longer Python list of menu items and combine the two pieces of code in our IDE. Regardless, we will still need to copy and paste the code into our IDE to review, debug, test, and run.


ChatGPT’s Python program, copied and pasted into VS Code, ran without modifications, and wrote 100 synthetic sales records to a CSV file!

Running ChatGPT’s Python program in VS Code

Using IDE-based Generative AI Tools

Although generating synthetic data directly or snippets of code in chat-based generative AI tools are helpful for limited use cases, writing code in IDE gives us several advantages:

  1. Code does not need to be copied and pasted from external sources into an IDE
  2. Consecutive lines of code, method, and block code completion overcome the single response size limits of chat-based tools like OpenAI ChatGPT
  3. Code can be reused and adapted to evolving use cases over time
  4. Python interpreter and debugger or equivalent for other languages
  5. Automatic code formatting, linting, and code style enforcement
  6. Unit, integration, and functional testing
  7. Static code analysis (SCA)
  8. Vulnerability scanning
  9. IntelliSense for code completion
  10. Source code management (SCM) / version control

Let’s use the same techniques we used with ChatGPT, but from within an IDE to generate three types of synthetic data. We will choose Microsoft’s VS Code with GitHub Copilot and Python as our programming language.

VS Code IDE with GitHub Copilot Nightly extension installed

Source Code

All the code examples shown in this post can be found on GitHub.

Example #1: Coffee Shop Sales Data

First, we will start by outlining the program’s objective using code comments on the top of our Python file. This detailed context helps us to clearly express our goal and enables Copilot to generate an accurate response.

# Write a program that creates synthetic sales data for a coffee shop.
# The program should accept a command line argument that specifies the number of records to generate.
# The program should write the sales data to a file called 'coffee_shop_sales_data.csv'.
# The program should contain the following functions:
# - main() function that calls the other functions
# - function that returns one random product from a list of dictionaries
# - function that returns a dictionary containing one sales record
# - function that writes the sales records to a file

Following the import statements also generated with the assistance of Copilot, we will write the first function to return a random product from a list of 25 products. Again, we will use code comments as a prompt to generate the code. Copilot was able to generate 100% of the function’s code from the comments.

# Write a function to create list of dictionaries.
# The list of dictionaries should contain 15 drink items and 10 food items sold in a coffee shop.
# Include the product id, product name, calories, price, and type (Food or Drink).
# Capilize the first letter of each product name.
# Return a random item from the list of dictionaries.

Below is an example of Copilot’s ability to generate complete lines of code. Ultimately, it generated 100% of the function including choosing the items sold in a coffee shop, with a reasonable price and caloric count. Copilot is not limited to just understanding code.

Copilot can generate entire lines of code

Next, we will write a function to return a random sales record.

# Write a function to return a random sales record.
# The record should be a dictionary with the following fields:
# - id (an incrementing integer starting at 1)
# - date (a random date between 1/1/2022 and 12/31/2022)
# - time (a random time between 6:00am and 9:00pm in 1 minute increments)
# - product_id, product, calories, price, and type (from the get_product function)
# - quantity (a random integer between 1 and 3)
# - amount (price * quantity)
# - payment type (Cash, Credit, Debit, Gift Card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, or Venmo)

Again, Copilot generated 100% of the function’s code as a single block based on the code comments.

Copilot can generate entire blocks of code or methods

Lastly, we will create a function to write the sales data into a CSV file using Copilot’s help.

# Write a function to write the sales records to a CSV file called 'coffee_shop_sales.csv'.
# Use an input parameter to specify the number of records to write.
# The CSV file must have a header row and be comma delimited.
# All string values must be enclosed in double quotes.

Again below, we see an example of Copilot’s ability to generate an entire Python function. I needed to correct a few problems with the generated code. First, there was a lack of quotes for string values, which I added to the function (quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC). Also, the function was missing a key line of code, sale = get_sales_record(), which would have caused the code to fail. Remember, just because the code was generated does not mean it is correct.

Copilot can generate entire blocks of code or methods

Here is the complete program that creates synthetic sales data for a coffee shop with Copilot assistance:

# Purpose: Generate coffee shop sales data
# Author: Gary A. Stafford and GitHub Copilot
# Date: 2023-04-12
# Usage: python3 100
# Command-line argument(s): rec_count (number of records to generate as an integer)
# Write a program that creates synthetic sales data for a coffee shop.
# The program should accept a command line argument that specifies the number of records to generate.
# The program should write the sales data to a file called 'coffee_shop_sales_data.csv'.
# The program should contain the following functions:
# – main() function that calls the other functions
# – function that returns one random product from a list of dictionaries
# – function that returns a dictionary containing one sales record
# – function that writes the sales records to a file
import argparse
import csv
import hashlib
import random
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
def main():
# create a parser object
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Generate coffee shop sales data")
# add a command line argument to specify the number of records to generate
help="The number of records to generate",
num_recs = parser.parse_args().num_recs
# Write a function to create list of dictionaries.
# The list of dictionaries should contain 15 drink items and 10 food items sold in a coffee shop.
# Include the product id, product name, calories, price, and type (Food or Drink).
# Capilize the first letter of each product name.
# Return a random item from the list of dictionaries.
def get_product():
products = [
{"id": 1, "product": "Latte", "calories": 120, "price": 3.50, "type": "Drink"},
{"id": 2, "product": "Cappuccino", "calories": 100, "price": 3.00, "type": "Drink"},
{"id": 3, "product": "Americano", "calories": 5, "price": 2.50, "type": "Drink"},
{"id": 4, "product": "Espresso", "calories": 10, "price": 2.00, "type": "Drink"},
{"id": 5, "product": "Mocha", "calories": 250, "price": 4.00, "type": "Drink"},
{"id": 6, "product": "Iced Coffee", "calories": 80, "price": 2.50, "type": "Drink"},
{"id": 7, "product": "Hot Chocolate", "calories": 300, "price": 3.50, "type": "Drink"},
{"id": 8, "product": "Tea", "calories": 0, "price": 2.00, "type": "Drink"},
{"id": 9, "product": "Frappe", "calories": 450, "price": 5.00, "type": "Drink"},
{"id": 10, "product": "Smoothie", "calories": 200, "price": 4.00, "type": "Drink"},
{"id": 11, "product": "Iced Tea", "calories": 0, "price": 2.50, "type": "Drink"},
{"id": 12, "product": "Lemonade", "calories": 120, "price": 3.00, "type": "Drink"},
{"id": 13, "product": "Hot Tea", "calories": 0, "price": 2.00, "type": "Drink"},
{"id": 14, "product": "Chai Tea", "calories": 200, "price": 3.50, "type": "Drink"},
{"id": 15, "product": "Iced Chai", "calories": 250, "price": 4.00, "type": "Drink"},
{"id": 16, "product": "Croissant", "calories": 231, "price": 2.99, "type": "Food"},
{"id": 17, "product": "Bagel", "calories": 289, "price": 3.49, "type": "Food"},
{"id": 18, "product": "Muffin", "calories": 426, "price": 3.99, "type": "Food"},
{"id": 19, "product": "Sandwich", "calories": 512, "price": 6.99, "type": "Food"},
{"id": 20, "product": "Wrap", "calories": 388, "price": 5.99, "type": "Food"},
{"id": 21, "product": "Salad", "calories": 231, "price": 7.99, "type": "Food"},
{"id": 22, "product": "Quiche", "calories": 456, "price": 4.99, "type": "Food"},
{"id": 23, "product": "Scone", "calories": 335, "price": 2.49, "type": "Food"},
{"id": 24, "product": "Pastry", "calories": 397, "price": 3.99, "type": "Food"},
{"id": 25, "product": "Cake", "calories": 512, "price": 5.99, "type": "Food"},
# return one random item from list of dictionaries
return random.choice(products)
# Write a function to return a random sales record.
# The record should be a dictionary with the following fields:
# – transaction_id (a hash of the date, time, and product_id)
# – date (a random date between 1/1/2022 and 12/31/2022)
# – time (a random time between 6:00am and 9:00pm in 1 minute increments)
# – product_id, product, calories, price, and type (from the get_product function)
# – quantity (a random integer between 1 and 3)
# – amount (price * quantity)
# – payment type (Cash, Credit, Debit, Gift Card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, or Venmo)
def get_sales_record():
# get a random product
product = get_product()
# get a random date between 1/1/2022 and 12/31/2022
start_date = datetime(2022, 1, 1)
end_date = datetime(2022, 12, 31)
random_date = start_date + timedelta(
# Get a random number of seconds between 0 and the number of seconds between start_date and end_date
seconds=random.randint(0, int(
(end_date – start_date).total_seconds())), )
# get a random time between 6:00am and 9:00pm
start_time = datetime.strptime("6:00am", "%I:%M%p")
end_time = datetime.strptime("9:00pm", "%I:%M%p")
random_time = start_time + timedelta(
# Get a random number of seconds between 0 and the number of seconds between start_time and end_time
seconds=random.randint(0, int(
(end_time – start_time).total_seconds())), )
# get a random quantity between 1 and 3
random_quantity = random.randint(1, 3)
# get a random payment type:
# Cash, Credit, Debit, Gift card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Venmo
random_payment_type = random.choice(
["Cash", "Credit", "Debit", "Gift card", "Apple Pay", "Google Pay", "Venmo"])
sales_record = {
"date": random_date.strftime("%m/%d/%Y"),
"time": random_time.strftime("%H:%M:%S"),
"product_id": product["id"],
"product": product["product"],
"calories": product["calories"],
"price": product["price"],
"type": product["type"],
"quantity": random_quantity,
"amount": product["price"] * random_quantity,
"payment_type": random_payment_type,
return sales_record
# Write a function to write the sales records to a CSV file called 'coffee_shop_sales_data.csv'.
# Use an input parameter to specify the number of records to write.
# Call the get_sales_record function once for each record to write.
# The CSV file must have a header row and be comma delimited.
# All string values must be enclosed in double quotes.
def write_data(rec_count):
# open the file for writing
with open("output/coffee_shop_sales_data.csv", "w", newline="") as csv_file:
# create a csv writer object
csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_file,
# write the header row
# id,date,time,product_id,product,calories,price,type,quantity,amount,payment_type
# write the sales records
for i in range(rec_count):
sale = get_sales_record()
transaction_id = hashlib.md5((f'{sale["date"]} {sale["time"]} {sale["product_id"]}').encode()).hexdigest()
if __name__ == "__main__":

Copilot generated an astounding 80–85% of the program’s final code. The initial program took 10–15 minutes to write using code comments. I then added a few new features, including the ability to pass in the record count on the command line and the hash-based transaction id, which took another 5 minutes. Finally, I used GitHub Code Brushes to optimize the code and generate the Python docstrings, and Black Formatter and Flake8 extensions to format and lint, all of which took less than 5 minutes. With testing and debugging, the total time was about 25–30 minutes.

The most significant difference with Copilot was that I never had to leave the IDE to look up code references or find existing sales datasets or even a coffee shop menu to duplicate. The code, as well as the list of products, price, calories, and product type, were all generated by Copilot.

To make this example more realistic, you could use Copilot’s assistance to write algorithms capable of reflecting daily, weekly, and seasonal variations in product choice and sales volumes. This might include simulating increased sales during the busy morning rush hour or a preference for iced drinks in the summer months versus hot drinks during the winter months.

Here is an example of the synthetic sales data output by the example application:

transaction_id date time product_id product calories price type quantity amount payment_type
47a157f84e727fe3335db1519ee736a6 06/27/2022 19:59:42 22 Quiche 456 4.99 Food 2 9.98 Debit
1bf01013e699ca0f804650ea50826c82 11/20/2022 06:21:14 22 Quiche 456 4.99 Food 3 14.97 Cash
84f41c15749090d1e79bf9a48a58d6c3 08/18/2022 11:50:22 14 Chai Tea 200 3.5 Drink 2 7.0 Apple Pay
ef1845b8438bf3b5b99d2f4891a48f03 11/13/2022 17:20:51 12 Lemonade 120 3.0 Drink 2 6.0 Debit
9863de11be3099d6361392584e30e624 06/03/2022 18:27:03 18 Muffin 426 3.99 Food 2 7.98 Gift card
f50ed8878250bc06f66b97f5cd2f6df7 02/21/2022 17:02:18 7 Hot Chocolate 300 3.5 Drink 2 7.0 Credit
1903169473f41a0275ee702f2c6b1dd6 05/24/2022 14:58:25 10 Smoothie 200 4.0 Drink 3 12.0 Venmo
164a9519fd3db952e721e9f55dc1be74 01/07/2022 14:19:35 14 Chai Tea 200 3.5 Drink 2 7.0 Debit
dc85a202143de48ad4646190cdc0bf5c 01/28/2022 08:52:38 20 Wrap 388 5.99 Food 1 5.99 Venmo
7d182be793ab4b3290d14968e9c9a3e3 02/20/2022 10:16:10 16 Croissant 231 2.99 Food 2 5.98 Google Pay
f524811f456481f5a4a2f0c09dcafa28 10/03/2022 16:19:35 10 Smoothie 200 4.0 Drink 3 12.0 Debit
f2f63eacd33cb9f13849b08638e6fc3d 07/06/2022 16:14:20 10 Smoothie 200 4.0 Drink 3 12.0 Cash
7435e8cc8771a8b538529ff6f873cc05 04/12/2022 16:35:51 14 Chai Tea 200 3.5 Drink 3 10.5 Venmo
0e1154abb6a79b9ece570d51e3116846 11/28/2022 14:44:05 21 Salad 231 7.99 Food 2 15.98 Debit
d5926d58011a2a25798bf2aa72552cf0 04/19/2022 16:06:09 22 Quiche 456 4.99 Food 1 4.99 Venmo

Example #2: Residential Address Data

We could use these same techniques to generate a list of residential addresses. To start, we can prompt Copilot for the values in a list of common street names and street types in the United States:

# Write a function that creates a list of common street names
# in the United States, in alphabetical order.
# List should be in alphabetical order. Each name should be unique.
# Return a random street name.
def get_street_name():
street_names = [
"Ash", "Bend", "Bluff", "Branch", "Bridge", "Broadway", "Brook", "Burg",
"Bury", "Canyon", "Cape", "Cedar", "Cove", "Creek", "Crest", "Crossing",
"Dale", "Dam", "Divide", "Downs", "Elm", "Estates", "Falls", "Fifth",
"First", "Fork", "Fourth", "Glen", "Green", "Grove", "Harbor", "Heights",
"Hickory", "Hill", "Hollow", "Island", "Isle", "Knoll", "Lake", "Landing",

return random.choice(street_names)

# Write a function that creates a list of common street types
# in the United States, in alphabetical order.
# List should be in alphabetical order. Each name should be unique.
# Return a random street type.
def get_street_type():
street_types = [
"Alley", "Avenue", "Bend", "Bluff", "Boulevard", "Branch", "Bridge", "Brook",
"Burg", "Circle", "Commons", "Court", "Drive", "Highway", "Lane", "Parkway",
"Place", "Road", "Square", "Street", "Terrace", "Trail", "Way"

return random.choice(street_types)

Next, we can create a function that returns a property type based on a categorical distribution of common residential property types with the prompt:

# Write a function to return a random property type.
# Accept a random value between 0 and 1 as an input parameter.
# The function must return one of the following values based on the %:
# 63% Single-family, 26% Multi-family, 4% Condo,
# 3% Townhouse, 2% Mobile home, 1% Farm, 1% Other.

Again, Copilot generated 100% of the function’s code as a single block based on the code comments.

Copilot generating a categorical distribution of common residential property types

Additionally, we could have Copilot help us generate a list of the 50 largest cities in the United States with state, zip code, and population, with the prompt:

# Write a function to returns the 50 largest cities in the United States.
# List should be sorted in descending order by population.
# Include the city, state abbreviation, zip code, and population.
# Return a list of dictionaries.

Once again, Copilot generated 100% of the function’s code using a combination of single lines and code blocks based on the code comments.

Copilot generating a block of US cities with state, zip code, and populations

When randomly choosing a city, we can use a categorical distribution of populations of all the cities to control the distribution of cities in the final synthetic dataset. For example, there will be more addresses in larger cities like New York City or Los Angeles than in smaller cities like Buffalo or Virginia Beach, with the prompt:

# Write a function that calculates the total population of the list of cities.
# Add a 'pcnt_of_total_population' and 'pcnt_running_total' columns to list.
# Returns a sorted list of cities by population.

Here is the complete program that creates synthetic US-based address data with Copilot assistance:

# Purpose: Generate US residential address data
# Author: Gary A. Stafford and GitHub Copilot
# Date: 2023-04-13
# Usage: python3 100
# Command-line argument(s): rec_count (number of records to generate as an integer)
# Write an application that create a random list of united states addresses.
# The application should accept a command line argument that specifies the number of records to generate.
# Include address, city, state, zip code, country, and property type.
# Write the data to a csv file named 'address_data.csv'.
# The application should contain the following functions:
# – main() function that calls the other functions
# – function that returns a list of common street names in the United States
# – function that returns a list of common street types in the United States
# – function that returns a list of common city, state, zip code, and population in the United States
# – function that returns a property type
import csv
import random
import argparse
cities_final = []
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate coffee shop sales data")
"rec_count", type=int, help="The number of records to generate", default=100
# add population calculations to the city data
cities = get_cities()
rec_count = parser.parse_args().rec_count
# Write a function that creates a list of common street names
# in the United States, in alphabetical order.
# Each one should be unique.
# Return a random street name.
def get_street_name():
street_names = [
"Ash", "Bend", "Bluff", "Branch", "Bridge", "Broadway", "Brook", "Burg",
"Bury", "Canyon", "Cape", "Cedar", "Cove", "Creek", "Crest", "Crossing",
"Dale", "Dam", "Divide", "Downs", "Elm", "Estates", "Falls", "Fifth",
"First", "Fork", "Fourth", "Glen", "Green", "Grove", "Harbor", "Heights",
"Hickory", "Hill", "Hollow", "Island", "Isle", "Knoll", "Lake", "Landing",
"Lawn", "Main", "Manor", "Maple", "Meadow", "Meadows", "Mill", "Mills",
"Mission", "Mount", "Mountain", "Oak", "Oaks", "Orchard", "Park", "Parkway",
"Pass", "Path", "Pike", "Pine", "Place", "Plain", "Plains", "Port", "Prairie",
"Ridge", "River", "Road", "Rock", "Rocks", "Second", "Seventh", "Shoals",
"Shore", "Shores", "Sixth", "Skyway", "Spring", "Springs", "Spur", "Station",
"Summit", "Sunset", "Terrace", "Third", "Trace", "Track", "Trail", "Tunnel",
"Turnpike", "Vale", "Valley", "View", "Village", "Ville", "Vista", "Walk",
"Way", "Well", "Wells", "Wood", "Woods", "Worth"
return random.choice(street_names)
# Write a function that creates a list of common street types
# in the United States, in alphabetical order.
# Each one should be unique.
# Return a random street type.
def get_street_type():
street_types = [
"Alley", "Avenue", "Bend", "Bluff", "Boulevard", "Branch", "Bridge", "Brook",
"Burg", "Circle", "Commons", "Court", "Drive", "Highway", "Lane", "Parkway",
"Place", "Road", "Square", "Street", "Terrace", "Trail", "Way"
return random.choice(street_types)
# Write a function that calculates the total population of the list of cities.
# Add a 'pcnt_of_total_population' and 'pcnt_running_total' columns to list.
# Returns a sorted list of cities by population.
def prepare_cities(cities):
total_population = 0 # 51,035,885
for city in cities:
total_population += city["population"]
for city in cities:
city["pcnt_of_total_population"] = city["population"] / total_population
global cities_final
cities_final = sorted(cities, key=lambda d: d["population"], reverse=True)
running_total = 1
for city in cities_final:
running_total -= city["pcnt_of_total_population"]
city["pcnt_running_total"] = running_total
# Write a function to returns the 50 largest cities in the United States.
# Include the city, state abbreviation, zip code, and population.
# List should be sorted in descending order by population.
# Return a list of dictionaries.
def get_cities():
cities = [
{"city": "Albuquerque", "state": "NM", "zip": "87102", "population": 559277},
{"city": "Anaheim", "state": "CA", "zip": "92801", "population": 345012},
{"city": "Anchorage", "state": "AK", "zip": "99501", "population": 291826},
{"city": "Arlington", "state": "TX", "zip": "76010", "population": 398121},
{"city": "Atlanta", "state": "GA", "zip": "30303", "population": 486290},
{"city": "Aurora", "state": "CO", "zip": "80010", "population": 325078},
{"city": "Austin", "state": "TX", "zip": "78701", "population": 931830},
{"city": "Bakersfield", "state": "CA", "zip": "93301", "population": 372576},
{"city": "Baltimore", "state": "MD", "zip": "21202", "population": 602495},
{"city": "Boston", "state": "MA", "zip": "02108", "population": 667137},
{"city": "Buffalo", "state": "NY", "zip": "14202", "population": 258959},
{"city": "Charlotte", "state": "NC", "zip": "28202", "population": 872498},
{"city": "Chicago", "state": "IL", "zip": "60602", "population": 2695598},
{"city": "Cincinnati", "state": "OH", "zip": "45202", "population": 296943},
{"city": "Cleveland", "state": "OH", "zip": "44113", "population": 390113},
{"city": "Colorado Springs", "state": "CO", "zip": "80903", "population": 456568},
{"city": "Columbus", "state": "OH", "zip": "43215", "population": 822553},
{"city": "Dallas", "state": "TX", "zip": "75201", "population": 1345047},
{"city": "Denver", "state": "CO", "zip": "80202", "population": 682545},
{"city": "Detroit", "state": "MI", "zip": "48226", "population": 672662},
{"city": "El Paso", "state": "TX", "zip": "79901", "population": 674433},
{"city": "Fort Worth", "state": "TX", "zip": "76102", "population": 792727},
{"city": "Fresno", "state": "CA", "zip": "93721", "population": 509924},
{"city": "Houston", "state": "TX", "zip": "77002", "population": 2296224},
{"city": "Indianapolis", "state": "IN", "zip": "46204", "population": 843393},
{"city": "Jacksonville", "state": "FL", "zip": "32202", "population": 842583},
{"city": "Kansas City", "state": "MO", "zip": "64102", "population": 467007},
{"city": "Las Vegas", "state": "NV", "zip": "89101", "population": 603488},
{"city": "Long Beach", "state": "CA", "zip": "90802", "population": 462257},
{"city": "Los Angeles", "state": "CA", "zip": "90001", "population": 3971883},
{"city": "Louisville", "state": "KY", "zip": "40202", "population": 609893},
{"city": "Memphis", "state": "TN", "zip": "38103", "population": 653450},
{"city": "Mesa", "state": "AZ", "zip": "85201", "population": 508958},
{"city": "Miami", "state": "FL", "zip": "33128", "population": 463347},
{"city": "Milwaukee", "state": "WI", "zip": "53202", "population": 594833},
{"city": "Minneapolis", "state": "MN", "zip": "55402", "population": 410939},
{"city": "Nashville", "state": "TN", "zip": "37203", "population": 654610},
{"city": "New York", "state": "NY", "zip": "10007", "population": 8405837},
{"city": "Newark", "state": "NJ", "zip": "07102", "population": 281944},
{"city": "Oakland", "state": "CA", "zip": "94607", "population": 406253},
{"city": "Oklahoma City", "state": "OK", "zip": "73102", "population": 631346},
{"city": "Omaha", "state": "NE", "zip": "68102", "population": 434353},
{"city": "Philadelphia", "state": "PA", "zip": "19107", "population": 1526006},
{"city": "Phoenix", "state": "AZ", "zip": "85003", "population": 1445632},
{"city": "Pittsburgh", "state": "PA", "zip": "15222", "population": 305841},
{"city": "Portland", "state": "OR", "zip": "97201", "population": 609456},
{"city": "Raleigh", "state": "NC", "zip": "27601", "population": 403892},
{"city": "Sacramento", "state": "CA", "zip": "95814", "population": 479686},
{"city": "San Antonio", "state": "TX", "zip": "78205", "population": 1327407},
{"city": "San Diego", "state": "CA", "zip": "92101", "population": 1307402},
{"city": "San Francisco", "state": "CA", "zip": "94102", "population": 805235},
{"city": "San Jose", "state": "CA", "zip": "95113", "population": 998537},
{"city": "Seattle", "state": "WA", "zip": "98101", "population": 608660},
{"city": "St. Louis", "state": "MO", "zip": "63102", "population": 319294},
{"city": "Tampa", "state": "FL", "zip": "33602", "population": 335709},
{"city": "Tucson", "state": "AZ", "zip": "85701", "population": 520116},
{"city": "Virginia Beach", "state": "VA", "zip": "23451", "population": 448479},
{"city": "Washington", "state": "DC", "zip": "20001", "population": 601723},
return cities
# write a function to return a random city
# accept a random value between 0 and 1 as an input parameter
def get_city(rnd_value):
for city in cities_final:
if rnd_value >= city["pcnt_running_total"]:
return city
# Write a function to return a random property type.
# Accept a random value between 0 and 1 as an input parameter.
# The function must return one of the following values based on the %:
# 63% Single-family, 26% Multi-family, 4% Condo,
# 3% Townhouse, 2% Mobile home, 1% Farm, 1% Other.
def get_property_type(rnd_value):
if rnd_value < 0.63:
return "Single-family"
elif rnd_value < 0.89:
return "Multi-family"
elif rnd_value < 0.93:
return "Condo"
elif rnd_value < 0.96:
return "Townhouse"
elif rnd_value < 0.98:
return "Mobile home"
elif rnd_value < 0.99:
return "Farm"
return "Other"
# Create a function to write the address records to a csv file called 'address_data.csv'.
# Use an input parameter to specify the number of records to write.
# The csv file must have a header row and be comma delimited.
# All string values must be enclosed in double quotes.
def write_data(rec_count):
address_id = 0
with open("output/address_data.csv", "w", newline="") as csv_file:
csv_writer = csv.writer(
csv_file, delimiter=",", quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC
for i in range(rec_count):
address_id += 1
street_name = get_street_name()
street_type = get_street_type()
street_address = f"{random.randint(1, 9999)} {street_name} {street_type}"
city_state_zip = get_city(random.random())
country = "United States"
property_type = get_property_type(random.random())
assessed_value = random.randint(52500, 1950000)
if __name__ == "__main__":

To make this example more realistic, you could use Copilot’s assistance to write algorithms capable of accurately reflecting assessed property values based on the type of residence and the zip code.

Here is an example of the synthetic US-based residential address data output by the example application:

id address city state zip country property_type assessed_value
1 1008 Walk Burg Houston TX 77002 United States Multi-family 1122321
2 7088 Second Square Oklahoma City OK 73102 United States Single-family 261940
3 1425 Ridge Terrace Indianapolis IN 46204 United States Single-family 1030391
4 982 Way Lane New York NY 10007 United States Multi-family 95499
5 9404 Port Court Columbus OH 43215 United States Single-family 922404
6 7135 Crossing Trail Virginia Beach VA 23451 United States Single-family 272910
7 9481 Harbor Brook New York NY 10007 United States Multi-family 232795
8 8585 Manor Branch Raleigh NC 27601 United States Single-family 701217
9 7703 Bluff Boulevard Las Vegas NV 89101 United States Single-family 530581
10 4186 Worth Circle New York NY 10007 United States Townhouse 626577
11 8739 Prairie Trail Portland OR 97201 United States Single-family 316167
12 4 Shores Road Virginia Beach VA 23451 United States Single-family 925711
13 3148 Rocks Road Mesa AZ 85201 United States Single-family 182479
14 1545 Wells Drive Chicago IL 60602 United States Multi-family 1000777
15 1699 Ash Brook Seattle WA 98101 United States Single-family 605392

Example #3: Demographic Data

We could use the same techniques again to generate synthetic demographic data. With the assistance of Copilot, we can write functions that randomly return typical feminine or masculine first names (forenames) and common last names (surnames) found in the United States, for this use case.

# Write a function that generates a list of common feminine first names in the United States.
# List should be in alphabetical order.
# Each name should be unique.
# Return random first name.
def get_first_name_feminine():
first_name_feminine = [
"Alice", "Amanda", "Amy", "Angela", "Ann", "Anna", "Barbara", "Betty",
"Brenda", "Carol", "Carolyn", "Catherine", "Christine", "Cynthia", "Deborah", "Debra",
"Diane", "Donna", "Doris", "Dorothy", "Elizabeth", "Frances", "Gloria", "Heather",
"Helen", "Janet", "Jennifer", "Jessica", "Joyce", "Julie", "Karen", "Kathleen", "Kimberly",

return random.choice(first_name_feminine)

With the assistance of Copilot, we can also write functions that return demographic information, such as age, gender, race, marital status, religion, and political affiliation. Similar to the previous sales data example, we can influence the final synthetic dataset based on categorical distributions of different demographic categories, for instance, with the prompt:

# Write a function that returns a person's martial status.
# Accept a random value between 0 and 1 as an input parameter.
# The function must return one of the following values based on the %:
# 50% Married, 33% Single, 17% Unknown.
def get_martial_status(rnd_value):
if rnd_value < 0.50:
return "Married"
elif rnd_value < 0.83:
return "Single"
return "Unknown"

By altering the categorical distributions, we can quickly alter the resulting synthetic dataset to reflect differing demographic characteristics: an older or younger population, the predominance of a single race, religious affiliation, or marital status, or the ratio of males to females.

Next, we can use a Gaussian distribution (aka normal distribution) to return the year of birth in a bell-shaped curve, given a mean year and a standard deviation, using Python’s random.normalvariate function.

# Write a function that generates a normal distribution of date of births.
# with a mean year of 1975 and a standard deviation of 10.
# Return random date of birth as a string in the format YYYY-MM-DD
def get_dob():
day_of_year = random.randint(1, 365)
year_of_birth = int(random.normalvariate(1975, 10))
dob = date(int(year_of_birth), 1, 1) + timedelta(day_of_year - 1)
dob = dob.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
return dob

Here is the complete program that creates synthetic demographic data with Copilot’s assistance:

# Purpose: Generate demographic data
# Author: Gary A. Stafford and GitHub Copilot
# Date: 2023-04-14
# Usage: python3 100
# Command-line argument(s): rec_count (number of records to generate as an integer)
# Write an application that creates a file containing demographic data.
# The application should accept a command line argument that specifies the number of records to generate.
# The application should write the demographic data to a file called 'demographic_data.csv'.
# The application should contain the following functions:
# – main() function that calls the other functions
# – function that returns a random first name
# – function that returns a random last name
# – function that returns a random date of birth
# – function that returns a random gender
# – function that returns a random religious affiliation
# – function that returns a random race
import random
import argparse
import csv
from datetime import date, timedelta
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate demographic data")
"rec_count", type=int, help="The number of records to generate", default=100
rec_count = parser.parse_args().rec_count
# Write a function that generates a list of common feminine first names in the United States.
# List should be in alphabetical order.
# Each name should be unique.
# Return random first name.
def get_first_name_feminine():
first_name_feminine = [
"Alice", "Amanda", "Amy", "Angela", "Ann", "Anna", "Barbara", "Betty",
"Brenda", "Carol", "Carolyn", "Catherine", "Christine", "Cynthia", "Deborah", "Debra",
"Diane", "Donna", "Doris", "Dorothy", "Elizabeth", "Frances", "Gloria", "Heather",
"Helen", "Janet", "Jennifer", "Jessica", "Joyce", "Julie", "Karen", "Kathleen", "Kimberly",
"Laura", "Linda", "Lisa", "Margaret", "Maria", "Marie", "Martha", "Mary", "Melissa",
"Michelle", "Nancy", "Pamela", "Patricia", "Rebecca", "Ruth", "Sandra", "Sarah", "Sharon",
"Shirley", "Stephanie", "Susan", "Teresa", "Virginia",
return random.choice(first_name_feminine)
# Write a function that generates a list of common masculine first names in the United States.
# List should be in alphabetical order.
# Each name should be unique.
# Return random first name.
def get_first_name_masculine():
first_names_masculine = [
"Adams", "Alexander", "Allen", "Anderson", "Bailey", "Baker", "Barnes", "Bell",
"Bennett", "Brooks", "Brown", "Bryant", "Butler", "Campbell", "Carter", "Clark",
"Coleman", "Collins", "Cook", "Cooper", "Cox", "Davis", "Edwards", "Evans",
"Flores", "Foster", "Garcia", "Gonzales", "Gonzalez", "Gray", "Green", "Griffin",
"Hall", "Harris", "Henderson", "Hernandez", "Hill", "Howard", "Hughes", "Jackson",
"James", "Jenkins", "Johnson", "Jones", "Kelly", "King", "Lee", "Lewis", "Long",
"Lopez", "Martin", "Martinez", "Miller", "Mitchell", "Moore", "Morgan", "Morris",
"Murphy", "Nelson", "Parker", "Patterson", "Perez", "Perry", "Peterson", "Phillips",
"Powell", "Price", "Ramirez", "Reed", "Richardson", "Rivera", "Roberts", "Robinson",
"Rodriguez", "Rogers", "Ross", "Russell", "Sanchez", "Sanders", "Scott", "Simmons",
"Smith", "Stewart", "Taylor", "Thomas", "Thompson", "Torres", "Turner", "Walker",
"Ward", "Washington", "Watson", "White", "Williams", "Wilson", "Wood", "Wright", "Young"
return random.choice(first_names_masculine)
# Write a function that returns a person's gender.
# Return a random gender.
# Accept a random value between 0 and 1 as an input parameter.
# The function must return one of the following values based on the %:
# 53% Male, 40% Female, 6% Other, 1% Transgender
def get_gender(rnd_value):
if rnd_value < 0.53:
return "Male"
elif rnd_value < 0.93:
return "Feamle"
elif rnd_value < 0.99:
return "Other"
return "Transgener"
# Write a function that returns a feminine or masculine first name.
# Return random first name.
# Accept a random value between 0 and 1 as an input parameter.
# The function must return one of the following values based on the %:
# 53% chance of being feminine, 40% chance of being masculine
def get_first_name(rnd_value):
if rnd_value < 0.53:
return get_first_name_masculine()
elif rnd_value < 0.93:
return get_first_name_feminine()
elif rnd_value < 0.97:
return get_first_name_masculine()
return get_first_name_feminine()
# Write a function that generates a list of common last names in the United States.
# List should be in alphabetical order.
# Each name should be unique.
# Return random last name.
def get_last_name():
last_names = [
"Adams", "Alexander", "Allen", "Anderson", "Bailey", "Baker", "Barnes", "Bell",
"Bennett", "Brooks", "Brown", "Bryant", "Butler", "Campbell", "Carter", "Clark",
"Coleman", "Collins", "Cook", "Cooper", "Cox", "Davis", "Edwards", "Evans", "Flores",
"Foster", "Garcia", "Gonzales", "Gonzalez", "Gray", "Green", "Griffin", "Hall",
"Harris", "Henderson", "Hernandez", "Hill", "Howard", "Hughes", "Jackson", "James",
"Jenkins", "Johnson", "Jones", "Kelly", "King", "Lee", "Lewis", "Long", "Lopez",
"Martin", "Martinez", "Miller", "Mitchell", "Moore", "Morgan", "Morris", "Murphy",
"Nelson", "Parker", "Patterson", "Perez", "Perry", "Peterson", "Phillips", "Powell",
"Price", "Ramirez", "Reed", "Richardson", "Rivera", "Roberts", "Robinson", "Rodriguez",
"Rogers", "Ross", "Russell", "Sanchez", "Sanders", "Scott", "Simmons", "Smith", "Stewart",
"Taylor", "Thomas", "Thompson", "Torres", "Turner", "Walker", "Ward", "Washington", "Watson",
"White", "Williams", "Wilson", "Wood", "Wright", "Young",
return random.choice(last_names)
# Write a function that returns a martial status.
# Return random martial status.
# Accept a random value between 0 and 1 as an input parameter.
# The function must return one of the following values based on the %:
# 50% Married, 33% Single, 17% Unknown
def get_martial_status(rnd_value):
if rnd_value < 0.50:
return "Married"
elif rnd_value < 0.83:
return "Single"
return "Unknown"
# Write a function that returns a person's race.
# Return random race.
# Accept a random value between 0 and 1 as an input parameter.
# The function must return one of the following values based on the %:
# 58% White, 19% Hispanic, 12% Black, 6% Asian, 4% Multiracial
def get_race(rnd_value):
if rnd_value < 0.58:
return "White"
elif rnd_value < 0.77:
return "Hispanic"
elif rnd_value < 0.89:
return "Black"
elif rnd_value < 0.95:
return "Asian"
return "Multiracial"
# Write a function that returns a person's religious affiliation.
# Return random regilion.
# Accept a random value between 0 and 1 as an input parameter.
# The function must return one of the following values based on the %:
# 70% Christian, 20% Agnostic, 3% Atheist, 2% Jewish,
# 2% Other, 1% Muslim, 1% Hindu, 1% Buddhist
def get_regilion(rnd_value):
if rnd_value < 0.7:
return "Christian"
elif rnd_value < 0.9:
return "Agnostic"
elif rnd_value < 0.93:
return "Atheist"
elif rnd_value < 0.95:
return "Jewish"
elif rnd_value < 0.97:
return "Other"
elif rnd_value < 0.98:
return "Muslim"
elif rnd_value < 0.99:
return "Hindu"
return "Buddhist"
# Write a function that returns a person's gender.
# Return a random gender.
# Accept a random value between 0 and 1 as an input parameter.
# The function must return one of the following values based on the %:
# 53% Male, 40% Female, 6% Other, 1% Transgender
def get_gender(rnd_value):
if rnd_value < 0.53:
return "Male"
elif rnd_value < 0.93:
return "Feamle"
elif rnd_value < 0.99:
return "Other"
return "Transgener"
# Write a function that generates a normal distribution of ages.
# Using normalvariate() from the random module
# with a mean of 40 and a standard deviation of 10.
# Return random age as an integer.
def get_age():
return int(random.normalvariate(40, 10))
# Write a function that generates a normal distribution of date of births.
# with a mean year of 1975 and a standard deviation of 10.
# Return random date of birth as a string in the format YYYY-MM-DD
def get_dob():
day_of_year = random.randint(1, 365)
year_of_birth = int(random.normalvariate(1975, 10))
dob = date(int(year_of_birth), 1, 1) + timedelta(day_of_year – 1)
dob = dob.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
return dob
# Create a function to write the demographic records to a csv file called 'demographic_data.csv'.
# Use an input parameter to specify the number of records to write.
# The csv file must have a header row and be comma delimited.
# String values must be enclosed in double quotes.
def write_data(rec_count):
id = 0
with open("output/demographic_data.csv", "w", newline="") as csv_file:
csv_writer = csv.writer(
csv_file, delimiter=",", quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC
for i in range(rec_count):
rnd_gender = random.random()
id += 1
first_name = get_first_name(rnd_gender)
last_name = get_last_name()
dob = get_dob()
gender = get_gender(rnd_gender)
martial_status = get_martial_status(random.random())
race = get_race(random.random())
religion = get_regilion(random.random())
if __name__ == "__main__":

To make this example more realistic, you could use Copilot’s assistance to write algorithms capable of more accurately representing the nuanced associations and correlations between age, gender, race, marital status, religion, and political affiliation.

Here is an example of the synthetic demographic data output by the example application:

user_id first_name last_name dob gender martital_status race religion
1 Thomas Powell 1967-06-10 Male Married Black Christian
2 Ward Williams 1973-07-22 Male Single Asian Christian
3 Martha Watson 1975-02-28 Feamle Single Hispanic Agnostic
4 Brenda Bailey 1979-07-07 Feamle Married Black Christian
5 Parker Johnson 1955-07-14 Male Married White Christian
6 Rebecca Wilson 1972-05-27 Feamle Married White Christian
7 Doris Allen 1956-07-09 Feamle Married Multiracial Christian
8 Rebecca Sanchez 1965-09-16 Feamle Single White Christian
9 Mary Johnson 1971-04-04 Feamle Single White Christian
10 Anderson Roberts 1983-11-02 Male Single Hispanic Christian
11 Robinson Peterson 1974-10-25 Male Single White Jewish
12 Lopez Ross 1985-04-30 Male Married White Christian
13 Flores Reed 1977-09-01 Male Married Black Agnostic
14 Martin Phillips 1960-03-24 Male Single White Christian
15 Carter Torres 1983-07-31 Male Married White Christian

Generative AI Tools for Unit Testing

In addition to writing code and documentation, a common use of generative AI code assistants like Copilot is unit tests. For example, we can create unit tests for each function in our coffee shop sales data code generator, using the same method of prompting with code comments.

Copilot can also assist with writing unit tests


In this post, we learned how Generative AI could assist us in creating synthetic data for software development, analytics, and machine learning. The examples herein generated data using simple techniques. Using advanced modeling techniques, we could generate increasingly complex, realistic synthetic data.

To learn about other ways Generative AI can be used to assist in writing code, please read my previous article, Ten Ways to Leverage Generative AI for Development on AWS.

🔔 To keep up with future content, follow Gary Stafford on LinkedIn.

This blog represents my viewpoints and not those of my employer, Amazon Web Services (AWS). All product names, logos, and brands are the property of their respective owners.

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Ten Ways to Leverage Generative AI for Development on AWS

Explore ten ways you can use Generative AI coding tools to accelerate development and increase your productivity on AWS

Licensed image: PopTika/
Licensed image: PopTika/

Generative AI coding tools are a new class of software development tools that leverage machine learning algorithms to assist developers in writing code. These tools use AI models trained on vast amounts of code to offer suggestions for completing code snippets, writing functions, and even entire blocks of code.

Quote generated by OpenAI ChatGPT


Combining the latest Generative AI coding tools with a feature-rich and extensible IDE and your coding skills will accelerate development and increase your productivity. In this post, we will look at ten examples of how you can use Generative AI coding tools on AWS:

  1. Application Development: Code, unit tests, and documentation
  2. Infrastructure as Code (IaC): AWS CloudFormation, AWS CDK, Terraform, and Ansible
  3. AWS Lambda: Serverless, event-driven functions
  4. IAM Policies: AWS IAM policies and Amazon S3 bucket policies
  5. Structured Query Language (SQL): Amazon RDS, Amazon Redshift, Amazon Athena, and Amazon EMR
  6. Big Data: Apache Spark and Flink on Amazon EMR, AWS Glue, and Kinesis Data Analytics
  7. Configuration and Properties files: Amazon MSK, Amazon EMR, and Amazon OpenSearch
  8. Apache Airflow DAGs: Amazon MWAA
  9. Containerization: Kubernetes resources, Helm Charts, Dockerfiles for Amazon EKS
  10. Utility Scripts: PowerShell, Bash, Shell, and Python

Choosing a Generative AI Coding Tool

In my recent post, Accelerating Development with Generative AI-Powered Coding Tools, I reviewed six popular tools: ChatGPT, Copilot, CodeWhisperer, Tabnine, Bing, and ChatSonic.

For this post, we will use GitHub Copilot, powered by OpenAI Codex, a new AI system created by OpenAI. Copilot suggests code and entire functions in real-time, right from your IDE. Copilot is trained in all languages that appear in GitHub’s public repositories. GitHub points out that the quality of suggestions you receive may depend on the volume and diversity of training data for that language. Similar tools in this category are limited in the number of languages they support compared to Copilot.

GitHub Copilot, your AI pair programmer

Copilot is currently available as an extension for Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio, Neovim, and JetBrains suite of IDEs. The GitHub Copilot extension for Visual Studio Code (VS Code) already has 4.8 million downloads, and the GitHub Copilot Nightly extension, used for this post, has almost 280,000 downloads. I am also using the GitHub Copilot Labs extension in this post.

GitHub Copilot Nightly VS Code extensions used in this post

Ten Ways to Leverage Generative AI

Take a look at ten examples of how you can use Generative AI coding tools to increase your development productivity on AWS. All the code samples in this post can be found on GitHub.

1. Application Development

According to GitHub, trained on billions of lines of code, GitHub Copilot turns natural language prompts into coding suggestions across dozens of languages. These features make Copilot ideal for developing applications, writing unit tests, and authoring documentation. You can use GitHub Copilot to assist with writing software applications in nearly any popular language, including Go.

Code generation of a Go application using GitHub Copilot

The final application, which uses the AWS SDK for Go to create an Amazon DynamoDB table, shown below, was formatted using the Go extension by Google and optimized using the ‘Readable,’ ‘Make Robust,’ and ‘Fix Bug’ GitHub Code Brushes.

The final Go application ran in the VS Code terminal

Generating Unit Tests

Using JavaScript and TypeScript, you can take advantage of TestPilot to generate unit tests based on your existing code and documentation. TestPilot, part of GitHub Copilot Labs, uses GitHub Copilot’s AI technology.

Generating unit tests with GitHub TestPilot, part of Copilot

2. Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Widespread Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools include Pulumi, AWS CloudFormation, Azure ARM Templates, Google Deployment Manager, AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK), Microsoft Bicep, and Ansible. Many IaC tools, except AWS CDK, use JSON- or YAML-based domain-specific languages (DSLs).

AWS CloudFormation
AWS CloudFormation is an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) service that allows you to easily model, provision, and manage AWS and third-party resources. The CloudFormation template is a JSON or YAML formatted text file. You can use GitHub Copilot to assist with writing IaC, including AWS CloudFormation in either JSON or YAML.

Code generation of an AWS CloudFormation template using GitHub Copilot

You can use the YAML Language Support by Red Hat extension to write YAML in VS Code.

Final YAML-based AWS CloudFormation template using GitHub Copilot

VS Code has native JSON support with JSON Schema Store, which includes AWS CloudFormation. VS Code uses the CloudFormation schema for IntelliSense and flag schema errors in templates.

Final JSON-based AWS CloudFormation template using GitHub Copilot

HashiCorp Terraform

In addition to AWS CloudFormation, HashiCorp Terraform is an extremely popular IaC tool. According to HashiCorp, Terraform lets you define resources and infrastructure in human-readable, declarative configuration files and manages your infrastructure’s lifecycle. Using Terraform has several advantages over manually managing your infrastructure.

Terraform plugins called providers let Terraform interact with cloud platforms and other services via their application programming interfaces (APIs). You can use the AWS Provider to interact with the many resources supported by AWS.

Code generation of a HashiCorp Terraform file using GitHub Copilot

3. AWS Lambda

Lambda, according to AWS, is a serverless, event-driven compute service that lets you run code for virtually any application or backend service without provisioning or managing servers. You can trigger Lambda from over 200 AWS services and software as a service (SaaS) applications and only pay for what you use. AWS Lambda natively supports Java, Go, PowerShell, Node.js, C#, Python, and Ruby. AWS Lambda also provides a Runtime API allowing you to use additional programming languages to author your functions.

You can use GitHub Copilot to assist with writing AWS Lambda functions in any of the natively supported languages. You can further optimize the resulting Lambda code with GitHub’s Code Brushes.

Code generation of a Python-based AWS Lambda using GitHub Copilot

The final Python-based AWS Lambda, below, was formatted using the Black Formatter and Flake8 extensions and optimized using the ‘Readable,’ ‘Debug,’ ‘Make Robust,’ and ‘Fix Bug’ GitHub Code Brushes.

Final AWS Python-based Lambda using GitHub Copilot and optimized with Code Brushes

You can easily convert the Python-based AWS Lambda to Java using GitHub Copilot Lab’s ability to translate code between languages. Install the GitHub Copilot Labs extension for VS Code to try out language translation.

Final AWS Java-based Lambda using GitHub Copilot converted from Python by Copilot

4. IAM Policies

AWS Identity and Access Management (AWS IAM) is a web service that helps you securely control access to AWS resources. According to AWS, you manage access in AWS by creating policies and attaching them to IAM identities (users, groups of users, or roles) or AWS resources. A policy is an object in AWS that defines its permissions when associated with an identity or resource. IAM policies are stored on AWS as JSON documents. You can use GitHub Copilot to assist in writing IAM Policies.

Code generation of an AWS IAM Policy using GitHub Copilot

The final AWS IAM Policy, below, was formatted using VS Code’s built-in JSON support.

Final AWS IAM Policy using GitHub Copilot

5. Structured Query Language (SQL)

SQL has many use cases on AWS, including Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) for MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Oracle, and SQL Server databases. SQL is also used with Amazon Aurora, Amazon Redshift, Amazon Athena, Apache Presto, Trino (PrestoSQL), and Apache Hive on Amazon EMR.

You can use IDEs like VS Code with its SQL dialect-specific language support and formatted extensions. You can further optimize the resulting SQL statements with GitHub’s Code Brushes.

Code generation of a PostgreSQL script using GitHub Copilot

The final PostgreSQL script, below, was formatted using the Sql Formatter extension and optimized using the ‘Readable’ and ‘Fix Bug’ GitHub Code Brushes.

PostgreSQL script generated with GitHub Copilot and optimized with Code Brushes

6. Big Data

Big Data, according to AWS, can be described in terms of data management challenges that — due to increasing volume, velocity, and variety of data — cannot be solved with traditional databases. AWS offers managed versions of Apache Spark, Apache Flink, Apache Zepplin, and Jupyter Notebooks on Amazon EMR, AWS Glue, and Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics (KDA).

Apache Spark
According to their website, Apache Spark is a multi-language engine for executing data engineering, data science, and machine learning on single-node machines or clusters. Spark jobs can be written in various languages, including Python (PySpark), SQL, Scala, Java, and R. Apache Spark is available on a growing number of AWS services, including Amazon EMR and AWS Glue.

Code generation of a Python-based Apache Spark job using GitHub Copilot

The final Python-based Apache Spark job, below, was formatted using the Black Formatter extension and optimized using the ‘Readable,’ ‘Document,’ ‘Make Robust,’ and ‘Fix Bug’ GitHub Code Brushes.

Final Python-based Apache Spark job using GitHub Copilot

7. Configuration and Properties Files

According to TechTarget, a configuration file (aka config) defines the parameters, options, settings, and preferences applied to operating systems, infrastructure devices, and applications. There are many examples of configuration and properties files on AWS, including Amazon MSK Connect (Kafka Connect Source/Sink Connectors), Amazon OpenSearch (Filebeat, Logstash), and Amazon EMR (Apache Log4j, Hive, and Spark).

Kafka Connect
Kafka Connect is a tool for scalably and reliably streaming data between Apache Kafka and other systems. It makes it simple to quickly define connectors that move large collections of data into and out of Kafka. AWS offers a fully-managed version of Kafka Connect: Amazon MSK Connect. You can use GitHub Copilot to write Kafka Connect Source and Sink Connectors with Kafka Connect and Amazon MSK Connect.

Code generation of a Kafka Connect Source Connector using GitHub Copilot

The final Kafka Connect Source Connector, below, was formatted using VS Code’s built-in JSON support. It incorporates the Debezium connector for MySQL, Avro file format, schema registry, and message transformation. Debezium is a popular open source distributed platform for performing change data capture (CDC) with Kafka Connect.

Final Kafka Connect Source Connector using GitHub Copilot

8. Apache Airflow DAGs

Apache Airflow is an open-source platform for developing, scheduling, and monitoring batch-oriented workflows. Airflow’s extensible Python framework enables you to build workflows connecting with virtually any technology. DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) is the core concept of Airflow, collecting Tasks together, organized with dependencies and relationships to say how they should run.

Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (Amazon MWAA) is a managed orchestration service for Apache Airflow. You can use GitHub Copilot to assist in writing DAGs for Apache Airflow, to be used with Amazon MWAA.

Code generation of an Airflow DAG using GitHub Copilot

The final Python-based Apache Spark job, below, was formatted using the Black Formatter extension. Unfortunately, based on my testing, code optimization with GitHub’s Code Brushes is impossible with Airflow DAGs.

Final Airflow DAG using GitHub Copilot

9. Containerization

According to Check Point Software, Containerization is a type of virtualization in which all the components of an application are bundled into a single container image and can be run in isolated user space on the same shared operating system. Containers are lightweight, portable, and highly conducive to automation. AWS describes containerization as a software deployment process that bundles an application’s code with all the files and libraries it needs to run on any infrastructure.

AWS has several container services, including Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR), and AWS Fargate. Several code-based resources can benefit from a Generative AI coding tool like GitHub Copilot, including Dockerfiles, Kubernetes resources, Helm Charts, Weaveworks Flux, and ArgoCD configuration.


Kubernetes objects are represented in the Kubernetes API and expressed in YAML format. Below is a Kubernetes Deployment resource file, which creates a ReplicaSet to bring up multiple replicas of nginx Pods.

Code generation of Kubernetes resources using GitHub Copilot

The final Kubernetes resource file below contains Deployment and Service resources. In addition to GitHub Copilot, you can use Microsoft’s Kubernetes extension for VS Code to use IntelliSense and flag schema errors in the file.

Final Kubernetes resource file using GitHub Copilot

10. Utility Scripts

According to Bing AI — Search, utility scripts are small, simple snippets of code written as independent code files designed to perform a particular task. Utility scripts are commonly written in Bash, Shell, Python, Ruby, PowerShell, and PHP.

AWS utility scripts leverage the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) for Bash and Shell and AWS SDK for other programming languages. SDKs take the complexity out of coding by providing language-specific APIs for AWS services. For example, Boto3, AWS’s Python SDK, easily integrates your Python application, library, or script with AWS services, including Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, Amazon DynamoDB, and more.

Code generation of Python-based utility script using GitHub Copilot

An example of a Python script to calculate the total size of an Amazon S3 bucket, below, was inspired by 100daysofdevops/N-days-of-automation, a fantastic set of open source AWS-oriented automation scripts.

Final Python-based utility script using GitHub Copilot


In this post, you learned ten ways to leverage Generative AI coding tools like GitHub Copilot for development on AWS. You saw how combining the latest generation of Generative AI coding tools, a mature and extensible IDE, and your coding experience will accelerate development, increase productivity, and reduce cost.

🔔 To keep up with future content, follow Gary Stafford on LinkedIn.

This blog represents my viewpoints and not those of my employer, Amazon Web Services (AWS). All product names, logos, and brands are the property of their respective owners.

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Accelerate Software Development with Six Popular Generative AI-Powered Coding Tools

Explore six popular generative AI-powered tools, including ChatGPT, Copilot, CodeWhisperer, Tabnine, Bing, and ChatSonic

Licensed image: Phonlamai Photo/
Licensed image: Phonlamai Photo/


Modern software systems continue to grow inherently more complex over time. We have evolved from bulky monoliths to loosely coupled, event-driven, fault-tolerant, stateless, serverless, cloud-native, real-time, microservices-based, API-first, continuously deployed distributed systems, festooned with CQRS, 2PC, DDD, EDA, DOMA, Sagas, BFFs, GraphQL, gRPC, micro-frontends, contract tests, and Hexagonal architectures. Generative AI-powered coding tools do not necessarily make a developer’s job easier — they assist developers in dealing with increasing system complexity.

This post examines six popular generative AI-powered coding tools, including chat-based OpenAI ChatGPT, Microsoft’s all-new Bing Chat, and ChatSonic, as well as IDE-based Tabnine, GitHub Copilot, and Amazon CodeWhisperer (Preview). In this post, each tool will assist with developing an identical program to complete a series of common tasks on AWS. We will then compare and contrast each tool’s ease of use and the resulting code accuracy and quality.

“Generative AI coding tools are a new class of software development tools that leverage machine learning algorithms to assist developers in writing code. These tools use AI models trained on vast amounts of code to offer suggestions for completing code snippets, writing functions, and even entire blocks of code.” (quote generated by ChatGPT)

The generative AI space is evolving at a breakneck pace. Tools continue to rapidly improve their AI models, add new features, and adjust pricing. In just the short time it took to research and write this article:

Generative AI

According to McKinsey & Company in their recent article, What is generative AI?, “Generative artificial intelligence (AI) describes algorithms (such as ChatGPT) that can be used to create new content, including audio, code, images, text, simulations, and videos. Recent new breakthroughs in the field have the potential to drastically change the way we approach content creation.

Generative AI for Code Generation

According to Papers with Code, “Code Generation is an important field to predict explicit code or program structure from multimodal data sources such as incomplete code, programs in another programming language, natural language descriptions or execution examples. Code Generation tools can assist the development of automatic programming tools to improve programming productivity.” Similarly, according to MarketTechPost, “Generative AI technologies have led to a surge of interest and progress in code generation applications. These technologies use machine learning algorithms and natural language processing to assist developers in automating the time-consuming and laborious portions of coding.

Common Features

Standard features of leading generative AI-powered coding tools include the following:

  • Whole-line, full-function, and block code completion
  • Natural language to code completion
  • Code suggestions based on the model’s pre-trained dataset
  • Context-aware recommendations based on your existing code
  • Context-aware recommendations based on your code comments
  • Native integration with popular IDEs
  • Multi-language coding support
  • Respond to follow-up instructions (resulting in refinement of code)


The benefits of generative AI-powered code generation include the following:

  • Accelerate application development
  • Improve development productivity
  • Decrease development costs
  • Produce higher-quality, more consistent code
  • Enable better code documentation and test coverage
  • Learn new programming languages and coding techniques
  • Contributes to the democratization of programming

Methods of Code Generation

As you explore different generative AI tools for writing code, you will likely develop techniques for generating effective code based on the tool.

Long-form Narrative Approach

With chat-based tools like OpenAI ChatGPT, Microsoft Bing Chat, and ChatSonic, developers might use a longer narrative-type instruction (aka one-shot approach) rather than a series of more concise instructions to generate the code. For example:

  • Write a Python script to create a new DynamoDB table with a partition key of username, a sort key of last_name, and provisioned throughput of 5 RCUs and 5 WCUs. Pass the table name into the function as a variable. Wait until the table exists before continuing. Include try/except blocks and logging. If the table fails to be created, log a FATAL error and exit, and if the table already exists, log a WARNING. Add a main function and wrap everything in a Class called DynamoUtilities.
  • Add three new functions, including a function to insert a new item into a table, a function to retrieve an item from a table, and a function to delete a table.

Below is an example of OpenAI ChatGPT’s response using this approach. Of course, this method doesn’t limit you from following up with additional instructions to further enhance and refine the code.

Python script generated by OpenAI ChatGPT

Progressive Approach

Although the previous approach makes for an impressive demonstration, that method of writing code differs from how most developers work. Instead, a developer might use a progressive approach (aka chain of thought) to generate and refine the code with chat-based tools. In my tests with chat-based tools, I found a progressive approach of asking multiple, concise instructions to guide the model toward the desired behavior produced higher-quality code with fewer errors. For example:

  • Write a Python script to create a DynamoDB table with a partition key of username, a sort key of last_name, and provisioned throughput of 5 RCUs and 5 WCUs.
  • Pass the table name into the create table function as a variable.
  • Wait until the table exists before continuing.
  • Add logging with the default level of INFO.
  • Include try/except blocks, log a FATAL error and exit if the table fails to be created and a WARNING if the table already exists.
  • Add a function to delete the table and wait until the table is deleted before continuing.
  • Add a main function.
  • Add a function to insert a new item into a table and a function to get an item from a table.
  • Wrap the code in a Class called DynamoUtilities.
  • Convert the Python code to Java.

Below is an example of OpenAI ChatGPT’s response using a progressive code generation approach. The final code results from an initial prompt and a series of follow-up instructions to enhance and refine the code.

Python script generated by OpenAI ChatGPT Free Plan

Be aware that most chat-based tools have a session limit. For example, Bing has a limit of 15 chats per session, which will limit the number of follow-up instructions you can use to modify the code. Additionally, the slightest variation in how an instruction is phrased may significantly impact the code generated. There is a whole science and blossoming industry around prompt optimization!

IDE-based Code Generation

Tabnine, GitHub Copilot, and Amazon CodeWhisperer use generative AI technology to predict and suggest new lines or blocks of code based on their trained pre-model and the context and syntax of existing code and code comments within your IDE. These tools differ from tools like OpenAI ChatGPT, Microsoft Bing Chat, and ChatSonic, which can generate code using a chat-based interaction with the user. IDE-based tools like Tabnine, GitHub Copilot, and Amazon CodeWhisperer are like having an AI-powered paired programming partner that enhances your development productivity. However, these tools also require a reasonable level of development experience, in my opinion.

Below, we see an example of Tabnine Pro’s ability to generate whole-line code completion (line 11) and full-function code completion (lines 12–41) based on the existing code context and syntax (lines 1–11).

Code generation in Visual Studio Code using Tabnine Pro

Although writing code comments may be perceived as easier than using generative code completion, many industry pundits dissuade what they call “ comment-driven development.” Instead, they believe using generative AI-based code completion results in superior results.

Testing Generative AI Tools

With the assistance of each tool, I have written a Python script to perform the following tasks: 1) create an Amazon DynamoDB table, 2) insert an item into a table, 3) retrieve an item from a table, and finally, 4) delete a table. Although I tested the results in multiple IDEs, I only included the results from Visual Studio Code (VS Code). Tool interactions and code results were consistent across IDEs.

As a reference for “what good looks like” when evaluating code accuracy and quality, I referenced the examples provided with AWS’s Boto3 SDK and DynamoDB API documentation and the PEP 8 — Style Guide for Python Code.

AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) code examples for Amazon DynamoDB

An example of the final code, written with the assistance of GitHub Copilot, including unit tests, is available on GitHub.

Purpose: Creates an Amazon DynamoDB table, adds an item to the table,
gets that item from the table, and finally deletes the table
Author(s): Gary A. Stafford and GitHub Copilot
Created: 2023-03-26
Usage: python3 table_name
pytest -v
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
import logging
from logging import StreamHandler, Formatter
import sys
import unittest
from moto import mock_dynamodb
class DynamoUtilities:
def __init__(self):
self.dynamodb = boto3.resource("dynamodb")
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
handler = StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout)
handler.setFormatter(Formatter(fmt="[%(asctime)s: %(levelname)s] %(message)s"))
# function to create a new DynamoDB table with the name users, a partition key of username, a sort key of last_name, provisioned throughput of 5 RCUs and 5 WCUs, passes table name into function as a variable
def create_table(self, table_name):
"""Create a table in the database.
table_name: the name of the table to create.
True if the table was created, False if it already exists.
table = self.dynamodb.create_table(
{"AttributeName": "username", "KeyType": "HASH"},
{"AttributeName": "last_name", "KeyType": "RANGE"},
{"AttributeName": "username", "AttributeType": "S"},
{"AttributeName": "last_name", "AttributeType": "S"},
ProvisionedThroughput={"ReadCapacityUnits": 5, "WriteCapacityUnits": 5},
waiter = self.dynamodb.meta.client.get_waiter("table_exists")
waiter.wait(TableName=table_name)"Table {table_name} created")
return True
except self.dynamodb.meta.client.exceptions.ResourceInUseException:
self.logger.warning(f"Table {table_name} already exists")
return False
except ClientError as e:
return False
# function to delete a DynamoDB table, passes table name into function as a variable
def delete_table(self, table_name):
"""Deletes the table with the given name.
table_name: The name of the table to delete.
True if the table was deleted, False if the table was not found.
table = self.dynamodb.Table(table_name)
waiter = self.dynamodb.meta.client.get_waiter("table_not_exists")
waiter.wait(TableName=table_name)"Table {table_name} deleted")
return True
except self.dynamodb.meta.client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException:
self.logger.warning(f"Table {table_name} not found")
return False
except ClientError as e:
return False
# function to add a new item to a DynamoDB table, passes table name and item into function as variables
def add_item(self, table_name, item):
"""Add an item to a table.
table_name: The name of the table.
item: The item to add.
The response from the database, None if the table was not found.
table = self.dynamodb.Table(table_name)
response = table.put_item(Item=item)"Added item: {item} to Table {table_name}")
return response
except self.dynamodb.meta.client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException:
self.logger.error(f"Table {table_name} not found")
return None
except ClientError as e:
return None
# function to get an item from a DynamoDB table, passes table name and key into function as variables
def get_item(self, table_name, key):
"""Return the value of the given key in a DynamoDB table.
table_name: The name of the DynamoDB table.
key: The key to retrieve.
The value associated with the given key, None if the table was not found.
table = self.dynamodb.Table(table_name)
response = table.get_item(Key=key)"Got item: {response['Item']} from Table {table_name}")
return response["Item"]
except self.dynamodb.meta.client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException:
self.logger.error(f"Table {table_name} not found")
return None
except ClientError as e:
return None
class DynamoUtilitiesTests(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.dynamo_utilities = DynamoUtilities()
self.table_name = "users"
def test_create_table(self):
dynamodb = boto3.client("dynamodb")
table_list = dynamodb.list_tables()["TableNames"]
self.assertIn(self.table_name, table_list)
def test_add_item(self):
item = {
"username": "test_user",
"last_name": "test_last_name",
"first_name": "test_first_name",
"email": "test_email",
"age": 20,
"account_type": "standard_user",
"last_login": "2020-01-01 00:00:00",
"active": True,
self.dynamo_utilities.add_item(self.table_name, item)
key = {"username": "test_user", "last_name": "test_last_name"}
response = self.dynamo_utilities.get_item(self.table_name, key)
self.assertNotEqual(response, None)
def test_delete_table(self):
dynamodb = boto3.client("dynamodb")
{"AttributeName": "username", "KeyType": "HASH"},
{"AttributeName": "last_name", "KeyType": "RANGE"},
{"AttributeName": "username", "AttributeType": "S"},
{"AttributeName": "last_name", "AttributeType": "S"},
ProvisionedThroughput={"ReadCapacityUnits": 5, "WriteCapacityUnits": 5},
self.assertIn(self.table_name, dynamodb.list_tables()["TableNames"])
self.assertNotIn(self.table_name, dynamodb.list_tables()["TableNames"])
def main():
table_name = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else "users""Table name: {table_name}")
dynamo_utilities = DynamoUtilities()
# create a new table
# add a new item to the table we created
item = {
"username": "janedoe",
"first_name": "Jane",
"last_name": "Doe",
"email": "",
"age": 20,
"account_type": "standard_user",
"last_login": "2020-01-01 00:00:00",
"active": True,
dynamo_utilities.add_item(table_name, item)
# get the item we just added to the table
key = {"username": "janedoe", "last_name": "Doe"}
dynamo_utilities.get_item(table_name, key)
# delete the table we created
if __name__ == "__main__":

OpenAI ChatGPT

Introducing OpenAI ChatGPT

According to Wikipedia, ChatGPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) “is an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI and launched in November 2022. It is built on top of OpenAI GPT-3 and GPT-4 [released March 14, 2023] families of large language models [LLMs] and has been fine-tuned (an approach to transfer learning) using both supervised and reinforcement learning techniques.

According to the VC-backed California-based startup OpenAI, “ChatGPT interacts in a conversational way. The dialogue format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer follow-up questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests.” Further, “ChatGPT was optimized for dialogue using Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF), which uses human demonstrations and preference comparisons to guide the model toward desired behavior.

Getting Started with ChatGPT

You can get started with ChatGPT for free using the Free Plan. However, if you want to use the latest generative AI models, get faster results, and ensure availability, you should consider ChatGPT Plus for $20/month. GPT-4 is now available through the ChatGPT Plus Plan.

OpenAI ChatGPT’s current plans and pricing

ChatGPT’s Free Plan is a great way to test the generative AI waters. However, due to potentially slow chat responses and unavailability during peak times, you will want to upgrade to ChatGPT Plus if your team plans to rely on the tool.

The downside of the Free Plan is unavailability during peak times

Using ChatGPT

OpenAI ChatGPT is available through a web-based chat interface or programmatically using OpenAI APIs. For API users, OpenAI provides online API references, code examples, and an interactive coding playground. According to OpenAI, “The OpenAI API can be applied to virtually any task that involves understanding or generating natural language, code, or images.

OpenAI API documentation

Below is an example of output using ChatGPT’s UI. Using the UI, ChatGPT’s results are a mix of code blocks and explanatory text. ChatGPT has a straightforward, clean, and functional web-based user interface. There is a button to copy the resulting code to your clipboard, and previous chat sessions are saved and accessible.

Python script generated by OpenAI ChatGPT chat-based UI

ChatGPT Results

In my tests, using a progressive chat approach to building the code with concise instructional questions versus a longer-form narrative approach produced better-quality code. The code created using a progressive chat approach was accurate, error-free, and well-written.

A significant advantage of ChatGPT is its ability to remember what happened earlier in the conversation. According to OpenAI documentation, the model can reference up to approximately 3k words (or 4k tokens) from the current conversation; any information beyond that is not stored.

Final OpenAI ChatGPT Python script successfully ran in VS Code

Microsoft Bing Chat

Microsoft’s Bing Chat running on Microsoft’s Edge web browser

According to their blog post on February 7, Microsoft launched “an all new, AI-powered Bing search engine and Edge browser, available in preview now at, to deliver better search, more complete answers, a new chat experience and the ability to generate content. We think of these tools as an AI copilot for the web.” The latest version of Bing “is running on a new, next-generation OpenAI large language model that is more powerful than ChatGPT and customized specifically for search. It takes key learnings and advancements from ChatGPT and GPT-3.5 — and it is even faster, more accurate and more capable.” On March 14, Microsoft confirmed the new Bing runs on OpenAI’s latest GPT-4.

Getting Started with Bing Chat

Bing’s Chat mode is only available when you access Bing using Microsoft Edge.

Microsoft Edge is available for most major platforms, including MacOS, iOS, and Android.

Using Bing Chat

Bing Chat now supports up to 15 chats per session and 150 per day. Users can supply up to 15 prompts (questions or instructions) to create and improve the code results. When responding, Bing considers the context of previous prompts in the same chat session.

Python script being generated by Bing’s Chat feature

Bing Chat Results

Like OpenAI ChatGPT, Bing Chat delivered accurate, error-free, and well-written code. Although ChatGPT and Bing Chat are not IDE-based tools, the resulting code is easily copied into your project or saved to disk. Additionally, these tools provide an excellent opportunity to learn new languages and coding techniques without requiring an IDE.

Final Bing Chat Python script successfully ran in VS Code


ChatSonic, “Your personalised AI-powered chatbot”

ChatSonic is a service of Writesonic. According to Y Combinator, startup Writesonic, founded by Samanyou Garg, is backed by leading venture capital firms, including Y Combinator, HOF Capital, Rebel Fund, Soma Capital, Broom Ventures, Amino Capital, and some of the best angels from different industries.

ChatSonic claims to improve upon the limitations of ChatGPT. According to Wordsonic, ChatSonic is “a powerful chatbot, powered by Google Search, allowing it to provide up-to-date and accurate content and hence superior to ChatGPT, which can not generate content on topics after September 2021. Additionally, it can create digital images and respond to voice commands and many more additional features. So, ChatSonic has addressed all the limitations of ChatGPT.

Using ChatSonic

You can get started with ChatSonic for free, with up to 10,000 words. However, like OpenAI ChatGPT, if you want to take advantage of GPT-4, you will want to upgrade to a paid plan, starting at $13/month with an annual commitment.

ChatSonic’s current plans and pricing

Using ChatSonic is nearly identical to using OpenAI ChatGPT.

Writing a Python script with ChatSonic, a service of Writesonic

During my testing for this article, I ran into several issues with ChatSonic’s Premium Plan’s Free Trial. For example, the code block constantly flashed and refreshed on the screen using Chrome for Mac; a minor issue but highly annoying. Also, when copying or downloading code results, you get both code and the informational text, which you must separate. Worse, the final code block did not always include all the code output; the code was intermixed with informational text. Lastly, when using follow-up instructions to modify the results, the regenerated code often missed previous code modifications. In my tests, after several follow-up instructions, the resulting code was missing up to one-third of the previous statements. Due to these issues, the resulting code block was malformed and unrunnable. The more I chatted with ChatSonic, the worse the code issues became, and the issues were repeatable.

The final Python script with ChatSonic lost several lines of code as the chat progressed
The final Python script with ChatSonic lost several lines of code as the chat progressed

ChatSonic Results

Unlike ChatGPT and Bing Chat, ChatSonic’s Premium Plan’s Free Trial did not deliver accurate, error-free, or well-written code during my tests. Although later tests with fewer follow-up instructions provided better though incomplete results, my first impressions were unfavorable. The results might be improved using ChatSonic’s Superior or Ultimate Plans, which use the newest GPT-4 model. However, given the results of Premium, I was not keen to invest in the paid plan to find out.

Final ChatSonic incomplete Python script with fixes run in VS Code


Tabnine: the “AI assistant for software developers”

According to the VC-backed, Israel-based startup Tabnine, “Tabnine is to create and deliver a top-to-bottom AI-assisted development workflow that empowers all code creators, in all languages, from concept through to completion.” Tabnine Pro serves whole-line, full-function, and natural language to code completions. Regarding AI, in Tabline’s opinion, “a multi-model approach far outperforms a monolithic approach. That’s why we’ve developed language-specific code native AI models, which are pre-trained on code and provide faster and more accurate code completions based on your tech stack.” To learn more about their models, read Tabnine’s blog post, Tabnine Enterprise vs. ChatGPT Plus.

Getting Started with Tabline

You can get started with Tabline for free with the Starter plan. However, the features of the Starter plan are limited compared to the Pro Plan, which starts at $12/month for a single user.

Tabline’s current plans and pricing

You can try out the Pro plan’s features, which are free for 14 days.

Tabnine Pro’s 14-day free trial

Tabnine supports a wide range of programming languages.

Tabnine supports a wide range of programming languages

To get started with Tabline, choose your favorite IDE and install the required extensions or plugins.

Tabnine offers support for all major IDEs

Tabnine provides automated or manual IDE installation.

Tabnine provides automated or manual IDE installation

The Tabnine extension for VS Code already has a staggering 5.1 million downloads! A valuable tip learned from testing the IDE-based tools was to disable all non-essential extensions to give me a baseline of the tool’s capabilities. Initially, with over eighty VS Code extensions enabled, I found it hard to separate and understand each tool’s features and potential conflicts with other extensions I had loaded, especially other generative AI tools.

Installing the Tabnine extension for VS Code

Using Tabnine

As discussed earlier, Tabnine, like GitHub Copilot and Amazon CodeWhisperer, uses generative AI technology to predict and suggest subsequent lines of code based on context and syntax within your IDE. It is like having IntelliSense on steroids.

Like Copilot and CodeWhisperer, it takes some practice to get efficient with Tabnine. After starting with the initial import and logging statements, I used code comments to generate the functions, then returned to add exception-catching and logging.

Tabnine, like Copilot and CodeWhisperer, includes a collapsible navigation bar. However, unlike those tools, I found Tabnine’s navigation bar provided little value, in my opinion. It seemed more like marketing stats and a way to encourage more users to sign-up rather than providing useful development features like Copilot and CodeWhisperer.

Below, we see an example of Tabnine Pro’s ability to generate whole-line code completion (line 11) and full-function code completion (lines 12–41) based on the existing code context and syntax (lines 1–11).

Code generation in VS Code using Tabnine Pro

Tabnine Results

Given my development knowledge and experience with similar tools, I found the final code results with Tabnine Pro were accurate, error-free, and well-formed (Pythonic). However, I would have liked to see additional features to differentiate Tabnine from its competitors.

Final Tabnine Pro Python script successfully ran in VS Code

GitHub Copilot

GitHub Copilot: “Your AI pair programmer”

According to GitHub, “Copilot is an AI pair programmer that offers autocomplete-style suggestions as you code. You can receive suggestions from GitHub Copilot either by starting to write the code you want to use or by writing a natural language comment describing what you want the code to do. In addition, GitHub Copilot analyzes the context in the file you are editing and related files, and offers suggestions from within your text editor.” Copilot is powered by OpenAI Codex, a new AI system created by OpenAI.

Given the vast popularity and volume of code on GitHub, it is no wonder Copilot is trained in all languages that appear in GitHub’s public repositories. GitHub points out that the quality of suggestions you receive may depend on the volume and diversity of training data for that language.

GitHub Copilot X

GitHub is extending Copilot’s capabilities, with the announcement of GitHub Copolit X on March 21, 2023. According to GitHub, “With chat and terminal interfaces, support for pull requests, and early adoption of OpenAI’s GPT-4, GitHub Copilot X is our vision for the future of AI-powered software development. Integrated into every part of your workflow.

Sign up to join the waiting list for GitHub Copilot X

Getting Started with Copilot

Get started with GitHub Copilot for as little as $10/month. This Monthly Plan is a great way to test Copilot’s capabilities. In addition, GitHub is currently offering a 60-day free trial of Copilot.

GitHub Copilot pricing plans and sign-up

Regarding IDE support, Copilot is currently available as an extension in Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio, Neovim, and the JetBrains suite of IDEs. The GitHub Copilot extension already has 4.2 million downloads, and the GitHub Copilot Nightly extension, used for this post, has almost 250,000 downloads.

Installing the GitHub Copilot Nightly extension for VS Code

GitHub Copilot can also be used with Codespaces, GitHub’s fully configured development environments in the Cloud based on VS Code, similar to AWS Cloud9.

Using Copilot

As discussed earlier, GitHub Copilot, like Tabnine and Amazon CodeWhisperer, uses generative AI technology to predict and suggest new lines of code based on existing context and syntax. In addition, Copilot includes an inline pop-up toolbar, which makes it easier to scroll through and accept code choices.

Copilot’s inline pop-up toolbar to review and accept code changes

Copilot also has an extensive collapsible navigation bar, which can explain the code, offer language translations, provide access to Copilot’s Brushes, and can even generate tests. My only disappointment with Copilot is that test generation is currently only supported for JavaScript and TypeScript, given Python’s enormous popularity.

Using Copilot’s Document Brush to create automated documentation of Python functions

Below, we see an example of Copilot’s ability to generate whole-line code completion (line 14) and full-function code completion (lines 15–34) based on the existing code context and syntax (lines 1–14).

Code generation in VS Code using GitHub Copilot

Copilot Results

Given my development knowledge and experience with similar tools, the final code results with Copilot were accurate, error-free, and well-formed. I found Copilot’s additional features, especially those found on its collapsible navigation bar, extended its functionality well beyond most similar generative AI tools I tested. Lastly, I felt Copilot’s ability to learn from the existing code context and syntax was superior to other tools.

Final Copilot Python script successfully ran in VS Code

Amazon CodeWhisperer (Preview)

Amazon CodeWhisperer: your “ML-powered coding companion”

According to AWS, Amazon CodeWhisperer, announced in June 2022, “is a general purpose, machine learning-powered code generator that provides you with code recommendations, in real time. As you write code, CodeWhisperer automatically generates suggestions based on your existing code and comments. Your personalized recommendations can vary in size and scope, ranging from a single line comment to fully formed functions.” CodeWhisperer code generation is powered by ML models trained on various data sources, including Amazon and open-source code.

CodeWhisperer currently supports Java, JavaScript, Python, C#, and TypeScript. Although these are some of the most popular languages, CodeWhisperer’s language support is limited compared to Tabnine and Copilot.

Getting Started with CodeWhisperer

It is easy to get started with CodeWhisperer. Unfortunately, final pricing is unavailable since Amazon CodeWhisperer is still in Preview as of late March 2023.

Amazon CodeWhisperer’s Pricing and Availability FAQs

CodeWhisperer enhances your IDE using AWS Toolkit for JetBrains, AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code, AWS Lambda console, and AWS Cloud9. With Lambda and AWS Cloud9, the setup simply involves activating CodeWhisperer within the IDE.

Installing the AWS Toolkit extension for VS Code

Getting started with CodeWhisperer requires installing the AWS Toolkit if applicable, choosing your authentication method, and setting up your Builder ID, IAM Identity Center (AWS SSO), or IAM.

Optionally setting up CodeWhisperer from the AWS Management Console for IAM

AWS Builder ID

According to the documentation, “the AWS Builder ID is a new personal profile for everyone who builds on AWS. Your AWS Builder ID provides access to tools and builder services on AWS, including Amazon CodeCatalyst and Amazon CodeWhisperer. You can keep your AWS Builder ID as you move between jobs, schools, or other organizations. AWS Builder IDs are free. You only pay for the AWS resources you consume in your AWS accounts.

Connecting to Amazon CodeWhisperer using AWS Toolkit for VS Code

Using CodeWhisperer

Nearly identical to Copilot and Tabnine, Amazon CodeWhisperer provides real-time code recommendations in your IDE. Unique features of CodeWhisperer include first-class support for AWS APIs, built-in security scans, a code reference tracker, and responsible AI/ML, which avoids bias by filtering out code recommendations that might be considered biased and unfair.

Below, we see an example of CodeWhisperer’s ability to generate whole-line code completion (line 14) and full-function code completion (lines 15–27) based on the existing code context and syntax (lines 1–14).

Code generation in VSCode using Amazon CodeWhisperer

CodeWhisperer Results

Like my feedback on Tabnine and Copilot, the final code results with CodeWhisperer were accurate, error-free, and well-formed. In addition, I appreciated the added benefits of CodeWhisperer’s Security Scan and Reference Tracker to identify significant code from other projects.

Final CodeWhisperer Python script successfully run in VS Code

Other Options

There are many other tools in the Generative AI coding category of comparable quality to the six featured in this post. New tools are being released on an almost daily basis.

Google Bard

On March 21, 2023, Google announced limited access to Bard, an early experiment that lets you collaborate with generative AI. They are beginning with the U.S. and the U.K. and will expand to more countries and languages over time. Bard is based on Google’s LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Applications), a transformer-based model.

Signing up on the wait list for Google Bard

Azure OpenAI Service with GPT-4

On March 21, 2023, Microsoft announced that GPT-4 was available in preview in Azure OpenAI Service. Unfortunately, Azure OpenAI Service requires registration and is currently only available to approved enterprise customers and partners. To get started, if you are qualified, you must trudge through the 25-question form.

25-question request form for qualified customers

Replit Ghostwriter

California-based VC-backed startup Replit has put the power of Replit’s AI into the world’s most popular online IDE. Replit “automates away the repetitive parts of coding, so you can stay focused on making your creative vision a reality.” Replit announced Ghostwriter Chat, which allows you to chat with a coding AI directly in your IDE. It now has a proactive debugger and awareness of your project’s code.

Getting started with Replit Ghostwriter


In this post, we examined six popular generative AI-powered coding tools, including chat-based OpenAI ChatGPT, Microsoft’s all-new Bing Chat, and ChatSonic, as well as IDE-based GitHub Copilot, Amazon CodeWhisperer (Preview), and Tabnine. Each tool assisted with developing an identical program to complete everyday database tasks on AWS. We then compared and contrasted the ease of use and the resulting code accuracy and quality of the tools. The generative AI space is moving at a breakneck pace. Tools continue to rapidly improve their AI models, add new features, and adjust pricing.

Recommended References

🔔 To keep up with future content, follow Gary Stafford on LinkedIn.

This blog represents my viewpoints and not those of my employer, Amazon Web Services (AWS). All product names, logos, and brands are the property of their respective owners.

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Exploring Popular Open-source Stream Processing Technologies: Part 2 of 2

A brief demonstration of Apache Spark Structured Streaming, Apache Kafka Streams, Apache Flink, and Apache Pinot with Apache Superset


According to TechTarget, “Stream processing is a data management technique that involves ingesting a continuous data stream to quickly analyze, filter, transform or enhance the data in real-time. Once processed, the data is passed off to an application, data store, or another stream processing engine.Confluent, a fully-managed Apache Kafka market leader, defines stream processing as “a software paradigm that ingests, processes, and manages continuous streams of data while they’re still in motion.

This two-part post series and forthcoming video explore four popular open-source software (OSS) stream processing projects: Apache Spark Structured Streaming, Apache Kafka Streams, Apache Flink, and Apache Pinot.

This post uses the open-source projects, making it easier to follow along with the demonstration and keeping costs to a minimum. However, you could easily substitute the open-source projects for your preferred SaaS, CSP, or COSS service offerings.

Part Two

We will continue our exploration in part two of this two-part post, covering Apache Flink and Apache Pinot. In addition, we will incorporate Apache Superset into the demonstration to visualize the real-time results of our stream processing pipelines as a dashboard.

Demonstration #3: Apache Flink

In the third demonstration of four, we will examine Apache Flink. For this part of the post, we will also use the third of the three GitHub repository projects, flink-kafka-demo. The project contains a Flink application written in Java, which performs stream processing, incremental aggregation, and multi-stream joins.

High-level workflow for Apache Flink demonstration

New Streaming Stack

To get started, we need to replace the first streaming Docker Swarm stack, deployed in part one, with the second streaming Docker Swarm stack. The second stack contains Apache Kafka, Apache Zookeeper, Apache Flink, Apache Pinot, Apache Superset, UI for Apache Kafka, and Project Jupyter (JupyterLab).

The stack will take a few minutes to deploy fully. When complete, there should be ten containers running in the stack.

Viewing the Docker streaming stack’s ten containers

Flink Application

The Flink application has two entry classes. The first class, RunningTotals, performs an identical aggregation function as the previous KStreams demo.

public static void flinkKafkaPipeline(Properties prop) throws Exception {
StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
// assumes PLAINTEXT authentication
KafkaSource<Purchase> source = KafkaSource.<Purchase>builder()
.setValueOnlyDeserializer(new PurchaseDeserializationSchema())
DataStream<Purchase> purchases = env.fromSource(source, WatermarkStrategy.noWatermarks(), "Kafka Source");
DataStream<RunningTotal> runningTotals = purchases
.flatMap((FlatMapFunction<Purchase, RunningTotal>) (purchase, out) -> out.collect(
new RunningTotal(
.reduce((runningTotal1, runningTotal2) -> {
runningTotal2.setTransactions(runningTotal1.getTransactions() + runningTotal2.getTransactions());
runningTotal2.setQuantities(runningTotal1.getQuantities() + runningTotal2.getQuantities());
return runningTotal2;
KafkaSink<RunningTotal> sink = KafkaSink.<RunningTotal>builder()
.setValueSerializationSchema(new RunningTotalSerializationSchema())
env.execute("Flink Running Totals Demo");

The second class, JoinStreams, joins the stream of data from the demo.purchases topic and the demo.products topic, processing and combining them, in real-time, into an enriched transaction and publishing the results to a new topic, demo.purchases.enriched.

public static void flinkKafkaPipeline(Properties prop) throws Exception {
StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
StreamTableEnvironment tableEnv = StreamTableEnvironment.create(env);
// assumes PLAINTEXT authentication
KafkaSource<Product> productSource = KafkaSource.<Product>builder()
.setValueOnlyDeserializer(new ProductDeserializationSchema())
DataStream<Product> productsStream = env.fromSource(
productSource, WatermarkStrategy.noWatermarks(), "Kafka Products Source");
tableEnv.createTemporaryView("products", productsStream);
KafkaSource<Purchase> purchasesSource = KafkaSource.<Purchase>builder()
.setValueOnlyDeserializer(new PurchaseDeserializationSchema())
DataStream<Purchase> purchasesStream = env.fromSource(
purchasesSource, WatermarkStrategy.noWatermarks(), "Kafka Purchases Source");
tableEnv.createTemporaryView("purchases", purchasesStream);
Table result =
"purchases.transactionTime, " +
"TO_TIMESTAMP(purchases.transactionTime), " +
"purchases.transactionId, " +
"purchases.productId, " +
"products.category, " +
"products.item, " +
"products.size, " +
"products.cogs, " +
"products.price, " +
"products.containsFruit, " +
"products.containsVeggies, " +
"products.containsNuts, " +
"products.containsCaffeine, " +
"purchases.price, " +
"purchases.quantity, " +
"purchases.isMember, " +
"purchases.memberDiscount, " +
"purchases.addSupplements, " +
"purchases.supplementPrice, " +
"purchases.totalPurchase " +
"FROM " +
"products " +
"JOIN purchases " +
"ON products.productId = purchases.productId"
DataStream<PurchaseEnriched> purchasesEnrichedTable = tableEnv.toDataStream(result,
KafkaSink<PurchaseEnriched> sink = KafkaSink.<PurchaseEnriched>builder()
.setValueSerializationSchema(new PurchaseEnrichedSerializationSchema())
env.execute("Flink Streaming Join Demo");

The resulting enriched purchases messages look similar to the following:

"transaction_time": "2022-09-25 01:58:11.714838",
"transaction_id": "4068565608708439642",
"product_id": "CS08",
"product_category": "Classic Smoothies",
"product_name": "Rockin’ Raspberry",
"product_size": "24 oz.",
"product_cogs": 1.5,
"product_price": 4.99,
"contains_fruit": true,
"contains_veggies": false,
"contains_nuts": false,
"contains_caffeine": false,
"purchase_price": 4.99,
"purchase_quantity": 2,
"is_member": false,
"member_discount": 0,
"add_supplements": false,
"supplement_price": 0,
"total_purchase": 9.98
Sample enriched purchase message

Running the Flink Job

To run the Flink application, we must first compile it into an uber JAR.

We can copy the JAR into the Flink container or upload it through the Apache Flink Dashboard, a browser-based UI. For this demonstration, we will upload it through the Apache Flink Dashboard, accessible on port 8081.

The project’s build.gradle file has preset the Main class (Flink’s Entry class) to org.example.JoinStreams. Optionally, to run the Running Totals demo, we could change the build.gradle file and recompile, or simply change Flink’s Entry class to org.example.RunningTotals.

Uploading the JAR to Apache Flink

Before running the Flink job, restart the sales generator in the background (nohup python3 ./ &) to generate a new stream of data. Then start the Flink job.

Apache Flink job running successfully

To confirm the Flink application is running, we can check the contents of the new demo.purchases.enriched topic using the Kafka CLI.

The new demo.purchases.enriched topic populated with messages from Apache Flink

Alternatively, you can use the UI for Apache Kafka, accessible on port 9080.

Viewing messages in the UI for Apache Kafka

Demonstration #4: Apache Pinot

In the fourth and final demonstration, we will explore Apache Pinot. First, we will query the unbounded data streams from Apache Kafka, generated by both the sales generator and the Apache Flink application, using SQL. Then, we build a real-time dashboard in Apache Superset, with Apache Pinot as our datasource.

Creating Tables

According to the Apache Pinot documentation, “a table is a logical abstraction that represents a collection of related data. It is composed of columns and rows (known as documents in Pinot).” There are three types of Pinot tables: Offline, Realtime, and Hybrid. For this demonstration, we will create three Realtime tables. Realtime tables ingest data from streams — in our case, Kafka — and build segments from the consumed data. Further, according to the documentation, “each table in Pinot is associated with a Schema. A schema defines what fields are present in the table along with the data types. The schema is stored in Zookeeper, along with the table configuration.

Below, we see the schema and config for one of the three Realtime tables, purchasesEnriched. Note how the columns are divided into three categories: Dimension, Metric, and DateTime.

"schemaName": "purchasesEnriched",
"dimensionFieldSpecs": [
"name": "transaction_id",
"dataType": "STRING"
"name": "product_id",
"dataType": "STRING"
"name": "product_category",
"dataType": "STRING"
"name": "product_name",
"dataType": "STRING"
"name": "product_size",
"dataType": "STRING"
"name": "product_cogs",
"dataType": "FLOAT"
"name": "product_price",
"dataType": "FLOAT"
"name": "contains_fruit",
"dataType": "BOOLEAN"
"name": "contains_veggies",
"dataType": "BOOLEAN"
"name": "contains_nuts",
"dataType": "BOOLEAN"
"name": "contains_caffeine",
"dataType": "BOOLEAN"
"name": "purchase_price",
"dataType": "FLOAT"
"name": "is_member",
"dataType": "BOOLEAN"
"name": "member_discount",
"dataType": "FLOAT"
"name": "add_supplements",
"dataType": "BOOLEAN"
"name": "supplement_price",
"dataType": "FLOAT"
"metricFieldSpecs": [
"name": "purchase_quantity",
"dataType": "INT"
"name": "total_purchase",
"dataType": "FLOAT"
"dateTimeFieldSpecs": [
"name": "transaction_time",
"dataType": "TIMESTAMP",
"granularity": "1:MILLISECONDS"
Schema file for purchasesEnriched Realtime table
"tableName": "purchasesEnriched",
"tableType": "REALTIME",
"segmentsConfig": {
"timeColumnName": "transaction_time",
"timeType": "MILLISECONDS",
"schemaName": "purchasesEnriched",
"replicasPerPartition": "1"
"tenants": {},
"tableIndexConfig": {
"loadMode": "MMAP",
"streamConfigs": {
"streamType": "kafka",
"stream.kafka.consumer.type": "lowlevel",
"": "demo.purchases.enriched",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "kafka:29092",
"realtime.segment.flush.threshold.time": "3600000",
"realtime.segment.flush.threshold.rows": "50000",
"": "smallest"
"metadata": {}
Config file for purchasesEnriched Realtime table

To begin, copy the three Pinot Realtime table schemas and configurations from the streaming-sales-generator GitHub project into the Apache Pinot Controller container. Next, use a docker exec command to call the Pinot Command Line Interface’s (CLI) AddTable command to create the three tables: products, purchases, and purchasesEnriched.

# copy pinot table schema and config files to pinot controller
CONTROLLER_CONTAINER=$(docker container ls –filter name=streaming-stack_pinot-controller.1 –format "{{.ID}}")
cd ~/streaming-sales-generator/apache_pinot_examples
docker cp configs_schemas/ ${CONTROLLER_CONTAINER}:/tmp/
# create three tables
docker exec -it ${CONTROLLER_CONTAINER} \
bin/ AddTable \
-tableConfigFile /tmp/configs_schemas/purchases-config.json \
-schemaFile /tmp/configs_schemas/purchases-schema.json -exec
docker exec -it ${CONTROLLER_CONTAINER} \
bin/ AddTable \
-tableConfigFile /tmp/configs_schemas/products-config.json \
-schemaFile /tmp/configs_schemas/products-schema.json -exec
docker exec -it ${CONTROLLER_CONTAINER} \
bin/ AddTable \
-tableConfigFile /tmp/configs_schemas/purchases-enriched-config.json \
-schemaFile /tmp/configs_schemas/purchases-enriched-schema.json -exec

To confirm the three tables were created correctly, use the Apache Pinot Data Explorer accessible on port 9000. Use the Tables tab in the Cluster Manager.

Cluster Manager’s Tables tab shows the three Realtime tables and corresponding schemas

We can further inspect and edit the table’s config and schema from the Tables tab in the Cluster Manager.

Realtime table’s editable config and schema

The three tables are configured to read the unbounded stream of data from the corresponding Kafka topics: demo.products, demo.purchases, and demo.purchases.enriched.

Querying with Pinot

We can use Pinot’s Query Console to query the Realtime tables using SQL. According to the documentation, “Pinot provides a SQL interface for querying. It uses the [Apache] Calcite SQL parser to parse queries and uses MYSQL_ANSI dialect.

Schema and query results for the purchases table

With the generator still running, re-query the purchases table in the Query Console (select count(*) from purchases). You should notice the document count increasing each time you re-run the query since new messages are published to the demo.purchases topic by the sales generator.

If you do not observe the count increasing, ensure the sales generator and Flink enrichment job are running.

Query Console showing the purchases table’s document count continuing to increase

Table Joins?

It might seem logical to want to replicate the same multi-stream join we performed with Apache Flink in part three of the demonstration on the demo.products and demo.purchases topics. Further, we might presume to join the products and purchases realtime tables by writing a SQL statement in Pinot’s Query Console. However, according to the documentation, at the time of this post, version 0.11.0 of Pinot did not [currently] support joins or nested subqueries.

This current join limitation is why we created the Realtime table, purchasesEnriched, allowing us to query Flink’s real-time results in the demo.purchases.enriched topic. We will use both Flink and Pinot as part of our stream processing pipeline, taking advantage of each tool’s individual strengths and capabilities.

Note, according to the documentation for the latest release of Pinot on the main branch, “the latest Pinot multi-stage supports inner join, left-outer, semi-join, and nested queries out of the box. It is optimized for in-memory process and latency.” For more information on joins as part of Pinot’s new multi-stage query execution engine, read the documentation, Multi-Stage Query Engine.

Query showing results from the demo.purchases.enriched topic in real-time


We can perform real-time aggregations using Pinot’s rich SQL query interface. For example, like previously with Spark and Flink, we can calculate running totals for the number of items sold and the total sales for each product in real time.

Aggregating running totals for each product

We can do the same with the purchasesEnriched table, which will use the continuous stream of enriched transaction data from our Apache Flink application. With the purchasesEnriched table, we can add the product name and product category for richer results. Each time we run the query, we get real-time results based on the running sales generator and Flink enrichment job.

Aggregating running totals for each product

Query Options and Indexing

Note the reference to the Star-Tree index at the start of the SQL query shown above. Pinot provides several query options, including useStarTree (true by default).

Multiple indexing techniques are available in Pinot, including Forward Index, Inverted Index, Star-tree Index, Bloom Filter, and Range Index, among others. Each has advantages in different query scenarios. According to the documentation, by default, Pinot creates a dictionary-encoded forward index for each column.

SQL Examples

Here are a few examples of SQL queries you can try in Pinot’s Query Console:

COUNT(product_id) AS product_count,
AVG(price) AS avg_price,
AVG(cogs) AS avg_cogs,
AVG(price) AVG(cogs) AS avg_gross_profit
SUMPRECISION(quantity, 10, 0) AS quantity,
SUMPRECISION(total_purchase, 10, 2) AS sales
sales DESC;
SUMPRECISION(purchase_quantity, 10, 0) AS quantity,
SUMPRECISION(total_purchase, 10, 2) AS sales
sales DESC;

Troubleshooting Pinot

If have issues with creating the tables or querying the real-time data, you can start by reviewing the Apache Pinot logs:

CONTROLLER_CONTAINER=$(docker container ls –filter name=streaming-stack_pinot-controller.1 –format "{{.ID}}")
docker exec -it ${CONTROLLER_CONTAINER} cat logs/pinot-all.log
view raw hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Real-time Dashboards with Apache Superset

To display the real-time stream of data produced results of our Apache Flink stream processing job and made queriable by Apache Pinot, we can use Apache Superset. Superset positions itself as “a modern data exploration and visualization platform.” Superset allows users “to explore and visualize their data, from simple line charts to highly detailed geospatial charts.

According to the documentation, “Superset requires a Python DB-API database driver and a SQLAlchemy dialect to be installed for each datastore you want to connect to.” In the case of Apache Pinot, we can use pinotdb as the Python DB-API and SQLAlchemy dialect for Pinot. Since the existing Superset Docker container does not have pinotdb installed, I have built and published a Docker Image with the driver and deployed it as part of the second streaming stack of containers.

# Custom Superset build to add apache pinot driver
# Gary A. Stafford (2022-09-25)
# Updated: 2022-12-18
FROM apache/superset:66138b0ca0b82a94404e058f0cc55517b2240069
# Switching to root to install the required packages
USER root
# Find which driver you need based on the analytics database:
RUN pip install mysqlclient psycopg2-binary pinotdb
# Switching back to using the `superset` user
USER superset
view raw Dockerfile hosted with ❤ by GitHub

First, we much configure the Superset container instance. These instructions are documented as part of the Superset Docker Image repository.

# establish an interactive session with the superset container
SUPERSET_CONTAINER=$(docker container ls –filter name=streaming-stack_superset.1 –format "{{.ID}}")
# initialize superset (see superset documentation)
docker exec -it ${SUPERSET_CONTAINER} \
superset fab create-admin \
–username admin \
–firstname Superset \
–lastname Admin \
–email \
–password sUp3rS3cREtPa55w0rD1
docker exec -it ${SUPERSET_CONTAINER} superset db upgrade
docker exec -it ${SUPERSET_CONTAINER} superset init

Once the configuration is complete, we can log into the Superset web-browser-based UI accessible on port 8088.

Home page of the Superset web-browser-based UI

Pinot Database Connection and Dataset

Next, to connect to Pinot from Superset, we need to create a Database Connection and a Dataset.

Creating a new database connection to Pinot

The SQLAlchemy URI is shown below. Input the URI, test your connection (‘Test Connection’), make sure it succeeds, then hit ‘Connect’.


Next, create a Dataset that references the purchasesEnriched Pinot table.

Creating a new dataset allowing us access to the purchasesEnriched Pinot table

Modify the dataset’s transaction_time column. Check the is_temporal and Default datetime options. Lastly, define the DateTime format as epoch_ms.

Modifying the dataset’s transaction_time column

Building a Real-time Dashboard

Using the new dataset, which connects Superset to the purchasesEnriched Pinot table, we can construct individual charts to be placed on a dashboard. Build a few charts to include on your dashboard.

Example of a chart whose data source is the new dataset
List of charts that included on the dashboard

Create a new Superset dashboard and add the charts and other elements, such as headlines, dividers, and tabs.

Apache Superset dashboard displaying data from Apache Pinot Realtime table

We can apply a refresh interval to the dashboard to continuously query Pinot and visualize the results in near real-time.

Configuring a refresh interval for the dashboard


In this two-part post series, we were introduced to stream processing. We explored four popular open-source stream processing projects: Apache Spark Structured Streaming, Apache Kafka Streams, Apache Flink, and Apache Pinot. Next, we learned how we could solve similar stream processing and streaming analytics challenges using different streaming technologies. Lastly, we saw how these technologies, such as Kafka, Flink, Pinot, and Superset, could be integrated to create effective stream processing pipelines.

This blog represents my viewpoints and not of my employer, Amazon Web Services (AWS). All product names, logos, and brands are the property of their respective owners. All diagrams and illustrations are the property of the author unless otherwise noted.

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Exploring Popular Open-source Stream Processing Technologies: Part 1 of 2

A brief demonstration of Apache Spark Structured Streaming, Apache Kafka Streams, Apache Flink, and Apache Pinot with Apache Superset


According to TechTarget, “Stream processing is a data management technique that involves ingesting a continuous data stream to quickly analyze, filter, transform or enhance the data in real-time. Once processed, the data is passed off to an application, data store, or another stream processing engine.Confluent, a fully-managed Apache Kafka market leader, defines stream processing as “a software paradigm that ingests, processes, and manages continuous streams of data while they’re still in motion.

Batch vs. Stream Processing

Again, according to Confluent, “Batch processing is when the processing and analysis happens on a set of data that have already been stored over a period of time.” A batch processing example might include daily retail sales data, which is aggregated and tabulated nightly after the stores close. Conversely, “streaming data processing happens as the data flows through a system. This results in analysis and reporting of events as it happens.” To use a similar example, instead of nightly batch processing, the streams of sales data are processed, aggregated, and analyzed continuously throughout the day — sales volume, buying trends, inventory levels, and marketing program performance are tracked in real time.

Bounded vs. Unbounded Data

According to Packt Publishing’s book, Learning Apache Apex, “bounded data is finite; it has a beginning and an end. Unbounded data is an ever-growing, essentially infinite data set.” Batch processing is typically performed on bounded data, whereas stream processing is most often performed on unbounded data.

Stream Processing Technologies

There are many technologies available to perform stream processing. These include proprietary custom software, commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software, fully-managed service offerings from Software as a Service (or SaaS) providers, Cloud Solution Providers (CSP), Commercial Open Source Software (COSS) companies, and popular open-source projects from the Apache Software Foundation and Linux Foundation.

The following two-part post and forthcoming video will explore four popular open-source software (OSS) stream processing projects, including Apache Spark Structured Streaming, Apache Kafka Streams, Apache Flink, and Apache Pinot. Each of these projects has some equivalent SaaS, CSP, and COSS offerings.

This post uses the open-source projects, making it easier to follow along with the demonstration and keeping costs to a minimum. However, you could easily substitute the open-source projects for your preferred SaaS, CSP, or COSS service offerings.

Apache Spark Structured Streaming

According to the Apache Spark documentation, “Structured Streaming is a scalable and fault-tolerant stream processing engine built on the Spark SQL engine. You can express your streaming computation the same way you would express a batch computation on static data.” Further, “Structured Streaming queries are processed using a micro-batch processing engine, which processes data streams as a series of small batch jobs thereby achieving end-to-end latencies as low as 100 milliseconds and exactly-once fault-tolerance guarantees.” In the post, we will examine both batch and stream processing using a series of Apache Spark Structured Streaming jobs written in PySpark.

Spark Structured Streaming job statistics as seen from the Spark UI

Apache Kafka Streams

According to the Apache Kafka documentation, “Kafka Streams [aka KStreams] is a client library for building applications and microservices, where the input and output data are stored in Kafka clusters. It combines the simplicity of writing and deploying standard Java and Scala applications on the client side with the benefits of Kafka’s server-side cluster technology.” In the post, we will examine a KStreams application written in Java that performs stream processing and incremental aggregation.

Building the KStreams application’s uber JAR in JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA

Apache Flink

According to the Apache Flink documentation, “Apache Flink is a framework and distributed processing engine for stateful computations over unbounded and bounded data streams. Flink has been designed to run in all common cluster environments, perform computations at in-memory speed and at any scale.” Further, “Apache Flink excels at processing unbounded and bounded data sets. Precise control of time and state enables Flink’s runtime to run any kind of application on unbounded streams. Bounded streams are internally processed by algorithms and data structures that are specifically designed for fixed-sized data sets, yielding excellent performance.” In the post, we will examine a Flink application written in Java, which performs stream processing, incremental aggregation, and multi-stream joins.

Apache Flink Dashboard showing Flink pipeline demonstrated in this post

Apache Pinot

According to Apache Pinot’s documentation, “Pinot is a real-time distributed OLAP datastore, purpose-built to provide ultra-low-latency analytics, even at extremely high throughput. It can ingest directly from streaming data sources — such as Apache Kafka and Amazon Kinesis — and make the events available for querying instantly. It can also ingest from batch data sources such as Hadoop HDFS, Amazon S3, Azure ADLS, and Google Cloud Storage.” In the post, we will query the unbounded data streams from Apache Kafka, generated by Apache Flink, using SQL.

Apache Pinot Query Console showing tables demonstrated in this post

Streaming Data Source

We must first find a good unbounded data source to explore or demonstrate these streaming technologies. Ideally, the streaming data source should be complex enough to allow multiple types of analyses and visualize different aspects with Business Intelligence (BI) and dashboarding tools. Additionally, the streaming data source should possess a degree of consistency and predictability while displaying a reasonable level of variability and randomness.

To this end, we will use the open-source Streaming Synthetic Sales Data Generator project, which I have developed and made available on GitHub. This project’s highly-configurable, Python-based, synthetic data generator generates an unbounded stream of product listings, sales transactions, and inventory restocking activities to a series of Apache Kafka topics.

Streaming Synthetic Sales Data Generator publishing messages to Apache Kafka

Source Code

All the source code demonstrated in this post is open source and available on GitHub. There are three separate GitHub projects:

# streaming data generator, Apache Spark and Apache Pinot examples
git clone –depth 1 -b main \
# Apache Flink examples
git clone –depth 1 -b main \
# Kafka Streams examples
git clone –depth 1 -b main \


To make it easier to follow along with the demonstration, we will use Docker Swarm to provision the streaming tools. Alternatively, you could use Kubernetes (e.g., creating a Helm chart) or your preferred CSP or SaaS managed services. Nothing in this demonstration requires you to use a paid service.

The two Docker Swarm stacks are located in the Streaming Synthetic Sales Data Generator project:

  1. Streaming Stack — Part 1: Apache Kafka, Apache Zookeeper, Apache Spark, UI for Apache Kafka, and the KStreams application
  2. Streaming Stack — Part 2: Apache Kafka, Apache Zookeeper, Apache Flink, Apache Pinot, Apache Superset, UI for Apache Kafka, and Project Jupyter (JupyterLab).*

* the Jupyter container can be used as an alternative to the Spark container for running PySpark jobs (follow the same steps as for Spark, below)

Demonstration #1: Apache Spark

In the first of four demonstrations, we will examine two Apache Spark Structured Streaming jobs, written in PySpark, demonstrating both batch processing ( and stream processing ( We will read from a single stream of data from a Kafka topic, demo.purchases, and write to the console.

High-level workflow for Apache Spark demonstration

Deploying the Streaming Stack

To get started, deploy the first streaming Docker Swarm stack containing the Apache Kafka, Apache Zookeeper, Apache Spark, UI for Apache Kafka, and the KStreams application containers.

# cd into project
cd streaming-sales-generator/
# initialize swarm stack – 1x only
docker swarm init
# optional: delete previous streaming-stack
docker stack rm streaming-stack
# deploy first streaming-stack
docker stack deploy streaming-stack –compose-file docker/spark-kstreams-stack.yml
# observe the deployment's progress
docker stack services streaming-stack

The stack will take a few minutes to deploy fully. When complete, there should be a total of six containers running in the stack.

Viewing the Docker streaming stack’s six containers

Sales Generator

Before starting the streaming data generator, confirm or modify the configuration/configuration.ini. Three configuration items, in particular, will determine how long the streaming data generator runs and how much data it produces. We will set the timing of transaction events to be generated relatively rapidly for test purposes. We will also set the number of events high enough to give us time to explore the Spark jobs. Using the below settings, the generator should run for an average of approximately 50–60 minutes: (((5 sec + 2 sec)/2)*1000 transactions)/60 sec=~58 min on average. You can run the generator again if necessary or increase the number of transactions.

# minimum sales frequency in seconds (debug with 1, typical min. 120)
min_sale_freq = 2
# maximum sales frequency in seconds (debug with 3, typical max. 300)
max_sale_freq = 5
# number of transactions to generate
number_of_sales = 1000
A code snippet from the project’s configuration.ini file

Start the streaming data generator as a background service:

# install required python packages (1x)
python3 -m pip install kafka-python
cd sales_generator/
# run in foreground
python3 ./
# better option, run as background process
nohup python3 ./ &
# confirm process is running
ps -u

The streaming data generator will start writing data to three Apache Kafka topics: demo.products, demo.purchases, and demo.inventories. We can view these topics and their messages by logging into the Apache Kafka container and using the Kafka CLI:

# establish an interactive session with the spark container
KAFKA_CONTAINER=$(docker container ls –filter name=streaming-stack_kafka.1 –format "{{.ID}}")
docker exec -it ${KAFKA_CONTAINER} bash
# set environment variables used by jobs
export BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS="localhost:9092"
export TOPIC_PRODUCTS="demo.products"
export TOPIC_PURCHASES="demo.purchases"
export TOPIC_INVENTORIES="demo.inventories"
# list topics –list –bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS
# read topics from beginning \
–topic $TOPIC_PRODUCTS –from-beginning \
–bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS \
–topic $TOPIC_PURCHASES –from-beginning \
–bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS \
–topic $TOPIC_INVENTORIES –from-beginning \
–bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS

Below, we see a few sample messages from the demo.purchases topic:

Consuming messages from Kafka’s demo.purchases topic

Alternatively, you can use the UI for Apache Kafka, accessible on port 9080.

Viewing demo.purchases topic in the UI for Apache Kafka
Viewing messages in the demo.purchases topic using the UI for Apache Kafka

Prepare Spark

Next, prepare the Spark container to run the Spark jobs:

# establish an interactive session with the spark container
SPARK_CONTAINER=$(docker container ls –filter name=streaming-stack_spark.1 –format "{{.ID}}")
docker exec -it -u 0 ${SPARK_CONTAINER} bash
# update and install wget
apt-get update && apt-get install wget vim -y
# install required job dependencies
mv *.jar /opt/bitnami/spark/jars/
Preparing the Spark container instance as the root user

Running the Spark Jobs

Next, copy the jobs from the project to the Spark container, then exec back into the container:

# copy jobs to spark container
docker cp apache_spark_examples/ ${SPARK_CONTAINER}:/home/
# establish an interactive session with the spark container
docker exec -it ${SPARK_CONTAINER} bash

Batch Processing with Spark

The first Spark job,, aggregates the number of items sold and the total sales for each product, based on existing messages consumed from the demo.purchases topic. We use the PySpark DataFrame class’s read() and write() methods in the first example, reading from Kafka and writing to the console. We could just as easily write the results back to Kafka.

ds_sales = (
df_sales.selectExpr("CAST(value AS STRING)")
.select(F.from_json("value", schema=schema).alias("data"))
.withColumn("row", F.row_number().over(window))
.withColumn("quantity", F.sum(F.col("quantity")).over(window_agg))
.withColumn("sales", F.sum(F.col("total_purchase")).over(window_agg))
.filter(F.col("row") == 1)
F.format_number("sales", 2).alias("sales"),
F.format_number("quantity", 0).alias("quantity"),
.orderBy(F.regexp_replace("sales", ",", "").cast("float"), ascending=False)
.option("numRows", 25)
.option("truncate", False)
A snippet of batch processing Spark job’s summarize_sales() method

The batch processing job sorts the results and outputs the top 25 items by total sales to the console. The job should run to completion and exit successfully.

Batch results for top 25 items by total sales

To run the batch Spark job, use the following commands:

# set environment variables used by jobs
export BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS="kafka:29092"
export TOPIC_PURCHASES="demo.purchases"
cd /home/apache_spark_examples/
# run batch processing job
Run the batch Spark job

Stream Processing with Spark

The stream processing Spark job,, also aggregates the number of items sold and the total sales for each item, based on messages consumed from the demo.purchases topic. However, as shown in the code snippet below, this job continuously aggregates the stream of data from Kafka, displaying the top ten product totals within an arbitrary ten-minute sliding window, with a five-minute overlap, and updates output every minute to the console. We use the PySpark DataFrame class’s readStream() and writeStream() methods as opposed to the batch-oriented read() and write() methods in the first example.

ds_sales = (
df_sales.selectExpr("CAST(value AS STRING)")
.select(F.from_json("value", schema=schema).alias("data"))
.withWatermark("transaction_time", "10 minutes")
.groupBy("product_id", F.window("transaction_time", "10 minutes", "5 minutes"))
.agg(F.sum("total_purchase"), F.sum("quantity"))
.orderBy(F.col("window").desc(), F.col("sum(total_purchase)").desc())
F.format_number("sum(total_purchase)", 2).alias("sales"),
F.format_number("sum(quantity)", 0).alias("drinks"),
.trigger(processingTime="1 minute")
.option("numRows", 10)
.option("truncate", False)
A snippet of stream processing Spark job’s summarize_sales() method

Shorter event-time windows are easier for demonstrations — in Production, hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly windows are more typical for sales analysis.

Micro-batch representing real-time totals for the current ten-minute window

To run the stream processing Spark job, use the following commands:

# run stream processing job
Run the stream processing Spark job

We could just as easily calculate running totals for the stream of sales data versus aggregations over a sliding event-time window (example job included in project).

Micro-batch representing running totals for data stream as opposed to using event-time windows

Be sure to kill the stream processing Spark jobs when you are done, or they will continue to run, awaiting more data.

Demonstration #2: Apache Kafka Streams

Next, we will examine Apache Kafka Streams (aka KStreams). For this part of the post, we will also use the second of the three GitHub repository projects, kstreams-kafka-demo. The project contains a KStreams application written in Java that performs stream processing and incremental aggregation.

High-level workflow for KStreams demonstration

KStreams Application

The KStreams application continuously consumes the stream of messages from the demo.purchases Kafka topic (source) using an instance of the StreamBuilder() class. It then aggregates the number of items sold and the total sales for each item, maintaining running totals, which are then streamed to a new demo.running.totals topic (sink). All of this using an instance of the KafkaStreams() Kafka client class.

private static void kStreamPipeline(Properties props) {
Properties kafkaStreamsProps = new Properties();
kafkaStreamsProps.put(StreamsConfig.APPLICATION_ID_CONFIG, props.getProperty("APPLICATION_ID"));
kafkaStreamsProps.put(StreamsConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, props.getProperty("BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS"));
kafkaStreamsProps.put(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, props.getProperty("AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG"));
kafkaStreamsProps.put(StreamsConfig.COMMIT_INTERVAL_MS_CONFIG, props.getProperty("COMMIT_INTERVAL_MS_CONFIG"));
StreamsBuilder builder = new StreamsBuilder();
.stream(props.getProperty("INPUT_TOPIC"), Consumed.with(Serdes.Void(), CustomSerdes.Purchase()))
.peek((unused, purchase) -> System.out.println(purchase.toString()))
.flatMap((KeyValueMapper<Void, Purchase, Iterable<KeyValue<String, Total>>>) (unused, purchase) -> {
List<KeyValue<String, Total>> result = new ArrayList<>();
result.add(new KeyValue<>(purchase.getProductId(), new Total(
return result;
.groupByKey(Grouped.with(Serdes.String(), CustomSerdes.Total()))
.reduce((total1, total2) -> {
total2.setTransactions(total1.getTransactions() + total2.getTransactions());
total2.setQuantities(total1.getQuantities() + total2.getQuantities());
return total2;
.peek((productId, total) -> System.out.println(total.toString()))
.to(props.getProperty("OUTPUT_TOPIC"), Produced.with(Serdes.String(), CustomSerdes.Total()));
KafkaStreams streams = new KafkaStreams(, kafkaStreamsProps);
A snippet of KStreams application’s kStreamPipeline() method

Running the Application

We have at least three choices to run the KStreams application for this demonstration: 1) running locally from our IDE, 2) a compiled JAR run locally from the command line, or 3) a compiled JAR copied into a Docker image, which is deployed as part of the Swarm stack. You can choose any of the options.

# set java version (v17 is latest compatible version with kstreams)
$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -version
# compile to uber jar
./gradlew clean shadowJar
# run the streaming application
$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar build/libs/kstreams-kafka-demo-1.0.0-all.jar

Compiling and running the KStreams application locally

We will continue to use the same streaming Docker Swarm stack used for the Apache Spark demonstration. I have already compiled a single uber JAR file using OpenJDK 17 and Gradle from the project’s source code. I then created and published a Docker image, which is already part of the running stack.

FROM amazoncorretto:17.0.5
COPY build/libs/kstreams-kafka-demo-1.1.0-all.jar /tmp/kstreams-app.jar
CMD ["java", "-jar", "/tmp/kstreams-app.jar"]
view raw Dockerfile hosted with ❤ by GitHub
Dockerfile used to build KStreams app Docker image

Since we ran the sales generator earlier for the Spark demonstration, there is existing data in the demo.purchases topic. Re-run the sales generator (nohup python3 ./ &) to generate a new stream of data. View the results of the KStreams application, which has been running since the stack was deployed using the Kafka CLI or UI for Apache Kafka:

# terminal 1: establish an interactive session with the kstreams app container
KSTREAMS_CONTAINER=$(docker container ls –filter name=streaming-stack_kstreams.1 –format "{{.ID}}")
docker logs ${KSTREAMS_CONTAINER} –follow
# terminal 2: establish an interactive session with the kafka container
KAFKA_CONTAINER=$(docker container ls –filter name=streaming-stack_kafka.1 –format "{{.ID}}")
docker exec -it ${KAFKA_CONTAINER} bash
# set environment variables used by jobs
export BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS="localhost:9092"
export INPUT_TOPIC="demo.purchases"
export OUTPUT_TOPIC="demo.running.totals"
# read topics from beginning \
–topic $INPUT_TOPIC –from-beginning \
–bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS \
–topic $OUTPUT_TOPIC –from-beginning \
–bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS

Below, in the top terminal window, we see the output from the KStreams application. Using KStream’s peek() method, the application outputs Purchase and Total instances to the console as they are processed and written to Kafka. In the lower terminal window, we see new messages being published as a continuous stream to output topic, demo.running.totals.

KStreams application performing stream processing and the resulting output stream

Part Two

In part two of this two-part post, we continue our exploration of the four popular open-source stream processing projects. We will cover Apache Flink and Apache Pinot. In addition, we will incorporate Apache Superset into the demonstration, building a real-time dashboard to visualize the results of our stream processing.

Apache Superset dashboard displaying data from Apache Pinot Realtime table

This blog represents my viewpoints and not of my employer, Amazon Web Services (AWS). All product names, logos, and brands are the property of their respective owners. All diagrams and illustrations are the property of the author unless otherwise noted.

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Lakehouse Data Modeling using dbt, Amazon Redshift, Redshift Spectrum, and AWS Glue

Learn how dbt makes it easy to transform data and materialize models in a modern cloud data lakehouse built on AWS


Data lakes have grabbed much of the analytics community’s attention in recent years, thanks to an overabundance of VC-backed analytics startups and marketing dollars. Nonetheless, data warehouses, specifically modern cloud data warehouses, continue to gain market share, led by SnowflakeAmazon RedshiftGoogle Cloud BigQuery, and Microsoft’s Azure Synapse Analytics.

Several factors have fostered the renewed interest and appeal of data warehouses, including the data lakehouse architecture. According to Databricks, “a lakehouse is a new, open architecture that combines the best elements of data lakes and data warehouses. Lakehouses are enabled by a new system design: implementing similar data structures and data management features to those in a data warehouse directly on top of low-cost cloud storage in open formats.” Similarly, Snowflake describes a lakehouse as “a data solution concept that combines elements of the data warehouse with those of the data lake. Data lakehouses implement data warehouses’ data structures and management features for data lakes, which are typically more cost-effective for data storage.


In the following post, we will explore the use of dbt (data build tool), developed by dbt Labs, to transform data in an AWS-based data lakehouse, built with Amazon Redshift, Redshift Spectrum, AWS Glue, and Amazon S3. According to dbt Labs, “dbt enables analytics engineers to transform data in their warehouses by simply writing select statements. dbt handles turning these select statements into tables and views.” Further, “dbt does the T in ELT (Extract, Load, Transform) processes — it doesn’t extract or load data, but it’s extremely good at transforming data that’s already loaded into your warehouse.

This post’s project, displayed in dbt Cloud

Amazon Redshift

According to AWS, “Amazon Redshift uses SQL to analyze structured and semi-structured data across data warehouses, operational databases, and data lakes using AWS-designed hardware and machine learning to deliver the best price-performance at any scale.” AWS claims Amazon Redshift is the most widely used cloud data warehouse.

Amazon Redshift Spectrum

According to AWS, “Redshift Spectrum allows you to efficiently query and retrieve structured and semi-structured data from files in Amazon S3 without having to load the data into Amazon Redshift tables.” Redshift Spectrum tables define the data structure for the files in Amazon S3. The external tables exist in an external data catalog, which can be AWS Glue, the data catalog that comes with Amazon Athena, or an Apache Hive metastore.

dbt can interact with Amazon Redshift Spectrum to create external tables, refresh external table partitions, and access raw data in an Amazon S3-based data lake from the data warehouse. We will use dbt along with the dbt package, dbt_external_tables, to create the external tables in an AWS Glue data catalog.


Prerequisites to follow along with this post’s demonstration include:

  • Amazon S3 bucket to store raw data;
  • Amazon Redshift or Amazon Redshift Serverless cluster;
  • AWS IAM Role with permissions to Amazon Redshift, Amazon S3, and AWS Glue;
  • dbt Cloud account;
  • dbt CLI (dbt Core) and dbt Amazon Redshift adapter installed locally;
  • Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VS Code) with dbt extensions installed;

The post’s demonstration uses dbt Cloud, VS Code, and the dbt CLI interchangeably with the project’s GitHub repository as a source. Follow along with the demonstration using any or all of these three dbt options.

Example of this project in VS Code with dbt extensions installed

Cost Warning!

Be careful when creating a new, provisioned Amazon Redshift cluster for this demonstration. The suggested default Production cluster with two ra3.4xlarge on-demand compute nodes and AQUA (Redshift’s Advanced Query Accelerator) enabled is estimated at $4,694/month ($3.26/node/hour). For this demonstration, choose the minimum size provisioned Redshift cluster configuration of one dc2.large on-demand compute node, estimated to cost $180/month ($0.25/node/hour). Be sure to delete the cluster when the demonstration is complete.

Creating a new Amazon Redshift cluster

Amazon Redshift Serverless Option

AWS recently announced the general availability (GA) of Amazon Redshift Serverless on July 12, 2022. Amazon Redshift Serverless allows data analysts, developers, and data scientists to run and scale analytics without having to provision and manage data warehouse clusters. dbt is fully compatible with Amazon Redshift Serverless and is an alternative to provisioned Redshift for this demonstration. According to AWS, Amazon Redshift Serverless measures data warehouse capacity in Redshift Processing Units (RPUs). You pay for the workloads you run in RPU-hours on a per-second basis (with a 60-second minimum charge), including queries that access data in open file formats in Amazon S3.

Source Code

All the source code demonstrated in this post is open source and available on GitHub.

Sample Data

This demonstration uses the TICKIT sample database provided by AWS and designed for use with Amazon Redshift. This sample database application tracks sales activity for the fictional online TICKIT website, where users buy and sell tickets for sporting events, shows, and concerts. The database consists of seven tables in a star schema: five dimension tables and two fact tables. A clean copy of the raw TICKIT data, formatted as pipe-delimited text files, is included in this GitHub project. Use the following shell commands to copy the raw data to Amazon S3:

# Purpose: Unzip raw data files and copy to s3
# Author: Gary A. Stafford
# Date: 2022-12-29
# sh ./
# ** REPLACE ME! **
pushd raw_tickit_data/
declare -a TableArray=("category" "date" "event" "listing" "sale" "user" "venue")
for table in "${TableArray[@]}"; do
aws s3 cp ./raw_tickit_data/$table.txt s3://$s3_bucket/raw_tickit_data/$table/

Prepare Amazon Redshift for dbt

Create New Database

Create a new Redshift database to use for the demonstration, demo.

create new database
create database demo with owner admin;

Create Database Schemas

Within the new Redshift database,demo, create the external schema, tickit_external, and the corresponding external AWS Glue Data Catalogtickit_dbt, using the CREATE EXTERNAL SCHEMA Redshift SQL command. Make sure to update the command to reflect your IAM Role’s ARN. Next, create the schema that will hold our dbt models, tickit_dbt. Lastly, as a security best practice, drop the default public schema.

switch redshift database connection to new demo database before continuing!
create external tables schema and new glue data catalog
create external schema tickit_external
from data catalog
database 'tickit_dbt'
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::<your_aws_acccount_id>:role/ClusterPermissionsRole'
create external database if not exists;
create schema tickit_dbt;
drop schema public;

From the AWS Glue console, we should observe a new tickit_dbt AWS Glue Data Catalog. The description shown below was manually added after the catalog was created.

Newly created AWS Glue Data Catalog

Create dbt Database User and Group

As a security best practice, create a separate database dbt user and dbt group. We are assigning a completely arbitrary connection limit of ten. Then, apply the grants to allow the dbt group access to the new database and schemas. Lastly, change the two schema’s owners to the dbt.

create dbt user and group
create user dbt with password 'CHANGE_ME!'
nocreatedb nocreateuser syslog access restricted
connection limit 10;
create dbt group
create group dbt with user dbt;
grants on tickit_external schema
grant usage on schema tickit_external to group dbt;
grant create on schema tickit_external to group dbt;
grant all on all tables in schema tickit_external to group dbt;
grants on tickit_dbt schema
grant usage on schema tickit_dbt to group dbt;
grant create on schema tickit_dbt to group dbt;
grant all on all tables in schema tickit_dbt to group dbt;
reassign schema ownership to dbt
alter schema tickit_dbt owner to dbt;
alter schema tickit_external owner to dbt;

Alternately, we could use an IAM Role with a SAML 2.0-compliant IdP.

Initialize and Configure dbt for Redshift

Next, configure your dbt Cloud account and dbt locally with your Amazon Redshift connection information using the dbt init command. On a Mac, this configuration is stored in the /Users/<your_usernama>/.dbt/profiles.yml file. You will need your Redshift cluster host URL, port, database, username, and password. With your local install of dbt, we can use the dbt debug command to confirm the new configuration.

Confirming configuration using dbt debug command

Project Structure

The GitHub project structure follows many of the best practices outlined in dbt Labs’ Best Practice Guide. Data models in the models directory is organized into the recommended stagingintermediate, and marts subdirectories (aka layers).

Project structure for data models

From a data lineage perspective, in this project, the staging layer’s data models depend on the external tables (AWS Glue/Amazon Redshift Spectrum). The intermediate layer’s data models depend on the staging models. The marts layer’s data models depend on staging and intermediate models.

dbt Cloud’s Lineage Graph showing an example of data model relationships

Install dbt Packages

The GitHub project’s packages.yml contains a few commonly recommended packages. The only one required for this post is the dbt-labs/dbt_external_tables package. Make sure your project is referring to the latest version of the package.

# updated 2022-12-29 (dbt=1.3.1 locally and dbt=1.3.1 in dbt cloud)
package: dbt-labs/dbt_external_tables
version: 0.8.2
package: dbt-labs/codegen
version: 0.9.0
package: dbt-labs/dbt_utils
version: 1.0.0
package: dbt-labs/redshift
version: 0.8.0
view raw packages.yml hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Use the dbt deps command to install the packages locally.

Installing dbt packages

External Tables

The _tickit__sources.yml file in the models/staging/tickit/external_tables/ model’s subdirectory defines the schema and S3 location for each of the seven external TICKIT database tables: category, date, event, listing, sale, user, and venue. You will need to update this file to reflect the name of your Amazon S3 bucket, in seven places.

version: 2
– name: tickit_external
description: Sales activity for the fictional TICKIT web site, where users buy and sell tickets online for sporting events, shows, and concerts.
database: demo
schema: tickit_external
loader: s3
– name: category
description: dimension table – TICKIT categories
location: "s3://<your_s3_bucket_name>/raw_tickit_data/category/"
row_format: >
serde 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.OpenCSVSerde'
with serdeproperties (
table_properties: "('skip.header.line.count'='1')"
– name: catid
data_type: int
description: primary key
– unique
– not_null
– name: catgroup
data_type: varchar(20)
– name: catname
data_type: varchar(20)
– name: catdesc
data_type: varchar(50)

Execute the command, dbt run-operation stage_external_sources, to create the seven external tables in the AWS Glue Data Catalog. This command is part of the dbt_external_tables package we installed earlier. It iterates through all source nodes, creates the tables if missing, and refreshes metadata.

Creating external tables in AWS Glue Data Catalog

If we failed to run the previous SQL statements to set schema ownership to the dbt user, the following error will likely occur.

Typical error resulting from incorrect ownership of the external_table schema

Once the command completes, we should observe seven new tables in the AWS Glue Data Catalog.

Seven new tables in the AWS Glue Data Catalog

Examining one of the AWS Glue data catalog tables, we can observe how the configuration in the _tickit__sources.yml file was used to define the table’s properties and schema. Note the Location field indicates where the underlying data is located in our Amazon S3 bucket.

The ‘category’ table in the AWS Glue Data Catalog

Staging Layer

In their best practices guide, dbt describes the staging layer in the following manner: “you can think of the staging layer as condensing and refining this material into the individual atoms we’ll later build more intricate and useful structures with.” The staging data models are the base tables and views we will use to build more complex aggregations and analytics queries in Redshift. The schema.yml file, also in the models/staging/tickit/ model’s subdirectory, defines seven late-binding views, modeled by dbt, to be created in Amazon Redshift.

version: 2
name: stg_tickit__categories
description: Late binding view of external dimension table – TICKIT category
name: stg_tickit__dates
description: Late binding view of external dimension table – TICKIT date
name: stg_tickit__events
description: Late binding view of external dimension table – TICKIT event
name: stg_tickit__listings
description: Late binding view of external fact table – TICKIT listing
name: stg_tickit__sales
description: Late binding view of external fact table – TICKIT sale
name: stg_tickit__users
description: Late binding view of external dimension table – TICKIT user
name: stg_tickit__venues
description: Late binding view of external dimension table – TICKIT venue
view raw schema.yml hosted with ❤ by GitHub

The staging model’s SQL statements also follow many of dbt’s best practices. Below, we see an example of the stg_tickit__sales model (stg_tickit__sales.sql). This model performs a SELECT from the external sale table in the external_table schema. The model performs column renaming and basic calculations.

{{ config(materialized='view', bind=False) }}
with source as (
select * from {{ source('tickit_external', 'sale') }}
renamed as (
saleid as sale_id,
listid as list_id,
sellerid as seller_id,
buyerid as buyer_id,
eventid as event_id,
dateid as date_id,
qtysold as qty_sold,
round (pricepaid / qtysold, 2) as ticket_price,
pricepaid as price_paid,
round((commission / pricepaid) * 100, 2) as commission_prcnt,
(pricepaid – commission) as earnings,
saletime as sale_time
sale_id IS NOT NULL
order by
select * from renamed

The the dbt run command, according to dbt, “executes compiled SQL model files against the current target database. dbt connects to the target database and runs the relevant SQL, required to materialize all data models using the specified materialization strategies.” Instead of using the dbt run command to create all the project’s tables and views at once, for now, we are limiting the command to just the models in the ./models/staging/tickit/ directory using the --select optional argument. Execute the dbt run --select staging command to materialize the seven corresponding staging tables in Amazon Redshift.

The Staging layer’s data models successfully materialized in Redshift

Once the command completes, we should observe seven new views in Amazon Redshift demo database’s tickit_dbt schema with the stg_ prefix.

Amazon Redshift Query Editor v2 Console

Selecting from any of the views should return data.

Amazon Redshift Query Editor v2 Console

Late Binding Views

This demonstration uses late binding views for staging and intermediate layer models. According to dbt, “using late-binding views in a production deployment of dbt can vastly improve the availability of data in the warehouse, especially for models that are materialized as late-binding views and are queried by end-users, since they won’t be dropped when upstream models are updated. Additionally, late binding views can be used with external tables via Redshift Spectrum.

Alternatively, we could define the seven staging models as tables instead of late binding views. Once created as tables, the dependent intermediate and marts views will not require a late-binding reference, as in this project.

Intermediate Layer

In their best practices guide, dbt describes the intermediate layer as “purpose-built transformation steps.” Further, “the best guiding principle is to think about verbs (e.g. pivotedaggregated_to_userjoinedfanned_out_by_quanityfunnel_created, etc.) in the intermediate layer.

The project’s intermediate layer consists of two models related to users. The sample TICKIT database lumps all users into a single table. However, for analytics purposes, different user personas might interest marketing teams, such as buyers, sellers, sellers who also buy, and non-buyers (users who have never purchased tickets). The two models in the project’s intermediate layer filter for buyers and for sellers, resulting in two separate views of user personas.

{{ config(materialized='view', bind=False) }}
with sales as (
select * from {{ ref('stg_tickit__sales') }}
users as (
select * from {{ ref('stg_tickit__users') }}
first_purchase as (
select min(date(sale_time)) as first_purchase_date, buyer_id
from sales
group by buyer_id
final as (
select distinct
cast((u.last_name||', '||u.first_name) as varchar(100)) as full_name,
sales as s
join users as u on u.user_id = s.buyer_id
join first_purchase as f on f.buyer_id = s.buyer_id
order by
select * from final

To materialize the intermediate layer’s two data models into views, execute the command, dbt run --select intermediate.

The Intermediate layer’s data models successfully materialized in Redshift

Once the command completes, we should observe a total of nine views in Amazon Redshift demo database’s tickit_dbt schema — seven staging and two intermediate, identified with the int_ prefix.

Amazon Redshift Query Editor v2 Console

Marts Layer

In their best practices guide, dbt describes the marts layer as “business defined entities.” Further, “this is the layer where everything comes together and we start to arrange all of our atoms (staging models) and molecules (intermediate models) into full-fledged cells that have identity and purpose. We sometimes like to call this the entity layer or concept layer, to emphasize that all our marts are meant to represent a specific entity or concept at its unique grain.

The project’s marts layer consists of four data models across marketing and sales. The models are materialized as two dimension tables and two fact tables. Although it is common practice to describe and label these as traditional star schema dimension (dim_) or fact (fct_) tables, in reality, the fact tables in this demonstration are actually flat, de-normalized, wide tables. Wide tables generally have better analytics performance in a modern data warehouse, according to Fivetran and others.

{{ config(materialized='table', sort='sale_id', dist='sale_id') }}
with categories as (
select * from {{ ref('stg_tickit__categories') }}
dates as (
select * from {{ ref('stg_tickit__dates') }}
events as (
select * from {{ ref('stg_tickit__events') }}
listings as (
select * from {{ ref('stg_tickit__listings') }}
sales as (
select * from {{ ref('stg_tickit__sales') }}
sellers as (
select * from {{ ref('int_sellers_extracted_from_users') }}
buyers as (
select * from {{ ref('int_buyers_extracted_from_users') }}
event_categories as (
from events as e
join categories as c on c.cat_id = e.cat_id
final as (
b.username as buyer_username,
b.full_name as buyer_name,
b.state as buyer_state,
b.first_purchase_date as buyer_first_purchase_date,
se.username as seller_username,
se.full_name as seller_name,
se.state as seller_state,
se.first_sale_date as seller_first_sale_date,
sales as s
join listings as l on l.list_id = s.list_id
join buyers as b on b.user_id = s.buyer_id
join sellers as se on se.user_id = s.seller_id
join event_categories as ec on ec.event_id = s.event_id
join dates as d on d.date_id = s.date_id
order by
select * from final
view raw fct_sales.sql hosted with ❤ by GitHub

The marts layer’s models take various dependencies through joins on staging and intermediate models. The data model above, fct_sales, has dependencies on multiple staging and intermediate models.

Lineage graph (dependency graph) of a data model, displayed in dbt Cloud

To materialize the marts layer’s four data models into tables, execute the command, dbt run --select marts.

The Marts layer’s data models successfully materialized in Redshift as tables

Once the command completes, we should observe four tables and nine views in the Redshift demo database’s tickit_dbt schema. Note how the dbt model for fct_sales (shown above), with its Jinja templating and multiple CTEs have been compiled into the resulting table in Redshift, this is the real magic of dbt!

Amazon Redshift Query Editor v2 Console showing fct_sales table

At this point, all of the project’s models have been compiled and created in the Redshift demo database by dbt.


The demonstration’s project also contains example analyses. dbt allows us to version control more analytical-oriented SQL files within our dbt project using the analyses functionality of dbt. These analyses do not fit the fairly opinionated dbt model definition. We can compile the analyses SQL file using the dbt compile command, then copy and paste the resulting SQL statements from the target/compiled/ subdirectory into our data warehouse’s query tool of choice.

Analysis shown in dbt Cloud interface
Compiled analysis SQL executed in Amazon Redshift

Project Documentation

Using the dbt docs generate command will automatically generate the project’s documentation website from the SQL and YAML files. Documentations can be generated and displayed from your dbt Cloud account or hosted locally.

Project’s documentation website


According to dbt, “Tests are assertions you make about your models and other resources in your dbt project (e.g. sources, seeds, and snapshots). When you run dbt test, dbt will tell you if each test in your project passes or fails.” The project contains over 50 tests, split between the _tickit__sources.yml file and individual tests in the test/ directory. Typical dbt tests check for non-null and unique values, values within an expected numeric range, and values from a known list of strings. Any SELECT statement written in SQL can be tested.

name: user
description: dimension table – TICKIT users
name: userid
data_type: int
description: primary key
name: username
data_type: char(8)
name: firstname
data_type: varchar(30)
Snippet of tests in the _tickit__sources.sql file
— all prices paid for tickets should be a positive value of $1 or greater
— there are no credits (negative values)
select price_paid
from {{ ref('stg_tickit__sales') }}
group by price_paid
having not (price_paid >= 1)

Execute the project’s tests using the dbt test command. We can execute individual tests using the --select optional argument, for example, dbt test --select assert_all_sale_amounts_are_positive. We can also use the --threads optional argument with most dbt commands, including dbt test, increasing parallelism and reducing execution time. The example below uses 10 threads, the arbitrary maximum configured for the Amazon Redshift dbt user.

Running dbt tests
Successful test run


According to dbt, Jobs are a set of dbt commands that you want to run on a schedule. For example, dbt run and dbt test. Jobs can load packages, run tests, materialize models, check source freshness (dbt source freshness), and regenerate documentation. Below, we have created a daily job to test, refresh, and document our project as the data is updated in the data lake.

dbt Cloud’s Job Run Overview


According to dbt, Setting up notifications in dbt Cloud will allow you to receive alerts via Email or a chosen Slack channel when a job run succeeds, fails, or is canceled.

dbt Cloud’s Notifications interface for configuring email and Slack

The Slack notifications include run status, timings, and a link to open the job in dbt Cloud. Below, we see a notification regarding our project’s daily job run.

Notification of successful job run in Slack from dbt Cloud


Exposures are a recent addition to dbt. Exposures make it possible to define and describe a downstream use of our dbt project, such as in a dashboard, application, or data science pipeline. Below we see an example of an exposure describing a sales dashboard created in Amazon QuickSight.

version: 2
– name: tickit_sales_summary
type: dashboard
maturity: medium
description: >
TICKIT sales summary dashboard, authored in Amazon QuickSight
– ref('fct_sales')
– ref('fct_listings')
name: Gary A. Stafford
view raw dashboard.yml hosted with ❤ by GitHub

The exposure YAML file shown above describes the Amazon QuickSight dashboard shown below.

Amazon QuickSight dashboard

Exposures work with dbt’s auto-documentation feature. dbt populates a dedicated page in the auto-generated documentation site with context relevant to data consumers.

Project’s documentation website, showing dashboard exposure
Project’s documentation website, showing dashboard exposure’s lineage graph


In this post, we covered some of the basic functionality of dbt. We learned how dbt enables analysts to work more like software engineers. We also learned how dbt makes it easy to codify data models in SQL, to version control and manage data models as code with git, and collaborate on data models with other data team members.

Topics not explored in this post but critical to most large-scale dbt-managed production environments include advanced Jinja templating and macrosmodel freshnessorchestrationjob schedulingContinuous Integration and GitOpsnotificationsenvironment variables, and incremental models. We will explore these additional dbt capabilities in future posts.

This blog represents my viewpoints and not of my employer, Amazon Web Services (AWS). All product names, logos, and brands are the property of their respective owners. All diagrams and illustrations are the property of the author unless otherwise noted.

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Serverless Analytics on AWS: Getting Started with Amazon EMR Serverless and Amazon MSK Serverless

Utilizing the recently released Amazon EMR Serverless and Amazon MSK Serverless for batch and streaming analytics with Apache Spark and Apache Kafka


Amazon EMR Serverless

AWS recently announced the general availability (GA) of Amazon EMR Serverless on June 1, 2022. EMR Serverless is a new serverless deployment option in Amazon EMR, in addition to EMR on EC2EMR on EKS, and EMR on AWS Outposts. EMR Serverless provides a serverless runtime environment that simplifies the operation of analytics applications that use the latest open source frameworks, such as Apache Spark and Apache Hive. According to AWS, with EMR Serverless, you don’t have to configure, optimize, secure, or operate clusters to run applications with these frameworks.

Amazon MSK Serverless

Similarly, on April 28, 2022, AWS announced the general availability of Amazon MSK Serverless. According to AWS, Amazon MSK Serverless is a cluster type for Amazon MSK that makes it easy to run Apache Kafka without managing and scaling cluster capacity. MSK Serverless automatically provisions and scales compute and storage resources, so you can use Apache Kafka on demand and only pay for the data you stream and retain.

Serverless Analytics

In the following post, we will learn how to use these two new, powerful, cost-effective, and easy-to-operate serverless technologies to perform batch and streaming analytics. The PySpark examples used in this post are similar to those featured in two earlier posts, which featured non-serverless alternatives Amazon EMR on EC2 and Amazon MSK: Getting Started with Spark Structured Streaming and Kafka on AWS using Amazon MSK and Amazon EMR and Stream Processing with Apache Spark, Kafka, Avro, and Apicurio Registry on AWS using Amazon MSK and EMR.

Source Code

All the source code demonstrated in this post is open-source and available on GitHub.

git clone --depth 1 -b main \


The post’s high-level architecture consists of an Amazon EMR Serverless Application, Amazon MSK Serverless Cluster, and Amazon EC2 Kafka client instance. To support these three resources, we will need two Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs), a minimum of three subnets, an AWS Internet Gateway (IGW) or equivalent, an Amazon S3 Bucket, multiple AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Roles and Policies, Security Groups, and Route Tables, and a VPC Gateway Endpoint for S3. All resources are constrained to a single AWS account and a single AWS Region, us-east-1.

High-level AWS serverless analytics architecture used in this post


As a prerequisite for this post, you will need to create the following resources:

  1. (1) Amazon EMR Serverless Application;
  2. (1) Amazon MSK Serverless Cluster;
  3. (1) Amazon S3 Bucket;
  4. (1) VPC Endpoint for S3;
  5. (3) Apache Kafka topics;
  6. PySpark applications, related JAR dependencies, and sample data files uploaded to Amazon S3 Bucket;

Let’s walk through each of these prerequisites.

Amazon EMR Serverless Application

Before continuing, I suggest familiarizing yourself with the AWS documentation for Amazon EMR Serverless, especially, What is Amazon EMR Serverless? Create a new EMR Serverless Application by following the AWS documentation, Getting started with Amazon EMR Serverless. The creation of the EMR Serverless Application includes the following resources:

  1. Amazon S3 bucket for storage of Spark resources;
  2. Amazon VPC with at least two private subnets and associated Security Group(s);
  3. EMR Serverless runtime AWS IAM Role and associated IAM Policy;
  4. Amazon EMR Serverless Application;

For this post, use the latest version of EMR available in the EMR Studio Serverless Application console, the newly released version 6.7.0, to create a Spark application.

EMR Studio Serverless Application creation console

Keep the default pre-initialized capacity, application limits, and application behavior settings.

EMR Studio Serverless Application creation console

Since we are connecting to MSK Serverless from EMR Serverless, we need to configure VPC access. Select the new VPC and at least two private subnets in different Availability Zones (AZs).

EMR Studio Serverless Application creation console

According to the documentation, the subnets selected for EMR Serverless must be private subnets. The associated route tables for the subnets should not contain direct routes to the Internet.

Error resulting from trying to associate a public subnet with EMR Serverless
EMR Studio Serverless Application details console showing new Application

Amazon MSK Serverless Cluster

Similarly, before continuing, I suggest familiarizing yourself with the AWS documentation for Amazon MSK Serverless, especially MSK Serverless. Create a new MSK Serverless Cluster by following the AWS documentation, Getting started using MSK Serverless clusters. The creation of the MSK Serverless Cluster includes the following resources:

  1. AWS IAM Role and associated IAM Policy for the Amazon EC2 Kafka client instance;
  2. VPC with at least one public subnet and associated Security Group(s);
  3. Amazon EC2 instance used as Apache Kafka client, provisioned in the public subnet of the above VPC;
  4. Amazon MSK Serverless Cluster;
Amazon MSK Serverless Create cluster console

Associate the new MSK Serverless Cluster with the EMR Serverless Application’s VPC and two private subnets. Also, associate the cluster with the EC2-based Kafka client instance’s VPC and its public subnet.

Amazon MSK Serverless Create cluster console — VPC 1
Amazon MSK Serverless Create cluster console — VPC 2

According to the AWS documentation, Amazon MSK does not support all AZs. For example, I tried to use a subnet in us-east-1e threw an error. If this happens, choose an alternative AZ.

Error resulting from using an unsupported AZ
Successfully created Amazon MSK Serverless Cluster

VPC Endpoint for S3

To access the Spark resource in Amazon S3 from EMR Serverless running in the two private subnets, we need a VPC Endpoint for S3. Specifically, a Gateway Endpoint, which sends traffic to Amazon S3 or DynamoDB using private IP addresses. A gateway endpoint for Amazon S3 enables you to use private IP addresses to access Amazon S3 without exposure to the public Internet. EMR Serverless does not require public IP addresses, and you don’t need an internet gateway (IGW), a NAT device, or a virtual private gateway in your VPC to connect to S3.

VPC Endpoint for S3 associated with route table for private subnets

Create the VPC Endpoint for S3 (Gateway Endpoint) and add the route table for the two EMR Serverless private subnets. You can add additional routes to that route table, such as VPC peering connections to data sources such as Amazon Redshift or Amazon RDS. However, do not add routes that provide direct Internet access.

Route table for private subnets showing VPC Endpoint to S3 route (first route shown)

Kafka Topics and Sample Messages

Once the MSK Serverless Cluster and EC2-based Kafka client instance are provisioned and running, create the three required Kafka topics using the EC2-based Kafka client instance. I recommend using AWS Systems Manager Session Manager to connect to the client instance as the ec2-user user. Session Manager provides secure and auditable node management without the need to open inbound ports, maintain bastion hosts, or manage SSH keys. Alternatively, you can SSH into the client instance.

Before creating the topics, use a utility like telnet to confirm connectivity between the Kafka client and the MSK Serverless Cluster. Verifying connectivity will save you a lot of frustration with potential security and networking issues.

sudo yum install telnet -y
telnet <your_bootstrap_server_host> 9098
# > Trying 192.168.XX.XX…
# > Connected to
# > Escape character is '^]'.

With MSK Serverless Cluster connectivity confirmed, create the three Kafka topics: topicAtopicB, and topicC. I am using the default partitioning and replication settings from the AWS Getting Started Tutorial.

cd kafka_2.12-2.8.1
# *** CHANGE ME ***
export BOOTSTRAP_SERVER=<your_bootstrap_server> # e.g.,
bin/ –create –topic topicA \
–partitions 6 \
–bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP_SERVER \
–command-config config/
bin/ –create –topic topicB \
–partitions 6 \
–bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP_SERVER \
–command-config config/
bin/ –create –topic topicC \
–partitions 6 \
–bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP_SERVER \
–command-config config/
# list topics to confirm creation
bin/ –list \
–bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP_SERVER \
–command-config config/

To create some quick sample data, we will copy and paste 250 messages from a file included in the GitHub project, sample_data/sales_messages.txt, into topicA. The messages are simple mock sales transactions.

{"payment_id":16940,"customer_id":130,"amount":5.99,"payment_date":"2021-05-08 21:21:56.996577 +00:00","city":"guas Lindas de Gois","district":"Gois","country":"Brazil"}
{"payment_id":16406,"customer_id":459,"amount":5.99,"payment_date":"2021-05-08 21:22:59.996577 +00:00","city":"Qomsheh","district":"Esfahan","country":"Iran"}
{"payment_id":16315,"customer_id":408,"amount":6.99,"payment_date":"2021-05-08 21:32:05.996577 +00:00","city":"Jaffna","district":"Northern","country":"Sri Lanka"}
{"payment_id":16185,"customer_id":333,"amount":7.99,"payment_date":"2021-05-08 21:33:07.996577 +00:00","city":"Baku","district":"Baki","country":"Azerbaijan"}
{"payment_id":17097,"customer_id":222,"amount":9.99,"payment_date":"2021-05-08 21:33:47.996577 +00:00","city":"Jaroslavl","district":"Jaroslavl","country":"Russian Federation"}
{"payment_id":16579,"customer_id":549,"amount":3.99,"payment_date":"2021-05-08 21:36:33.996577 +00:00","city":"Santiago de Compostela","district":"Galicia","country":"Spain"}
{"payment_id":16050,"customer_id":269,"amount":4.99,"payment_date":"2021-05-08 21:40:19.996577 +00:00","city":"Salinas","district":"California","country":"United States"}
{"payment_id":17126,"customer_id":239,"amount":7.99,"payment_date":"2021-05-08 22:00:12.996577 +00:00","city":"Ciomas","district":"West Java","country":"Indonesia"}
{"payment_id":16933,"customer_id":126,"amount":7.99,"payment_date":"2021-05-08 22:29:06.996577 +00:00","city":"Po","district":"So Paulo","country":"Brazil"}
{"payment_id":16297,"customer_id":399,"amount":8.99,"payment_date":"2021-05-08 22:30:47.996577 +00:00","city":"Okara","district":"Punjab","country":"Pakistan"}

Use the kafka-console-producer Shell script to publish the messages to the Kafka topic. Use the kafka-console-consumer Shell script to validate the messages made it to the topic by consuming a few messages.

bin/ \
–topic topicA \
–bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP_SERVER \
–producer.config config/
# copy and paste contents of 'sales_messages.txt' and then Ctrl+C to exit
# check for messages in topic
bin/ \
–topic topicA \
–from-beginning –max-messages 5 \
–property print.value=true \
–property print.offset=true \
–property print.partition=true \
–property print.timestamp=true \
–bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP_SERVER \
–consumer.config config/

The output should look similar to the following example.

Sample message output from Kafka topic

Spark Resources in Amazon S3

To submit and run the five Spark Jobs included in the project, you will need to copy the following resources to your Amazon S3 bucket: (5) Apache Spark jobs, (5) related JAR dependencies, and (2) sample data files.

PySpark Applications
To start, copy the five PySpark applications to a scripts/ subdirectory within your Amazon S3 bucket.

PySpark applications uploaded to the Amazon S3 bucket

Sample Data
Next, copy the two sample data files to a sample_data/ subdirectory within your Amazon S3 bucket. The large file contains 2,000 messages, while the small file contains 600 messages. These two files can be used interchangeably with the post’s final streaming example.

Sample sales data uploaded to the Amazon S3 bucket

PySpark Dependencies
Lastly, the PySpark applications have a handful of JAR dependencies that must be available when the job runs, which are not on the EMR Serverless classpath by default. If you are unsure which JARs are already on the EMR Serverless classpath, you can check the Spark UI’s Environment tab’s Classpath Entries section. Accessing the Spark UI is demonstrated in the first PySpark application example, below.

Spark UI’s Environment tab showing Classpath Entries

It is critical to choose the correct version of each JAR dependency based on the version of libraries used with the EMR and MSK. Using the wrong version or inconsistent versions, especially Scala, can result in job failures. Specifically, we are targeting Spark 3.2.1 and Scala 2.12 (EMR v6.7.0: Amazon’s Spark 3.2.1, Scala 2.12.15, Amazon Corretto 8 version of OpenJDK), and Apache Kafka 2.8.1 (MSK Serverless: Kafka 2.8.1).

Download the seven JAR files locally, then copy them to a jars/ subdirectory within your Amazon S3 bucket.

Dependency JARs uploaded to the Amazon S3 bucket

PySpark Applications Examples

With the EMR Serverless Application, MSK Serverless Cluster, Kafka topics, and sample data created, and the Spark resources uploaded to Amazon S3, we are ready to explore four different Spark examples.

Example 1: Kafka Batch Aggregation to the Console

The first PySpark application,, reads the same 250 sample sales messages from topicA you published earlier, aggregates the messages, and writes the total sales and quantity of orders by country to the console (stdout).

There are no hard-coded values in any of the PySpark application examples. All required environment-specific variables, such as your MSK Serverless bootstrap server (host and port) and Amazon S3 bucket name, will be passed to the running Spark jobs as arguments from the spark-submit command.

# Purpose: Amazon EMR Serverless and Amazon MSK Serverless Demo
# Reads messages from Kafka topicA and write aggregated messages to the console (stdout)
# Author: Gary A. Stafford
# Date: 2022-07-27
# Note: Requires –bootstrap_servers argument
import argparse
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.types import StructField, StructType, IntegerType, \
StringType, FloatType, TimestampType
from pyspark.sql.window import Window
def main():
args = parse_args()
spark = SparkSession \
.builder \
.appName("01-example-console") \
df_sales = read_from_kafka(spark, args)
def read_from_kafka(spark, args):
options_read = {
" required;",
df_sales = spark \
.read \
.format("kafka") \
.options(**options_read) \
return df_sales
def summarize_sales(df_sales):
schema = StructType([
StructField("payment_id", IntegerType(), False),
StructField("customer_id", IntegerType(), False),
StructField("amount", FloatType(), False),
StructField("payment_date", TimestampType(), False),
StructField("city", StringType(), True),
StructField("district", StringType(), True),
StructField("country", StringType(), False),
window = Window.partitionBy("country").orderBy("amount")
window_agg = Window.partitionBy("country")
df_sales \
.selectExpr("CAST(value AS STRING)") \
.select(F.from_json("value", schema=schema).alias("data")) \
.select("data.*") \
.withColumn("row", F.row_number().over(window)) \
.withColumn("orders", F.count(F.col("amount")).over(window_agg)) \
.withColumn("sales", F.sum(F.col("amount")).over(window_agg)) \
.filter(F.col("row") == 1).drop("row") \
F.format_number("sales", 2).alias("sales"),
F.format_number("orders", 0).alias("orders")) \
.coalesce(1) \
.orderBy(F.regexp_replace("sales", ",", "").cast("float"), ascending=False) \
.write \
.format("console") \
.option("numRows", 25) \
.option("truncate", False) \
def parse_args():
"""Parse argument values from command-line"""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Arguments required for script.")
parser.add_argument("–bootstrap_servers", required=True, help="Kafka bootstrap servers")
parser.add_argument("–read_topic", default="topicA", required=False, help="Kafka topic to read from")
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
if __name__ == "__main__":

To submit your first PySpark job to the EMR Serverless Application, use the emr-serverless API from the AWS CLI. You will need (4) values: 1) your EMR Serverless Application’s application-id, 2) the ARN of your EMR Serverless Application’s execution IAM Role, 3) your MSK Serverless bootstrap server (host and port), and 4) the name of your Amazon S3 bucket containing the Spark resources.

aws emr-serverless start-job-run \
–application-id <your_application_id> \
–execution-role-arn <your_execution_role_arn> \
–name 01-example-console \
–job-driver '{
"sparkSubmit": {
"entryPoint": "s3://<your_s3_bucket>/scripts/",
"entryPointArguments": [
"sparkSubmitParameters": "–conf spark.jars=s3://<your_s3_bucket>/jars/*.jar"

Switching to the EMR Serverless Application console, you should see the new Spark job you just submitted in one of several job states.

EMR Studio Serverless Application details console

You can click on the Spark job to get more details. Note the Script arguments and Spark properties passed in from the spark-submit command.

EMR Studio Serverless Application details Job details view

From the Spark job details tab, access the Spark UI, aka Spark Web UI, from a button in the upper right corner of the screen. If you have experience with Spark, you are most likely familiar with the Spark Web UI to monitor and tune Spark jobs.

Spark History Server UI

From the initial screen, the Spark History Server tab, click on the App ID. You can access an enormous amount of Spark-related information about your job and EMR environment from the Spark Web UI.

Spark UI’s Stages tab
Spark UI’s Stages tab showing a Directed acyclic graph (DAG) Visualization
Spark UI’s Environment tab showing environment variables, including versions of Spark, Java, and Scala

The Executors tab will give you access to the Spark job’s output. The output we are most interested in is the driver executor’s stderr and stdout (first row of the second table, shown below).

Spark UI ‘s Executors tab

The stderr contains output related to the running Spark job. Below we see an example of Kafka consumer configuration values output to stderr. Several of these values were passed in from the Spark job, including items such as kafka.bootstrap.serverssecurity.protocolsasl.mechanism, and sasl.jaas.config.

driver executor’s stderr output to the console

The stdout from the driver executor contains the console output as directed from the Spark job. Below we see the successfully aggregated results of the first Spark job, output to stdout.

|country |sales |orders|
|India |138.80|20 |
|China |133.80|20 |
|Mexico |106.86|14 |
|Japan |100.86|14 |
|Brazil |96.87 |13 |
|Russian Federation|94.87 |13 |
|United States |92.86 |14 |
|Nigeria |58.93 |7 |
|Philippines |58.92 |8 |
|South Africa |46.94 |6 |
|Argentina |42.93 |7 |
|Germany |39.96 |4 |
|Indonesia |38.95 |5 |
|Italy |35.95 |5 |
|Iran |33.95 |5 |
|South Korea |33.94 |6 |
|Poland |30.97 |3 |
|Pakistan |25.97 |3 |
|Taiwan |25.96 |4 |
|Mozambique |23.97 |3 |
|Ukraine |23.96 |4 |
|Vietnam |23.96 |4 |
|Venezuela |22.97 |3 |
|France |20.98 |2 |
|Peru |19.98 |2 |
only showing top 25 rows

Example 2: Kafka Batch Aggregation to CSV in S3

Although the console is useful for development and debugging, it is typically not used in Production. Instead, Spark typically sends results to S3 as CSV, JSON, Parquet, or Arvo formatted files, to Kafka, to a database, or to an API endpoint. The second PySpark application,, reads the same 250 sample sales messages from topicA you published earlier, aggregates the messages, and writes the total sales and quantity of orders by country to a CSV file in Amazon S3.

# Purpose: Amazon EMR Serverless and Amazon MSK Serverless Demo
# Reads messages from Kafka topicA and write aggregated messages to CSV file in Amazon S3
# Author: Gary A. Stafford
# Date: 2022-07-27
# Note: Requires –bootstrap_servers and –s3_bucket arguments
import argparse
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.types import StructField, StructType, IntegerType, \
StringType, FloatType, TimestampType
from pyspark.sql.window import Window
def main():
args = parse_args()
spark = SparkSession \
.builder \
.appName("02-example-csv-s3") \
df_sales = read_from_kafka(spark, args)
summarize_sales(df_sales, args)
def read_from_kafka(spark, args):
options_read = {
" required;",
df_sales = spark \
.read \
.format("kafka") \
.options(**options_read) \
return df_sales
def summarize_sales(df_sales, args):
schema = StructType([
StructField("payment_id", IntegerType(), False),
StructField("customer_id", IntegerType(), False),
StructField("amount", FloatType(), False),
StructField("payment_date", TimestampType(), False),
StructField("city", StringType(), True),
StructField("district", StringType(), True),
StructField("country", StringType(), False),
window = Window.partitionBy("country").orderBy("amount")
window_agg = Window.partitionBy("country")
df_sales \
.selectExpr("CAST(value AS STRING)") \
.select(F.from_json("value", schema=schema).alias("data")) \
.select("data.*") \
.withColumn("row", F.row_number().over(window)) \
.withColumn("orders", F.count(F.col("amount")).over(window_agg)) \
.withColumn("sales", F.sum(F.col("amount")).over(window_agg)) \
.filter(F.col("row") == 1).drop("row") \
F.format_number("sales", 2).alias("sales"),
F.format_number("orders", 0).alias("orders")) \
.coalesce(1) \
.orderBy(F.regexp_replace("sales", ",", "").cast("float"), ascending=False) \
.write \
.csv(path=f"s3a://{args.s3_bucket}/output/", header=True, sep="|")
def parse_args():
"""Parse argument values from command-line"""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Arguments required for script.")
parser.add_argument("–bootstrap_servers", required=True, help="Kafka bootstrap servers")
parser.add_argument("–s3_bucket", required=True, help="Amazon S3 bucket")
parser.add_argument("–read_topic", default="topicA", required=False, help="Kafka topic to read from")
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
if __name__ == "__main__":

To submit your second PySpark job to the EMR Serverless Application, use the emr-serverless API from the AWS CLI. Similar to the first example, you will need (4) values: 1) your EMR Serverless Application’s application-id, 2) the ARN of your EMR Serverless Application’s execution IAM Role, 3) your MSK Serverless bootstrap server (host and port), and 4) the name of your Amazon S3 bucket containing the Spark resources.

aws emr-serverless start-job-run \
–application-id <your_application_id> \
–execution-role-arn <your_execution_role_arn> \
–name 02-example-csv-s3 \
–job-driver '{
"sparkSubmit": {
"entryPoint": "s3://<your_s3_bucket>/scripts/",
"entryPointArguments": [
"sparkSubmitParameters": "–conf spark.jars=s3://<your_s3_bucket>/jars/*.jar"

If successful, the Spark job should create a single CSV file in the designated Amazon S3 key (directory path) and an empty _SUCCESS indicator file. The presence of an empty _SUCCESS file signifies that the save() operation completed normally.

Amazon S3 bucket showing CSV file output by Spark job

Below we see the expected pipe-delimited output from the second Spark job.

Russian Federation|94.87|13
United States|92.86|14
South Africa|46.94|6

Example 3: Kafka Batch Aggregation to Kafka

The third PySpark application,, reads the same 250 sample sales messages from topicA you published earlier, aggregates the messages, and writes the total sales and quantity of orders by country to a second Kafka topic, topicB. This job now has both read and write options.

# Purpose: Amazon EMR Serverless and Amazon MSK Serverless Demo
# Reads messages from Kafka topicA and write aggregated messages to topicB
# Author: Gary A. Stafford
# Date: 2022-07-27
# Note: Requires –bootstrap_servers argument
import argparse
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.types import StructField, StructType, IntegerType, \
StringType, FloatType, TimestampType
from pyspark.sql.window import Window
def main():
args = parse_args()
spark = SparkSession \
.builder \
.appName("03-example-kafka") \
df_sales = read_from_kafka(spark, args)
summarize_sales(df_sales, args)
def read_from_kafka(spark, args):
options_read = {
" required;",
df_sales = spark \
.read \
.format("kafka") \
.options(**options_read) \
return df_sales
def summarize_sales(df_sales, args):
options_write = {
" required;",
schema = StructType([
StructField("payment_id", IntegerType(), False),
StructField("customer_id", IntegerType(), False),
StructField("amount", FloatType(), False),
StructField("payment_date", TimestampType(), False),
StructField("city", StringType(), True),
StructField("district", StringType(), True),
StructField("country", StringType(), False),
window = Window.partitionBy("country").orderBy("amount")
window_agg = Window.partitionBy("country")
df_sales \
.selectExpr("CAST(value AS STRING)") \
.select(F.from_json("value", schema=schema).alias("data")) \
.select("data.*") \
.withColumn("row", F.row_number().over(window)) \
.withColumn("orders", F.count(F.col("amount")).over(window_agg)) \
.withColumn("sales", F.sum(F.col("amount")).over(window_agg)) \
.filter(F.col("row") == 1).drop("row") \
F.format_number("sales", 2).alias("sales"),
F.format_number("orders", 0).alias("orders")) \
.coalesce(1) \
.orderBy(F.regexp_replace("sales", ",", "").cast("float"), ascending=False) \
.select(F.to_json(F.struct("*"))).toDF("value") \
.write \
.format("kafka") \
.options(**options_write) \
def parse_args():
"""Parse argument values from command-line"""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Arguments required for script.")
parser.add_argument("–bootstrap_servers", required=True, help="Kafka bootstrap servers")
parser.add_argument("–read_topic", default="topicA", required=False, help="Kafka topic to read from")
parser.add_argument("–write_topic", default="topicB", required=False, help="Kafka topic to write to")
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
if __name__ == "__main__":

To submit your next PySpark job to the EMR Serverless Application, use the emr-serverless API from the AWS CLI. Similar to the first two examples, you will need (4) values: 1) your EMR Serverless Application’s application-id, 2) the ARN of your EMR Serverless Application’s execution IAM Role, 3) your MSK Serverless bootstrap server (host and port), and 4) the name of your Amazon S3 bucket containing the Spark resources.

aws emr-serverless start-job-run \
–application-id <your_application_id> \
–execution-role-arn <your_execution_role_arn> \
–name 03-example-kafka \
–job-driver '{
"sparkSubmit": {
"entryPoint": "s3://<your_s3_bucket>/scripts/",
"entryPointArguments": [
"sparkSubmitParameters": "–conf spark.jars=s3://<your_s3_bucket>/jars/*.jar"

Once the job completes, you can confirm the results by returning to your EC2-based Kafka client. Use the same kafka-console-consumer command you used previously to show messages from topicB.

bin/ \
–topic topicB \
–from-beginning –max-messages 10 \
–property print.value=true \
–property print.offset=true \
–property print.partition=true \
–property print.timestamp=true \
–bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS \
–consumer.config config/

If the Spark job and the Kafka client command worked successfully, you should see aggregated messages similar to the example output below. Note we are not using keys with the Kafka messages, only values for these simple examples.

Aggregated messages from Kafka topic

Example 4: Spark Structured Streaming

For our final example, we will switch from batch to streaming — from read to readstream and from write to writestream. Before continuing, I suggest reading the Structured Streaming Programming Guide.

In this example, we will demonstrate how to continuously measure a common business metric — real-time sales volumes. Imagine you are sell products globally and want to understand the relationship between the time of day and buying patterns in different geographic regions in real-time. For any given window of time — this 15-minute period, this hour, this day, or this week— you want to know the current sales volumes by country. You are not reviewing previous sales periods or examing running sales totals, but real-time sales during a sliding time window.

We will use two PySpark jobs running concurrently to simulate this metric. The first application,, simulates streaming data by continuously writing messages to topicC — 2,000 messages with a 0.5-second delay between messages. In my tests, the job ran for ~28–29 minutes.

# Purpose: Amazon EMR Serverless and Amazon MSK Serverless Demo
# Write messages from a CSV file to Kafka topicC
# to simulate real-time streaming sales data
# Author: Gary A. Stafford
# Date: 2022-07-27
# Note: Requires –bootstrap_servers and –s3_bucket arguments
import argparse
import time
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.types import StructField, StructType, IntegerType, \
StringType, FloatType
def main():
args = parse_args()
spark = SparkSession \
.builder \
.appName("04-stream-sales-to-kafka") \
schema = StructType([
StructField("payment_id", IntegerType(), False),
StructField("customer_id", IntegerType(), False),
StructField("amount", FloatType(), False),
StructField("payment_date", StringType(), False),
StructField("city", StringType(), True),
StructField("district", StringType(), True),
StructField("country", StringType(), False),
df_sales = read_from_csv(spark, schema, args)
write_to_kafka(spark, df_sales, args)
def read_from_csv(spark, schema, args):
df_sales = \
schema=schema, header=True, sep="|")
return df_sales
def write_to_kafka(spark, df_sales, args):
options_write = {
" required;",
sales_count = df_sales.count()
for r in range(0, sales_count):
row = df_sales.collect()[r]
df_message = spark.createDataFrame([row], df_sales.schema)
df_message = df_message \
.drop("payment_date") \
.withColumn("payment_date", F.current_timestamp())
df_message \
.selectExpr("CAST(payment_id AS STRING) AS key",
"to_json(struct(*)) AS value") \
.write \
.format("kafka") \
.options(**options_write) \
def parse_args():
"""Parse argument values from command-line"""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Arguments required for script.")
parser.add_argument("–bootstrap_servers", required=True, help="Kafka bootstrap servers")
parser.add_argument("–s3_bucket", required=True, help="Amazon S3 bucket")
parser.add_argument("–write_topic", default="topicC", required=False, help="Kafka topic to write to")
parser.add_argument("–sample_data_file", default="sales_incremental_large.csv", required=False, help="data file")
parser.add_argument("–message_delay", default=0.5, required=False, help="message publishing delay")
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
if __name__ == "__main__":

Simultaneously, the PySpark application,, continuously consumes the sales transaction messages from the same topic, topicC. Then, Spark aggregates messages over a sliding event-time window and writes the results to the console.

# Purpose: Amazon EMR Serverless and Amazon MSK Serverless Demo
# Reads stream of messages from Kafka topicC and
# writes stream of aggregations over sliding event-time window to console (stdout)
# References:
# Author: Gary A. Stafford
# Date: 2022-07-27
# Note: Requires –bootstrap_servers argument
import argparse
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.types import StructField, StructType, IntegerType, \
StringType, FloatType, TimestampType
def main():
args = parse_args()
spark = SparkSession \
.builder \
.appName("05-streaming-kafka") \
df_sales = read_from_kafka(spark, args)
def read_from_kafka(spark, args):
options_read = {
" required;",
df_sales = spark \
.readStream \
.format("kafka") \
.options(**options_read) \
return df_sales
def summarize_sales(df_sales):
schema = StructType([
StructField("payment_id", IntegerType(), False),
StructField("customer_id", IntegerType(), False),
StructField("amount", FloatType(), False),
StructField("payment_date", TimestampType(), False),
StructField("city", StringType(), True),
StructField("district", StringType(), True),
StructField("country", StringType(), False),
ds_sales = df_sales \
.selectExpr("CAST(value AS STRING)", "timestamp") \
.select(F.from_json("value", schema=schema).alias("data"), "timestamp") \
.select("data.*", "timestamp") \
.withWatermark("timestamp", "10 minutes") \
F.window("timestamp", "10 minutes", "5 minutes")) \
.agg(F.sum("amount"), F.count("amount")) \
F.col("sum(amount)").desc()) \
F.format_number("sum(amount)", 2).alias("sales"),
F.format_number("count(amount)", 0).alias("orders"),
"window.start", "window.end") \
.coalesce(1) \
.writeStream \
.queryName("streaming_to_console") \
.trigger(processingTime="1 minute") \
.outputMode("complete") \
.format("console") \
.option("numRows", 10) \
.option("truncate", False) \
def parse_args():
"""Parse argument values from command-line"""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Arguments required for script.")
parser.add_argument("–bootstrap_servers", required=True, help="Kafka bootstrap servers")
parser.add_argument("–read_topic", default="topicC", required=False, help="Kafka topic to read from")
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
if __name__ == "__main__":

To submit the two PySpark jobs to the EMR Serverless Application, use the emr-serverless API from the AWS CLI. Again, you will need (4) values: 1) your EMR Serverless Application’s application-id, 2) the ARN of your EMR Serverless Application’s execution IAM Role, 3) your MSK Serverless bootstrap server (host and port), and 4) the name of your Amazon S3 bucket containing the Spark resources.

# run 04 and 05 simultaneously
aws emr-serverless start-job-run \
–application-id <your_application_id> \
–execution-role-arn <your_execution_role_arn> \
–name 04-stream-sales-to-kafka \
–job-driver '{
"sparkSubmit": {
"entryPoint": "s3://<your_s3_bucket>/scripts/",
"entryPointArguments": [
"sparkSubmitParameters": "–conf spark.jars=s3://<your_s3_bucket>/jars/*.jar"
aws emr-serverless start-job-run \
–application-id <your_application_id> \
–execution-role-arn <your_execution_role_arn> \
–name 05-streaming-kafka \
–job-driver '{
"sparkSubmit": {
"entryPoint": "s3://<your_s3_bucket>/scripts/",
"entryPointArguments": [
"sparkSubmitParameters": "–conf spark.jars=s3://<your_s3_bucket>/jars/*.jar"

Switching to the EMR Serverless Application console, you should see both Spark jobs you just submitted in one of several job states.

EMR Studio Serverless Application details console

Using the Spark UI again, we can review the output from the second job,

Spark UI’s Jobs tab

With Spark Structured Streaming jobs, we have an extra tab in the Spark UI, Structured Streaming. This tab displays all running jobs with their latest [micro]batch number, the aggregate rate of data arriving, and the aggregate rate at which Spark is processing data. Unfortunately, with MSK Serverless, AWS doesn’t appear to allow access to the detailed streaming query statistics via the Run ID, which greatly reduces its value. You receive a 502 error when clicking on the Run ID hyperlink.

Spark UI’s Structured Streaming tab

The output we are most interested in, again, is contained in the driver executor’s stderr and stdout (first row of the second table, shown below).

Spark UI’s Executors tab

Below we see sample output from stderr. The output shows the results of a micro-batch. According to the Apache Spark documentation, internally, by default, Structured Streaming queries are processed using a micro-batch processing engine. The engine processes data streams as a series of small batch jobs, achieving end-to-end latencies as low as 100ms and exactly-once fault-tolerance guarantees.

22/07/25 14:29:04 INFO CheckpointFileManager: Renamed temp file file:/tmp/temporary-1b3adb9c-766a-4aec-97a9-decfd7be10e7/commits/.10.b017bcdc-f142-4b28-8891-d3f2d471b740.tmp to file:/tmp/temporary-1b3adb9c-766a-4aec-97a9-decfd7be10e7/commits/10
22/07/25 14:29:04 INFO MicroBatchExecution: Streaming query made progress: {
"id" : "bec9640f-ac16-4d00-bd4a-ed8d29b5f768",
"runId" : "a2e00c3a-924c-4728-b25a-56ee855da7da",
"name" : "streaming_to_console",
"timestamp" : "2022-07-25T14:29:00.000Z",
"batchId" : 10,
"numInputRows" : 73,
"inputRowsPerSecond" : 1.2166666666666666,
"processedRowsPerSecond" : 16.375056078959172,
"durationMs" : {
"addBatch" : 4359,
"getBatch" : 1,
"latestOffset" : 5,
"queryPlanning" : 37,
"triggerExecution" : 4458,
"walCommit" : 27
"eventTime" : {
"avg" : "2022-07-25T14:28:29.947Z",
"max" : "2022-07-25T14:28:59.290Z",
"min" : "2022-07-25T14:28:00.559Z",
"watermark" : "2022-07-25T14:17:59.737Z"
"stateOperators" : [ {
"operatorName" : "stateStoreSave",
"numRowsTotal" : 476,
"numRowsUpdated" : 132,
"allUpdatesTimeMs" : 319,
"numRowsRemoved" : 0,
"allRemovalsTimeMs" : 0,
"commitTimeMs" : 14173,
"memoryUsedBytes" : 262776,
"numRowsDroppedByWatermark" : 0,
"numShufflePartitions" : 400,
"numStateStoreInstances" : 400,
"customMetrics" : {
"loadedMapCacheHitCount" : 15600,
"loadedMapCacheMissCount" : 0,
"stateOnCurrentVersionSizeBytes" : 154208
} ],
"sources" : [ {
"description" : "KafkaV2[Subscribe[topicC]]",
"startOffset" : {
"topicC" : {
"2" : 101,
"5" : 96,
"4" : 88,
"1" : 84,
"3" : 112,
"0" : 100
"endOffset" : {
"topicC" : {
"2" : 114,
"5" : 110,
"4" : 98,
"1" : 98,
"3" : 124,
"0" : 110
"latestOffset" : {
"topicC" : {
"2" : 114,
"5" : 110,
"4" : 98,
"1" : 98,
"3" : 124,
"0" : 110
"numInputRows" : 73,
"inputRowsPerSecond" : 1.2166666666666666,
"processedRowsPerSecond" : 16.375056078959172,
"metrics" : {
"avgOffsetsBehindLatest" : "0.0",
"maxOffsetsBehindLatest" : "0",
"minOffsetsBehindLatest" : "0"
} ],
"sink" : {
"description" : "org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.ConsoleTable$@52e344bf",
"numOutputRows" : 238
view raw microbatch.txt hosted with ❤ by GitHub
Example of a Spark Structured Streaming MicroBatch output

The corresponding output to the micro-batch output above is shown below. We see the initial micro-batch results, starting with the first micro-batch before any messages are streamed to topicC.

Batch: 0
Batch: 1
|country |sales|orders|start |end |
|Azerbaijan|7.99 |1 |2022-07-25 14:15:00|2022-07-25 14:25:00|
|Sri Lanka |6.99 |1 |2022-07-25 14:15:00|2022-07-25 14:25:00|
|Iran |5.99 |1 |2022-07-25 14:15:00|2022-07-25 14:25:00|
|Brazil |5.99 |1 |2022-07-25 14:15:00|2022-07-25 14:25:00|
|Azerbaijan|7.99 |1 |2022-07-25 14:10:00|2022-07-25 14:20:00|
|Sri Lanka |6.99 |1 |2022-07-25 14:10:00|2022-07-25 14:20:00|
|Brazil |5.99 |1 |2022-07-25 14:10:00|2022-07-25 14:20:00|
|Iran |5.99 |1 |2022-07-25 14:10:00|2022-07-25 14:20:00|
Batch: 2
|country |sales|orders|start |end |
|Russian Federation|43.94|6 |2022-07-25 14:20:00|2022-07-25 14:30:00|
|China |37.94|6 |2022-07-25 14:20:00|2022-07-25 14:30:00|
|Mexico |34.96|4 |2022-07-25 14:20:00|2022-07-25 14:30:00|
|India |33.95|5 |2022-07-25 14:20:00|2022-07-25 14:30:00|
|United States |26.96|4 |2022-07-25 14:20:00|2022-07-25 14:30:00|
|Philippines |22.97|3 |2022-07-25 14:20:00|2022-07-25 14:30:00|
|Nigeria |22.97|3 |2022-07-25 14:20:00|2022-07-25 14:30:00|
|Iran |14.98|2 |2022-07-25 14:20:00|2022-07-25 14:30:00|
|Vietnam |13.98|2 |2022-07-25 14:20:00|2022-07-25 14:30:00|
|United Kingdom |11.99|1 |2022-07-25 14:20:00|2022-07-25 14:30:00|
only showing top 10 rows
Example of a Spark Structured Streaming MicroBatch results to console

If you are familiar with Spark Structured Streaming, you are likely aware that these Spark jobs run continuously. In other words, the streaming jobs will not stop; they continually await more streaming data.

EMR Studio Serverless Application details console

The first job,, will run for ~28–29 minutes and stop with a status of Sucess. However, the second job,, the Spark Structured Streaming job, must be manually canceled.

EMR Studio Serverless Application details console

Cleaning Up

You can delete your resources from the AWS Management Console or AWS CLI. However, to delete your Amazon S3 bucket, all objects (including all object versions and delete markers) in the bucket must be deleted before the bucket itself can be deleted.

# delete applicatiom, cluster, and ec2 client
aws kafka delete-cluster –cluster-arn <your_msk_serverless_cluster_arn>
aws emr-serverless delete-application –application-id <your_application_id>
aws ec2 terminate-instances –instance-ids <your_ec2_instance_id>
# all objects (including all object versions and delete markers) in the bucket
# must be deleted before the bucket itself can be deleted.
aws s3api delete-bucket –bucket <your_s3_bucket>


In this post, we discovered how easy it is to adopt a serverless approach to Analytics on AWS. With EMR Serverless, you don’t have to configure, optimize, secure, or operate clusters to run applications with these frameworks. With MSK Serverless, you can use Apache Kafka on demand and pay for the data you stream and retain. In addition, MSK Serverless automatically provisions and scales compute and storage resources. Given suitable analytics use cases, EMR Serverless with MSK Serverless will likely save you time, effort, and expense.

This blog represents my viewpoints and not of my employer, Amazon Web Services (AWS). All product names, logos, and brands are the property of their respective owners. All diagrams and illustrations are the property of the author unless otherwise noted.

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Utilizing In-memory Data Caching to Enhance the Performance of Data Lake-based Applications

Significantly improve the performance and reduce the cost of data lake-based analytics applications using Amazon ElastiCache for Redis


The recent post, Developing Spring Boot Applications for Querying Data Lakes on AWS using Amazon Athena, demonstrated how to develop a Cloud-native analytics application using Spring Boot. The application queried data in an Amazon S3-based data lake via an AWS Glue Data Catalog utilizing the Amazon Athena API.

Securely exposing data in a data lake using RESTful APIs can fulfill many data-consumer needs. However, access to that data can be significantly slower than access from a database or data warehouse. For example, in the previous post, we imported the OpenAPI v3 specification from the Spring Boot service into Postman. The API specification contained approximately 17 endpoints.

Running a suite of integration tests against the Spring Boot service using Postman

From my local development laptop, the Postman API test run times for all service endpoints took an average of 32.4 seconds. The Spring Boot service was running three Kubernetes pod replicas on Amazon EKS in the AWS US East (N. Virginia) Region.

Sample of test results ran from service (no Redis cache)

Compare the data lake query result times to equivalent queries made against a minimally-sized Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL database instance containing the same data. The average run times for all PostgreSQL queries averaged 10.8 seconds from a similar Spring Boot service. Although not a precise benchmark, we can clearly see that access to the data in the Amazon S3-based data lake is substantially slower, approximately 3x slower, than that of the PostgreSQL database. Tuning the database would easily create an even greater disparity.

Sample of test results for queries ran from service against Athena vs. PostgreSQL (quicker is better)

Caching for Data Lakes

According to AWS, the speed and throughput of a database can be the most impactful factor for overall application performance. Consequently, in-memory data caching can be one of the most effective strategies to improve overall application performance and reduce database costs. This same caching strategy can be applied to analytics applications built atop data lakes, as this post will demonstrate.

High-level AWS architecture demonstrated in this post

In-memory Caching

According to Hazelcast, memory caching (aka in-memory caching), often simply referred to as caching, is a technique in which computer applications temporarily store data in a computer’s main memory (e.g., RAM) to enable fast retrievals of that data. The RAM used for the temporary storage is known as the cache. As an application tries to read data, typically from a data storage system like a database, it checks to see if the desired record already exists in the cache. If it does, the application will read the data from the cache, thus eliminating the slower access to the database. If the desired record is not in the cache, then the application reads the record from the source. When it retrieves that data, it writes it to the cache so that when the application needs that same data in the future, it can quickly retrieve it from the cache.

Further, according to Hazelcast, as an application tries to read data, typically from a data storage system like a database, it checks to see if the desired record already exists in the cache. If it does, the application will read the data from the cache, thus eliminating the slower access to the database. If the desired record is not in the cache, then the application reads the record from the source. When it retrieves that data, it writes it to the cache so that when the application needs that same data in the future, it can quickly retrieve it from the cache.

Redis In-memory Data Store

According to their website, Redis is the open-source, in-memory data store used by millions of developers as a database, cache, streaming engine, and message broker. Redis provides data structures such as stringshasheslistssetssorted sets with range queries, bitmapshyperloglogsgeospatial indexes, and streams. In addition, Redis has built-in replicationLua scriptingLRU evictiontransactions, and different levels of on-disk persistence and provides high availability via Redis Sentinel and automatic partitioning with Redis Cluster.

Amazon ElastiCache for Redis

According to AWS, Amazon ElastiCache for Redis, the fully-managed version of Redis, according to AWS, is a blazing fast in-memory data store that provides sub-millisecond latency to power internet-scale real-time applications. Redis applications can work seamlessly with ElastiCache for Redis without any code changes. ElastiCache for Redis combines the speed, simplicity, and versatility of open-source Redis with manageability, security, and scalability from AWS. As a result, Redis is an excellent choice for implementing a highly available in-memory cache to decrease data access latency, increase throughput, and ease the load on relational and NoSQL databases.

ElastiCache Performance Results

In the following post, we will add in-memory caching to the Spring Boot service introduced in the previous post. In preliminary tests with Amazon ElastiCache for Redis, the Spring Boot service delivered a 34x improvement in average response times. For example, test runs with the best-case scenario of a Redis cache hit ratio of 100% averaged 0.95 seconds compared to 32.4 seconds without Redis.

Sample of uncached versus cached test results (quicker is better)

Source Code

All the source code and Docker and Kubernetes resources are open-source and available on GitHub.

git clone --depth 1 -b redis \

In addition, a Docker image for the Redis-base Spring Boot service is available on Docker Hub. For this post, use the latest tag with the .redis suffix.

Spring Boot service images are available on Docker Hub

Code Changes

The following code changes are required to the Spring Boot service to implement Spring Boot Cache with Redis.

Gradle Build

The file now implements two additional dependencies, Spring Boot’s spring-boot-starter-cache and spring-boot-starter-data-redis (lines 45–46).

plugins {
id 'org.springframework.boot' version '2.7.1'
id 'io.spring.dependency-management' version '1.0.11.RELEASE'
id 'java'
id 'io.freefair.lombok' version '6.5.0-rc1'
group = 'aws.example'
version = '2.0.0'
sourceCompatibility = '17'
def awsSdkVersion = '2.17.225'
def springBootVersion = '2.7.1'
def restAssuredVersion = '5.1.1'
repositories {
dependencies {
// aws sdk
runtimeOnly "${awsSdkVersion}"
implementation "${awsSdkVersion}"
// spring
annotationProcessor "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-configuration-processor:${springBootVersion}"
implementation "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web:${springBootVersion}"
implementation "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web:${springBootVersion}"
implementation "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-actuator:${springBootVersion}"
developmentOnly "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-devtools:${springBootVersion}"
implementation 'org.springdoc:springdoc-openapi-ui:1.6.9'
implementation 'org.springframework:spring-context:5.3.20'
// testings
testImplementation "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test:${springBootVersion}"
testImplementation "${restAssuredVersion}"
testImplementation "${restAssuredVersion}"
testImplementation "${restAssuredVersion}"
testImplementation "${restAssuredVersion}"
// monitoring
implementation 'io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-prometheus:1.9.1'
// spring caching with redis
implementation "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-cache:${springBootVersion}"
implementation "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-redis:${springBootVersion}"
tasks.named('test') {
view raw build.gradle hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Application Properties

The application properties file, application.yml, has been modified for both the dev and prod Spring Profiles. The dev Spring Profile expects Redis to be running on localhost. Correspondingly, the project’s docker-compose.yml file now includes a Redis container for local development. The time-to-live (TTL) for all Redis caches is arbitrarily set to one minute for dev and five minutes for prod. To increase application performance and reduce the cost of querying the data lake using Athena, increase Redis’s TTL. Note that increasing the TTL will reduce data freshness.

active: dev
port: 8080
contextPath: /v1
region: us-east-1
workgroup: primary
catalog: AwsDataCatalog
database: tickit_demo
limit: 25
client-execution-timeout: 100000
retry-sleep: 1000
results-bucket: ${RESULTS_BUCKET}
named-query-id: ${NAMED_QUERY_ID}
on-profile: dev
host: localhost
port: 6379
time-to-live: 60000 # 1000 ms * 60 * 1 = 1 min
enable-statistics: true
port: 8080
root: DEBUG
include: '*'
include: '*'
on-profile: prod
host: ${REDIS_HOST}
port: 6379
time-to-live: 300000 # 1000 ms * 60 * 5 = 5 min
enable-statistics: true
root: INFO
include: health, prometheus
include: health
view raw application.yml hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Athena Application Class

The AthenaApplication class declaration is now decorated with Spring Framework’s EnableCaching annotation (line 22). Additionally, two new Beans have been added (lines 58–68). Spring Redis provides an implementation for the Spring cache abstraction through the package. The RedisCacheManager cache manager creates caches by default upon the first write. The RedisCacheConfiguration cache configuration helps to customize RedisCache behavior such as caching null values, cache key prefixes, and binary serialization.

package com.example.athena;
import com.example.athena.common.PreparedStatement;
import com.example.athena.common.View;
import com.example.athena.config.ConfigProperties;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.cache.annotation.EnableCaching;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.CorsRegistry;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.WebMvcConfigurer;
import java.time.Duration;
public class AthenaApplication {
private final PreparedStatement preparedStatement;
private final View view;
public AthenaApplication(PreparedStatement preparedStatement, View view) {
this.preparedStatement = preparedStatement;
this.view = view;
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
void CreatePreparedStatement() {
void createView() {
public WebMvcConfigurer corsConfigurer() {
return new WebMvcConfigurer() {
public void addCorsMappings(CorsRegistry registry) {
public RedisCacheManager cacheManager(RedisConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
return RedisCacheManager.create(connectionFactory);
public RedisCacheConfiguration cacheConfiguration() {
return RedisCacheConfiguration.defaultCacheConfig()

POJO Data Model Classes

Spring Boot Redis caching uses Java serialization and deserialization. Therefore, all the POJO data model classes must implement Serializable (line 14).

package com.example.athena.tickit.model.ecomm;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
public class Listing implements Serializable {
private int id;
private int sellerId;
private int eventId;
private int dateId;
private int numTickets;
private BigDecimal pricePerTicket;
private LocalDateTime listTime;
view raw hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Service Classes

Each public method in the Service classes is now decorated with Spring Framework’s Cachable annotation (lines 42 and 66). For example, the findById(int id) method in the CategoryServiceImp class is annotated with @Cacheable(value = "categories", key = "#id"). The method’s key parameter uses Spring Expression Language (SpEL) expression for computing the key dynamically. Default is null, meaning all method parameters are considered as a key unless a custom keyGenerator has been configured. If no value is found in the Redis cache for the computed key, the target method will be invoked, and the returned value will be stored in the associated cache.

package com.example.athena.tickit.service;
import com.example.athena.common.AthenaClientFactory;
import com.example.athena.common.AthenaCommon;
import com.example.athena.config.ConfigProperties;
import com.example.athena.tickit.model.ecomm.Listing;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.cache.annotation.Cacheable;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import static java.lang.Integer.parseInt;
public class ListingServiceImp implements ListingService {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ListingServiceImp.class);
private final ConfigProperties configProperties;
private final AthenaClientFactory athenaClientFactory;
private final AthenaCommon athenaCommon;
public ListingServiceImp(ConfigProperties configProperties, AthenaClientFactory athenaClientFactory, AthenaCommon athenaCommon) {
this.configProperties = configProperties;
this.athenaClientFactory = athenaClientFactory;
this.athenaCommon = athenaCommon;
@Cacheable(value = "listings")
public List<Listing> findAll(Integer limit, Integer offset) {
if (limit == null || limit < 1 || limit > configProperties.getLimit()) {
limit = configProperties.getLimit();
if (offset == null || offset < 1) {
offset = 0;
String whereClause = "WHERE listid IS NOT NULL";
String query = String.format("""
FROM refined_tickit_public_listing
ORDER BY listid
LIMIT %s;""", whereClause, offset, limit);
return startQuery(query);
@Cacheable(value = "listing", key = "#id")
public Listing findById(int id) {
String query = String.format("""
FROM refined_tickit_public_listing
WHERE listid=%s""", id);
Listing listing;
try {
listing = startQuery(query).get(0);
} catch (java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
return null;
return listing;
private List<Listing> startQuery(String query) {
logger.debug(String.format("Query: %s", query.replace("\n", " ")));
AthenaClient athenaClient = athenaClientFactory.createClient();
String queryExecutionId = athenaCommon.submitAthenaQuery(athenaClient, query);
athenaCommon.waitForQueryToComplete(athenaClient, queryExecutionId);
List<Listing> listings = processResultRows(athenaClient, queryExecutionId);
return listings;
private List<Listing> processResultRows(AthenaClient athenaClient, String queryExecutionId) {
List<Listing> listings = new ArrayList<>();
try {
GetQueryResultsRequest getQueryResultsRequest = GetQueryResultsRequest.builder()
GetQueryResultsIterable getQueryResultsResults = athenaClient.getQueryResultsPaginator(getQueryResultsRequest);
List<Row> rows;
DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S");
for (GetQueryResultsResponse result : getQueryResultsResults) {
rows = result.resultSet().rows();
for (Row myRow : rows.subList(1, rows.size())) { // skip first row – column names
List<Datum> allData =;
Listing listing = new Listing();
listing.setPricePerTicket(new BigDecimal(allData.get(5).varCharValue()));
listing.setListTime(LocalDateTime.parse(allData.get(6).varCharValue(), formatter));
} catch (AthenaException e) {
return listings;

Controller Classes

There are no changes required to the Controller classes.

Amazon ElastiCache for Redis

Multiple options are available for creating an Amazon ElastiCache for Redis cluster, including cluster mode, multi-AZ option, auto-failover option, node type, number of replicas, number of shards, replicas per shard, Availability Zone placements, and encryption at rest and encryption in transit options. The results in this post are based on a minimally-configured Redis version 6.2.6 cluster, with one shard, two cache.r6g.large nodes, and cluster mode, multi-AZ option, and auto-failover all disabled. In addition, encryption at rest and encryption in transit were also disabled. This cluster configuration is sufficient for development and testing, but not Production.

Amazon ElastiCache for Redis cluster used for this post
Amazon ElastiCache for Redis cluster monitoring console showing caching activity

Testing the Cache

To test Amazon ElastiCache for Redis, we will use Postman again with the imported OpenAPI v3 specification. With all data evicted from existing Redis caches, the first time the Postman tests run, they cause the service’s target methods to be invoked and the returned data stored in the associated caches.

Running a suite of integration tests against the Spring Boot service using Postman

To confirm this caching behavior, use the Redis CLI’s --scan option. To access the redis-cli, I deployed a single Redis pod to Amazon EKS. The first time the --scan command runs, we should get back an empty list of keys. After the first Postman test run, the same --scan command should return a list of cached keys.

List of cached keys in Redis

Use the Redis CLI’s MONITOR option to further confirm data is being cached, as indicated by the set command.

Athena query results being cached in Redis

After the initial caching of data, use the Redis CLI’s MONITOR option, again, to confirm the cache is being hit instead of calling the target methods, which would then invoke the Athena API. Rerunning the Postman tests, we should see get commands as opposed to set commands.

Monitoring cache hits in Redis

Lastly, to confirm the Spring Boot service is effectively using Redis to cache data, we can also check Amazon Athena’s Recent queries tab in the AWS Management Console. After repeated sequential test runs within the TTL window, we should only see one Athena query per endpoint.

Amazon Athena Recent queries tab in the AWS Management Console


In this brief follow-up to the recent post, Developing Spring Boot Applications for Querying Data Lakes on AWS using Amazon Athena, we saw how to substantially increase data lake application performance using Amazon ElastiCache for Redis. Although this caching technique is often associated with databases, it can also be effectively applied to data lake-based applications, as demonstrated in the post.

This blog represents my viewpoints and not of my employer, Amazon Web Services (AWS). All product names, logos, and brands are the property of their respective owners. All diagrams and illustrations are property of the author unless otherwise noted.

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